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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. A bit like this then! And with highlights Now, depending upon the gauge of that loose track at the top, if it's N Gauge, then this an 00 Layout, or if it's OO track, then this is an O Layout!
  2. Any advance images for our perusal? (I.e. a sneak peek)
  3. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/110663-the-ffarquhar-branch/page-1 Topic on RMWeb for the ffarquhar branch
  4. Just been led here by that embarrassing Edwardian chappie. Can't see any reason why you would need to be though. It gives the impression of a model of an area that just happens to have a railway in it. A very believable scene. Dave
  5. And this one if you don't get the hang of it.
  6. Actually, think that Gerry got it Yesterday! From Langley models http://www.langleymodels.co.uk/shop/sh000001.pl?REFPAGE=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2elangleymodels%2eco%2euk%2fshop%2fss000001%2epl%3fpage%3dsearch%26PR%3d-1%26TB%3dA%26SS%3dMorris%26ACTION%3dquick%20search&WD=morris&PN=Online_Catalogue_OO_Vehicle_kits_G1___G84_23%2ehtml%23aG40#aG40
  7. Looks more like the Morris C11/40f. Seen with a clearer head than last night! Available here http://johndaymodels.webplus.net/1920-1940two.html. SRV-62 Edit :- Actually, don't think so !!!! Radiator is not inline with front of vehicle as in photo.
  8. Is the van closest on the right one of these? http://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-morris-commercial-lc3-post-office-van-165641150.html Morris c11 https://goo.gl/images/tkyVZS https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/AdSDV1oXDFZGpWaqQI7JbNzzBkekOUw1CQ23pElWWksud0DaiVzmvHM/ Or a slightly earlier version https://prestonservices.co.uk/item/morris-1947-commercial-van/
  9. Harlequin, (Phil) Which software package did you use for this design. Not seen an output like this before, nice and clear. Dave
  10. As the festive time approaches, here's an Edwardian (1916) Scalescene's Xmas design for your delight.
  11. Closer to Hampshire, heading north from Rowlands Castle to Buriton, there's a series of paths that you can take that follow the tracks.
  12. Between Arundel and Amberley is good. Amberley Museum one end, Arundel Castle the other. Pubs as well! I use this site for online OS maps https://www.fonant.com/osmap.html
  13. It's in Banwell. Corner of West Street (A371) and Church St. Must have been a quiet day! https://goo.gl/maps/uxQQHh7XTiF2
  14. http://glostransporthistory.visit-gloucestershire.co.uk/M5_M50_NGRE_2012.htm part way down page. https://ehive.com/collections/3426/objects/5133/the-wantage-tram-at-the-wantage-station-yard-mill-street Wantage Tramway Station has a good example.
  15. or if you want a weekend away, try this, "The Carriage Room 48" https://www.thehoste.com/rooms-suites/railway-house/
  16. Well, if someone's back on the tiller, then it's probably about time that we headed off on a new tack. Came across this document from Historic England about Goods Sheds. Starting to read it (well, look at the pictures!), seems quite good. Historic England the-railway-goods-shed-and-warehouse.pdf
  17. Watch this one... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/technology-33049253/darpa-robotics-challenge-the-best-falls-and-fails
  18. You certainly seem to put the miles in! Do you know how many you do in a week / month / year? Must be a lot.
  19. I guess it depends upon what time "high time" is. Is 6:18pm high time?
  20. Not actual forced perspective, but a good example perspective itself.
  21. Looks like they were an early "Equal Opportunities" company going by the little guy on the floor.
  22. Saw this layout at Southampton last year (Jan 16). Some of my photo's below
  23. Shadow


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