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Status Updates posted by KalKat

  1. Has got girl flu...*sniff* ..... *kof..hack ....ewwww*

  2. I am another year older...*sighs*

    1. ullypug


      but no doubt wiser...

    2. KalKat


      ummm.....do I have to answer that?

    3. cpman46


      Answers on a postcard (so old fashioned)

  3. I am another year older...*sighs*

  4. Owowowwpowpoww! ....lumbar puncture 8(

  5. Is currently in a pharma altered state of ...........oh wow.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan
    3. KalKat


      Bum!.....it's worn off now :(

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Sounds like it was good s**t though... ;-)

  6. Mum died this morning at 04:00 ......

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. adb968008


      Deepest sympathy.

    3. KalKat


      Thank you all for your consideration and support

    4. sigtech


      Such sad news,my deepest sympathy to you.

  7. Sharpening/regrinding 0.5mm drill bits is very difficult.......

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KalKat


      I have some on order (no local suppliers), but when you have two holes left.....

    3. sharris


      Are drill bits the only things that stop being boring when they're dull?

    4. KalKat


      you can really go off some people y'know.... ;)

  8. Missed out on e-bay.... wheels order in at Gibson hashtag-retailtherapy

    1. Horsetan
    2. KalKat


      my keyboard's weird....I can't do the hashtag symbol :S

  9. Is getting confused about wagon buffers :s

  10. You CAN deep fry kitchen towel!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KalKat


      It tastes of bleurgh.....

    3. ian


      One sheet is plenty...

    4. MarkC
  11. Is impressed by the Comet detail kit for std 5

  12. Has just ordered a Comet chassis for her std Arthur ......

  13. Has misplaced her headphones *sigh*

    1. davefrk


      Someone who shall remain nameless hoovered up the cable and ripped it right out of my bestest headphones harrumph....

    2. KalKat


      Yaay - found them!


      I was worrird 1)they're 'spensive ....2) they was a pressie from a friend


  14. Oh foop.... hubby diagnosed with DLB (dementia) ....he's only 52 and younger than me!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. mcrook62


      I am very sorry to hear such bad news, and wish you and your Husband all the help in the world also for you stating strong.

    3. KalKat


      Many thanks to you all for your advice and comfort.

    4. brittannia


      Also important to make sure you get all the help to look after your husband and do not forget to look after yourself, Dementia is a cruel disease and really affects both the sufferer and the carer, I would imagine you will get a choice of medicines to try and slow doen the process, but the best thing is for both of you to try and keep active

  15. Aaaargh! .... I can'trememberwho likes it, but.......http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OO-4mm-BR-British-Railways-Fell-Diesel-10100-Resin-Body-/222201089430?hash=item33bc378d96:g:ZfUAAOSwZVlXmPBR

    1. Horsetan



  16. I must get rid of my old floordrobe

    1. Kev_Lewis


      Time to move to a chairdrobe?

    2. KalKat


      I started with one of them, it wasn't big enough ;)

  17. Just what is Johnfromoz trying to do to his models!!!! (DCC forum on forum index) :O

    1. Horsetan


      Maybe he's seen the light?

    2. KalKat


      Ummm have you seen what it says? .......

      "Returning Farish 60 to Anal..."

    3. Horsetan


      Not much light there, then! :-D

  18. Making punched lovres in 4mm can drive you insane....... plibbit

  19. Still up at 02:34...... nothing to do now 'til the filler cures *sigh*

    1. bescotbeast


      I'm still up but my excuse is I'm at work

    2. KalKat


      my 'excuse' is insomnia ...... *looks for an unread book....Fails*

    3. bescotbeast


      you can always read the rule book, it's great for curing insomnia

  20. Is a granny ! ....... I'm too young for this :s

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tim Dubya
    3. KalKat


      He he! My hubby keeps on calling me 36 - bless him!

    4. Welly


      Congrats! One of my school contempories had become a Granny at the age of 44!

  21. DAmnable arthritis

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Yes, much sympathy, doesn't sound nice at all.

    3. HeeleyBridge


      "&^"(&"**&$" arthritis more like

    4. Tim V

      Tim V

      I'm feeling it right now...

  22. Faffin' abcess ... face bl**dy HURTS!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mallard60022


      I know how shite that can be. There must be emergency Dental treatment somewhere near you?

    3. uax6


      I've got a hammer....

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      I'm sure we all know the drill - but I'm not sure this would be particularly helpful.


      All I can say is that it's nasty - and I hope it gets sorted - SOON!!!


      All the best.

  23. OK... who outbid me on the U1 ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bill


      Had I known that a U1 was on eBay - well then it might have been me - but It wasn't...

    3. M.I.B


      Someone with deeper pockets.........


    4. Mallard60022


      Not me. I missed that too; but I have a full kit yet to be built.

  24. Just had a hot air balloon overhead ~50ft! Burners going like crazy!

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Sat in my grandparents house many moons ago and looked out the window to see one lazily floating along the road just a few feet off the tarmac. Slightly unnerving as it was an urban housing estate. They're quite big up close!

    2. mow


      Know the feeling frequently under the flight path for launches in Bristol.

    3. KalKat


      I think they misjudged their original landing site... then had to clear the village. Came down on the playing field

  25. Slightly unfortunate abbreviation in modelling q;s help an' tips ........"recommendation of best anal..".... oh deary me!.

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      That's what I keep telling the wife......

    2. WD0-6-0


      Someone tell him that RM is for "railway modellers" and not "rubber mistress" ;)

    3. Horsetan
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