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rob D2

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Everything posted by rob D2

  1. Carlsberg don't do DE mags but if they did.... That was extremely good, well done to those involved
  2. Super cool SPA, and love the garage. Your still teasing us with your desert Island discs selection though - sugar babes would have gone in the humbrol...
  3. Nice pics, Neil, especially like the ones under the bridge
  4. Like the 2 swigging special brew I saw last year.... Lots of Japanese tourists, taking pictures of my crazy kids wading under the little bridges last time I was there
  5. Nice pictures of the activity at Swindon , where I now live. Strangely one of my modelling periods is 1982, and my Bachman 08 is ' 839, split from the China clay set. It's still a reasonably interesting rail location, with the transfer yard, newly relaid and full of yellow trains fro the electrification . The cockleburs yard has been cleared , relaid as well, presumably for the same idea. There is the regular scrap traffic to Liverpool, which brings in a DBs 66, and the steel traffic to Swindon stores bringing another or a 60.
  6. Nice, You don't hang about - there always new stuff coming off your bench Have a productive 2015 !
  7. Good luck for 2015, I'm hoping to do a Dutch 47 myself in the new year
  8. Isn't it just an illusion of being green ? If you repeat the word ' sustainable ' over and over eventually people will believe it means something
  9. Unless I imagined it, I think I saw the EPS 37 and freightliner flats on the aluminium traffic, running round in the station
  10. I watched some of the vids - you mentioned respray ing that while rake of coaches in NSE, you'll never have to prove your dedication in any other way I don't think
  11. Yep, mines wonky as hell. I've kind of given up cutting the mesh straight......there's only so much modelling time I can devote to each task.....
  12. Well done ! Especially for persevering with the ratio fence , I didn't find it a relaxing modelling experience !
  13. I haven't tried the benches yet, as I very briefly had an NSE station, that may change in future though. I don't find connex livery very exciting, do people have a natural aversion because it's french ☺️
  14. I've got some brass benches you have to bend to make those NSE ones, I think they came from Ten Commandments ?
  15. It always amazes me how old fashioned mixed freight looked even in the early 80s, fast forward to the early 90s and it looked a lot more modern. What a difference 10 years made
  16. Is the revel one not too big ? Is it 1/76 or /72 is what I mean ?
  17. It wasn't a good time for rail crashes - all the holes in the Swiss cheese just have to line up once....
  18. Cool, I used the scalescenes stuff on my plank before it changed direction many times. I do like his stuff. I'm the same - I have no time to really join a club, and TBh I don't want to do something communal - this is my world !but even if my stuff was good enough I don't feel the need to display.
  19. It's looking great. I wonder if you need one of thoe tall signs with a BR arriw and station name on the street ? I understand your point about shows, can't see the enjoyment myself
  20. They are great books. I have all of them except the Scottish one.
  21. Blimey, I guess the kiss of death was putting a new DBs sign on it. Sad to see, as I always had a look at the locos there whilst going up the M6
  22. Maybe it's time for an EMHarmony website to help out love struck modellers ?
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