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Everything posted by atom3624

  1. Strangest of things, I remember Indian Queens - typically 10 hours after setting off from Liverpool, about 18:30 / 19:00 in the evening, everyone drained ... heading to Newquay in the family HA Viva EDJ 278 C ... relatively small world again ... Al.
  2. I think it's a case of communication - informing and pre-empting, not leaving the customer in limbo, having to ask the questions. Well done once again to AS for maintaining the updates. Al.
  3. Hi Fran, keep the updates coming. This is still looking like the model railway addition we've all been waiting for, and fantastic attention to detail. It is what it is, and I think everyone is prepared to wait that little bit longer for a model of such quality and detail. Al.
  4. I see you have purchased a new chassis - good development. In the event it's still required, just noticed this on Ebay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/from-Hornby-Royal-Scot-Class-7P-chassis-and-motor/363033779714?hash=item54867fde02:g:B2oAAOSwrHNe-Js8 Al.
  5. One thing I noticed is that the plastic yoke or drive cup pushes firmly into the brass flywheels - one each side. Is it possible the drive cups are loose? (Not really concentrated on what your problem is.) I replaced the motor, which came with flywheels, but without the drive cups / yokes, so had to remove from the old. I superglued into position to ensure they don't work loose again. Perhaps it's suppose to be a 'safety feature' to limit possibilities of overloading the motor - didn't work! Al.
  6. It's the easiest, most logically assembled 'modern' locomotive I've yet encountered. I had a major issue which required my replacing the motor - not encountered another locomotive which is easier to work on, with such a well-laid-out chassis. Al.
  7. I've had the lid off a couple of times and it's taken an age to replace - just so much detailing to ensure is refitted / lined up correctly. Al.
  8. I purchased this just in case, late last year: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-X7219-Royal-Scot-Chassis-Block-Motor-Retainer/323852122018?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 Al.
  9. Hi Ray, I've some superb newer ones - A1 and A2 for example, and some not so, as you say. Agreed, also, I've one superb LNER Green Arrow - drivers look like it's probably an old-type split chassis but it's a superb runner - 'limited edition' or not, they get run in my house! Totally agreed, it's a bit of a lottery, I'm just more wary of the fragile 'axles' of the split chassis now. Al.
  10. Looks SUPERB!! Would love a 6233 precisely like that - memories of Bressingham in the 70's - LMS CL livery and no blinkers - made Oliver Cromwell look pretty ordinary!! Al.
  11. Here's mine on a 'speed test' - slow one - a couple of years ago: It's a very decent runner but there is a LOT of detailing to be careful of, and tight-fitting motor and wires should you need to remove the body - be very careful. Al.
  12. For me, I generally try to purchase 'preserved kettles', hence why it had to be Mayflower. The body does have it's flaws, and I have been wondering whether the older bodies will fit the non-split chassis newer ones. Still, this seems to be working now, so job's nearly a gud'un. Al.
  13. This can be seen, but how could it have been permitted to be used for publicity shots? I certainly wouldn't want to see this, even if it were an 'engineering prototype'. Al.
  14. Probably not going to like this, but is that cab leaning backwards a little? Al.
  15. I tried everything - apologies for the late reply. No joy. I got a set of 'isolators' and a pair of springs from Jenni anyway. Managed to reassemble everything after a thorough clean ... quite a neat assembly job by Bachmann there - easy to work on. Despite the new isolators, I superglued them in, and cleaned and cleaned .... and had a 23$er of a job getting it going. Quartering? Possibly, 'though most is covered by the design of the isolators with virtually no room for movement. The wheels were of course 'gapped' B2B. Whilst I was at it, I painted inside the cab - roof off-white, and the piping / guages relief mouldings sort-of as they should be. Seats were sanded down to limit mould lines, backs painted green, crew fitted. Tools added to the tender as well, and handles painted - I like to use red. A few photos - I'm liking this locomotive now. I added the cab floor extension from a piece of plastic sheet, the same used for the cab door side - slightly exaggerated hinged areas I admit. Al.
  16. I've a 31-677 - and it runs very nicely. It's a bit light, so haulage capacity is not brilliant, but it's a smooth and relatively quiet runner. Mine has run for several hours in each direction, particularly the principal direction, so this may have aided mine. I definitely wouldn't say it's 'silent', but it's definitely not in the realms of a Massey Ferguson! Al.
  17. I saw the Sam's Trains video as well. Lovely looking locomotive. Must admit, I was concerned with the performance, particularly considering the relative lack of weight. He compared it to an older 'Large Prairie' momentarily, and at half power, or similar as stated, it didn't keep moving at the reasonably speed it was travelling at, it slowed and stalled. The older one when stalled, spun it's wheels. For a better understanding, it is better to see the video, but was a little concerning. Is this performance typical for others who've purchased it? Al.
  18. Wonder if they have DCC options for clag and thrash - white or black ... !!
  19. TBH I was hoping / anticipating to read that, especially with the COVID-induced delay that QC 'issues' had been resolved, or at least to read of fewer issues. It appears to still be a bit hit-or-miss, or am I mistaken? Al.
  20. Imagine a row of Victorian houses, and each with a different scent ... !! I'm trying not to imagine what the loft would look / smell like!! At least if it were a shed, you could have doors and windows opened from time to time!! Al.
  21. Must admit, this one's fighting me! Placed all parts carefully into a resealable bag. The 2 motor contact springs seem to have perfectly found each other - cannot separate them! They're the little copper-looking 2x5 mm springs to one side of each motor 'spade' making contact with the sides. I'll have to ask Jenni to assist a little more ... unless I can separate them. Al.
  22. I was going to say the same sort of thing. Don't generally see exhaust fumes apart from clag when cold, or it'll start when the engine's revved up. Ticking over / lower revs, once warmed up, there's little to be seen. Al.
  23. Thanks Ray. Jenni's been very helpful to me several times this year. Understand, hours are weird with Covid. I want to get this one running again, shouldn't be too difficult. Actually pulled the whole chassis apart within 10 minutes this afternoon, then started cleaning up parts. Motor seems strong and healthy. Little lube required. I've got all parts, and the 2 little contact springs for the motor. Al.
  24. OLD THREAD RESURRECTION ... I've just 'won' a B1 Mayflower for an acceptable price. All is as described, but obviously cannot really be 'NEW' as it's pretty ancient - fully understood by yours truly. Thing is, opening up at work, on my desk, a quick 'battery test' confirmed power collection from all 6 drivers, but ... the front drivers are not as connected as they should be. I've contacted Bachmann directly in the event they can supply replacement 'isolators' but failing that who else supplies them please? I read somewhere Peters Spare have done them. Once home, I can open up and 'see the damage' - if fully split / broken. I have read some have used Superglue to resolve. Thanks, Al.
  25. 'Twas a bit of fun no more / less - no insult intended. Al.
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