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rob D2

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Everything posted by rob D2

  1. It's looking great. I wonder if you need one of thoe tall signs with a BR arriw and station name on the street ? I understand your point about shows, can't see the enjoyment myself
  2. Blimey, I guess the kiss of death was putting a new DBs sign on it. Sad to see, as I always had a look at the locos there whilst going up the M6
  3. Maybe it's time for an EMHarmony website to help out love struck modellers ?
  4. Interesting pics as ever - why did they get rid of BS shed ? What will replace it ?
  5. I stent some time here in the mid 90s. Don't forget OTAs were actually loaded at fw with timber. Cargowaggons were deffo from corpach - didn't they make credit card receipt paper, chip and pin being the downfall ?
  6. Super modelling ! Following this now - can't believe I didn't see it before. I like the look of the Heljan 33 but us the typeface for the numbers right ? What colour are your roads ?, some if the best I've seen
  7. Been watching your videos Richard, that NSE 50 respray looked a very time consuming exercise, I think you have more patience than me. I'm hoping to do a few more rattle can resprays but the only place I can do that is the garage - I wonder if you have any thoughts on the min outside temp that spraying would be feasible ? I do t spray when it's damp, and always warm the cans before hand
  8. Glad to see the old girl, getting some use. Also glad you didnt put her next to pixie Lott..... Great work as ever !
  9. Are any companies still making modern AFVs or suchlike, they all seem to cease trading pretty fast !
  10. What paint colour did u use for the yellow fiesta please ? I need one as that was my first car...
  11. Wow ! Looks like Marylebone with knitting. Great work !
  12. Driver had been on the sherbet, failed a breath test iirc
  13. Nice job, I'm deffo jealous of your split box 37s , my next layout Is a non starter without some in rfd
  14. Jonny, I've done two now, see them on ' cowley sidings ' in layout section. I ground down the marker lights flush, and stick on precision domino stickers, then varnish them in. It's a 20 min job tops . Jonny, I've done two now, see them on ' cowley sidings ' in layout section. I ground down the marker lights flush, and stick on precision domino stickers, then varnish them in. It's a 20 min job tops .
  15. In the classified section there's a Bachmann ez command for 60 quid at present
  16. I only operate a 10 foot plank, but I love the flexibility of DCC . Being able to put any loco anywhere, at any time, is much better than the alternative. Wiring can be as easy or hard as you want. I isolate every siding and feed to them individually, to ensure electric continuity, but if I relied on fishplates I'd have only about three feeds. Dead easy. I use gaugemaster prodigy - it's easy to used, with good customer support. I used before this a Bachmann basic set up controlling up to 10 locos ( can't rmember what it's called ) and that was about £50 and good enough for first couple of years. I'm still undecided about DCC. Sound. I'm not sure I'd want a whole fleet with it, and I'm not sure it's worth doubling the cost of each loco. I did have a sound 66, and that was, er....irritating....
  17. Gotta love the ' goose...I'd love to see it I the flesh at some point
  18. I think the CAA would give birth now if a chopper flew that low in and out of the lighting stanchions !
  19. Meas also carried industrial spoil to Calvert earlier on in their career, And what was the traffic from Falmouth ? Contaminated shot blast debris a couple of years back I think
  20. I wish I had shares in Bachmann and Hornby looking at your fleet !
  21. rob D2

    EBay madness

    I don't mind rubbish, but when people are trying to pass rubbish off as expert, it gets my back up. I'd love to see a really honest model railway ebay entry. " model weathered to beginner standard, with cheap airbrush, to look like it's driven through a ploughed field, based on absolutely no prototype photos whatsoever, it is purely a product of the demons that come and haunt my fevered dreams...."
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