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Everything posted by PeterStiles

  1. It's sad that repair costs of only £117 took this out of a childrens library: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/325664980975?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=vT4G80uWSqS&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=v6cpl3kbqqi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I think I'd pay that to fix it if they'd put it back in the library and encourage children to play with trains... :(
  2. I have email from Hornby informing me it's arrived with them and will be forwarded ASAP... Now where did I leave that decoder?
  3. I found "time traveller with floppy hat and long scarf" on eBay a couple of years ago... I'm sure they rerun the ads every so often.
  4. you mean 12" to the foot! that's the only "normal size" you know...
  5. I have one loco loaded up with a HM7000 Hornby TXS sound and Power Bank. I ran it round the temporary layout (I don't have a permanent DCC layout (as yet) ) and was reasonably pleased, although lacking Apple gear I was just treating it as a normal DCC decoder. I switched everything off and started packing away when I was surprised to hear a hissing noise and I looked around and realised I'd left the loco sound "on" and so it was idling. I stared at it, and it kept hissing gently. I packed everything away and picked the loco up, still hissing, and boxed it up, and shelved it... still hissing. It took over _30_ seconds from power-off to the sound finally stopping. I should have measured it but I wasn't expecting it. That's way over the 12 seconds the marketing said we'd get; however I suppose it was only driving a speaker and some chips, and no motor involved, but in any world that seems like one hell of a stay-alive.
  6. That's the date of the coronation, in case you hadn't realised...
  7. Ok. I'll just have to build more tunnels...
  8. Do we then agree, that this model which does up to 25mph with a following wind and down a gradient,is _defective_?
  9. Whilst searching for a Merchant Navy as a present for my esteemed wife, I came across this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/381275548360?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=5Z6FVILETWS&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=v6cpl3kbqqi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY £149, I thought, not too bad for the Hornby...but ... It's an ashtray. Seriously, an ashtray? Is there an Ashtray-Web set if forums I should be posting this on? Do they laugh when they get a Hornby or GraFar model popping up on *their* searches? What would it cost if it still had The Box?
  10. Ooooooh... There's something I want to buy in eBay... But it's being listed by gostude... I'm torn between feeding the beast or feeding my layout.. Decisions, decisions!
  11. This New sprint format makes no sense to me, or it that *even less* sense than the prior format. Given the risk to your car in a circuit like this I see no reason why the back third of the grid even bothered to leave the garage. Where's the reward for the car in 20th overtaking ten cars? Nowhere, except you just gave yourselves ten chances of wheel-to-wheel/bodywork damage. At least when the Sprint decided starting positions for the race it was important to every driver. Now I feel it's just a waste of time and money. On another tack: is this track too tough on the teams? Given the damage done up and down the field by the unforgiving nature of the walls, shouldn't the FIA look into how much attrition there is at this track, year after year, in all formula, and decide 'its a waste of money'? I'm not saying Just Race On The Safer tracks, I'm saying that maybe, just maybe, if there are tracks with more than the average number of car-debili rating crashes, year in year, that you realise the track is at fault, and try to fix it? (Monaco excepted, it's been around long enough for every driver on the planet with a PlayStation to know the track backwards)... Actually, tying the threads together, it seems that as the race went on, the F1 drivers became able to drive the track with a greater degree of safety (on average at least) and so, maybe, on a circuit like this if they'd had the normal Practice sessions maybe quali and the race would have been cleaner? So maybe leave any form of Sprint to the circuits that have large, forgiving, caring even, run-offs, and let the Tough circuits alone?
  12. "Benson, Arizona, you always wore your hair, My body flies the galaxy, my heart longs to be there..."
  13. Yes, it could, and i'd happily let you do it, because I fear the wrath of the Wiki moderators even more than the RMWeb members of the species....
  14. I keep wanting to put pictures of this on this wiki page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomson's_gazelle
  15. erm. more likely they will test devices that are "on hand" so i'd suggest that the list of devices they test against is fairly indicative of the list of devices owned and used by people working in the premises...
  16. Maybe "backwards" and "forwards" are now considered "Functions"?
  17. I'm interesting in what SECR loco Rapido are going to give us to pull these trains. There's been hint after hint of a possible SECR loco rolling off their production lines and I'd love to see something new to RTR, something that can be Wainwright green as well as through to BR days, something mixed-freight so we can couple up some birdcages, something beautiful.. That would also come out in 'N' to suite those wagons too. There's lots of potential choices...
  18. Mine arrived from the SVR today. I say mine, but it appears that The Esteemed Wife has taken ownership and she is, in fact, cuddling it as she falls asleep next to me. I may have to order a second one.
  19. Although not normally an issue if your layout is a GWT BLT.
  20. N gauge Southern push-pull sets for M7s or Terriers to pull. Opens possibility of box sets of M7/T with two coaches - or ever a Kato M1+train+coaches set :)
  21. it does sound like Dapol could shift a few if they could get the tooling together? i mean they do the GWR B sets to match other locos. "i'm sure" people would buy a pack-set of M7 and two coaches.. maybe clever pick of tooling could give us some nice southern push-pull sets we could tie up to the odd terrier too?
  22. Mine turned up yesterday, looking all sunshiny and bright; I haven't noticed sloping bits, but wasn't trying to before reading this. Will get the set-square out tonight. It grounded on a Kato unitrack #6 point :( but I hit the point blades with a hammer and it goes over them now. I felt it needed the long running-in I gave it and it seems happier on the test circle now, pulling three GF MK1 coaches. Might hook the correcter Dapol maunsells up tonight and see how many it likes. Seems not to like the curves that much, there's a distinct slow-down on the R282mm curves, any known "cures" for that? (if you say "bigger curves" I can understand, but the missus may not)
  23. Hmm. It doesn't matter whether its made up by a human being or an "AI" algorithm... It is still fiction, yes? I think the AI should sue for the magazine giving it a bad name.
  24. if its covered in Wallpaper doesn't that make it Architecture and so can referenced be in his TV next series?
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