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Winslow Boy

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Everything posted by Winslow Boy

  1. Hmm this manual that you are referring to would that be the one translated by a Frenchman into Swahili which was then translated into Servo Croatian by a south Korean and reinterpretated by an inuit into mandarin? Of perhaps it was the one where all the diagrams were incorrectly captioned. Its just that I'm asking on behalf of a 'friend' you see as he wants to make a good impression when he meets the in-laws.
  2. Wow that must be a big minion to support the Gotthard Base Tunnel or does he have assistance
  3. You mean don't go nuclear when a guided .missile would work.
  4. I was told by my dentist that after about a month then corsodyl is no longer effective.
  5. It all depends on what you think is a catastrophes.
  6. It is my understanding that you can get a cream for that, with a built in applicator as well. Just in case you live alone or are too shy.
  7. Wow that looks almost like the real thing and not a sign of any bluetack.
  8. I have found from bitter experience that life is much the same. You spend a inordinate amount of time setting things up, to ensure that it doesn't go pear shaped, only to find that the actual deed is not all that it is alleged to be.
  9. Wow I wouldn't won't to get on the wrong side of you that's all I can say. If you burnt the hotel down just because they couldn't produce a good cup of tea heaven knows what you might do if I slighted you.
  10. Now Mr Bear that all depends upon your interpretation of 'cake' doesn't it? Does it have a preserve in it? Yes. Is it made out of sponge? Yes. So what do we say now Mr Bear? Yes it is a cake. Go and stand in the corner and think about what you tried to do and when you finish thinking about it we may send you a piece of cake if you apologise to the ER's. You naughty bear.
  11. What an excellent video, very informative. Another string to your already multi strung bow. Perhaps we should be call you Mr Demill.
  12. Knowing Baz he could probably provide you with the blueprints and you could build it yourself. Don't know what that receptionist would say though when you pulled into the surgery carpark though. Nadya might insist on you being buried in it. Let me know and I'll slip the gravediggers a few quid to keep them sweet.
  13. Ah well that would be covered then by option b) three weeks trekking across the Artic ice sheet to reach the North Pole.
  14. I must Kevin that is a very impressive back scene. Did you fabricate it yourself? If I had a comment to make it would be that whilst the back scene is awfully good it feels/seems? a bit 'full'. I always got the impression that LM was one up from a village, not quite a town but somewhere in between a town and a village. I don't know if that was the scene you where trying to set if it was then perhaps thinning out the back scene would help. It is just an observation and I'm sure you'll come up with something that will be excellent.
  15. Would the answer to that be ; a) in the Caribbean Happy St David's Big H
  16. No sign of the couplings or bolts I take it though?
  17. Excellent job Rob. You've even managed to get that sheen/bloom that you see old boards.
  18. I will confess il Dottore that I too fall into the same category as yourself. I suspect that having football 'taught' - I was going to say rammed down your throat but thought that was a bit over the top, from an early age did not help. It did lead to some interesting discussions in later life though when it became clear that I was interested in horticulture as a career. Particularly when i was responsible for the maintenance of pitches.
  19. So that's Dragons one, Chariots Nil is it?
  20. My father, who followers of this esteemed column will recall founded a football club, used to say that there were two sorts of football 'followers' s. There are the followers these are the people who enjoy watching the game because of the comradeship and the fact that it allows them to be involved in something bigger than them. Then there are the supporters, these people were the ones who would turn out on Saturday afternoons and Sunday mornings in the pouring rain etc. Needless to say which my father was. I won't tell you what he thought of some of bigger league clubs but suffice to say he wasn't enamored with them.
  21. Ah had a few of them throughout my career. The outsider brought it to shoot a few of the walking dead and then swoop of to pastures new. I wish them luck. The memsarb probably got out just in time as often it is the 'trouble makers I.e the ones who actu ally get things done who seem to end up on the chopping block. As to divisions of labour well where to start. Anybody remember the splitting off of the maintenance from the 'client' side in the 80's. Not dwelling on the politics of it but I do. What a great way to clear house of the less than able staff, not. What was forgotten was the fact that if they were incompetant before then it didn't much matter, now if they cocked up then whole entity could collapse. There is only so much 'talent/competency in the gene pool and the smaller the pool the ........
  22. Not wishing to pour cold water on yours and good missus hopes but I wouldn't hold your breath. There is one thing I learnt about local government and that it doest move very quickly. It is extremely difficult to get someone dismissed for incompetence even when it is blatent and even 'encouraging' them to move on can be dangerous because of the likely hood of it backfiring- more so given the fact that you are on a small island. Even so it will have helped Ms NHN to have talked about it.
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