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Everything posted by bigherb

  1. I would agree, their rail gun was good enough at a good price for what is mainly a static model. At that price, I can buy two cranes (often needed for a heavy lift).
  2. Doesn't look too bad to me apart from the windows should be more radius, even the roof profile, it depends on how you view the original.
  3. I do loads of heat shrinking. I always use a mini heat gun. Cheap enough from AliExpress. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32775611542.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.56011802hyUakH
  4. It is where the footplate curves inwards in front of the cylinders.
  5. Early dated pictures do show evidence of the plating.
  6. Can't say that I have seen them, but Branchlines comes to mind.
  7. You can't tell from a photo which is the right colour, how the light falls, changes the hue.
  8. The roof curve starts at the top of the drivers door, the top of the front windows are around 4" below that line, but something is amiss, probably the windows are too low because as been stated the front is too deep.
  9. You can pay most UK banks cheques in at the Post office.
  10. I take the axles out and rub a soft pencil around the bearing hole.
  11. You can add the small Industrials to that Sentinel, Peckett and Rushton.
  12. Don't think I have the instructions any more, but it is not a particularly hard kit to make. Yes the X04 motor does intrude into the cab, but not a lot and can be covered by a back head.
  13. Probably not helping, there is no capacitor fitted to smooth out any spikes.
  14. Different colours on the cad usually indicate separate components.
  15. Hornby might just make it work if they used their trick leading pony wheels like the L1. Mine will just about go around 4' curves, it is more the steps that are the problem on mine.
  16. The capacitor as well as stopping interference, also helps stop sparking of the brushes and burning the commutator. The weight just helps the non powered bogie stay on the track.
  17. Which ones? I have never seen one, even the diminutive Ruston and Rocket have a skew wound motors.
  18. Anybody else getting these annoying videos pop up whenever you open a page? Only happens on this site.
  19. This might give you some idea @ 7.04 minutes. https://film.iwmcollections.org.uk/record/1181
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