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rob D2

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Everything posted by rob D2

  1. rob D2

    EBay madness

    Each of my models are checked against real images of that exact Locomotive and weathered to replicate how it looked either on the scrap line or in a sorry rundown state. No unrealistic scrapped liveries here!! Yeah, whatever. If you've seen a photo of that 37 with 300 gallons of oil tipped over it...
  2. Very interesting read. I think this has great potential - and of course it's applicable across a wide time era if you want to run alternate stock. It's also heartening to see freight doing well in wales and , god knows, there's not a lot of inspiration with modern freight most of the time. Watching with interest
  3. This is deffo turning into ,' let us inspect your inspection carriage 'and nothing wrong with that, I wish I had time to put the bits on mine, but that's currently booked for 2037, when I retire...
  4. Is the coal from the import terminal ? Does it go to drax or further ?
  5. Six months ago, if someone had suggested I pay £50 for a coach I'd have considered them quite insane - however this coach is very nice and makes for something quite out the ordinary...
  6. Nice modelling James. Probably partly explains why I model 30 years ago with rose tinted glasses, before the rise of the underclass who think this sort of thing is acceptable . It's not even artistic is it ? At least in places like Spain some of the graffiti is artistic to some extent !
  7. I reckon my 47474 might see a resurrection then...
  8. I'm going to get one..... Every time i see a photo of one it looks like a nice day out jolly for all on board
  9. they transferred merely due to a slump in demand for aggregate at that point in time according to some books. don't forget at that point EWS needed 450 locos a day...
  10. Hi, Just spotted this. Should be very useful for EWS modellers, I wonder if it will be the SSA rebuilt version with strengthened ribs or not ?
  11. Not much I suspect, Hattons probably preorder loads anyway , And I guess when you get this far along some of the CAD work is done ?
  12. Peter, Have you made peco aware of your findings ? I'm sure they'd be mortified to hear how it went
  13. Looking forward to this, I was abig fan of your previous layout , since I saw it in the flesh at the 2008 members day. I'm also a great BR blue fan.
  14. Now that would be cool, I'd pay to go down that line
  15. Hmm, I preordered 4, for me I guess I can handle a rise to the £25 mark. Much more and I don't think my wallet could bear it. At this rate I'll have to return to my old hobbies of prostitutes and alcohol....
  16. Hmm, I can see your reasoning Rob, but as I'd only need one and as both a novelty and a treat I think I'd still buy one
  17. they should get some of those Wild West pump cart things you see being chased in films, hire them to holidaymakers
  18. Very nice, Can I ask what colour was used on the roof ? Thanks
  19. Ooh, don't tempt me with a snowplough version - I've got two spare bodies left needing chassis.....
  20. Thought you might like my renumbered WR 31s Kenny.... Keep up the good work !
  21. Loving this as ever.....I think these old notes are fantastic , I have some copies of bescot trip workings that make great reading. I now have 3 Hornby 31s ready for renumber ing as WR versions
  22. I have three Hornby super detailed 31s , they are the smoothest in the fleet. I also have a lima 31, to use the body , which is probably slightly more accurate than the newer Hornby one, but I'm not too bothered TBH. If you do go with a newer Hornby , check the threads on metal fatigue and which ones are prone to it
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