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Everything posted by Enterprisingwestern

  1. Good job on the hoppers Neil, they certainly are a bit of a challenge! Mike.
  2. Having got shafted when I purchased the original batch I then went over to Chivers for the vac fitted variety. I converted 1 AS wagon to proper wheels, but life's too short, and it didn't look very good having undersized brake shoes, so on the others I just pulled out the original wheels to EM as a short term expedient, I'll look at options to do them properly at some time in the future, probably etched brass replacement brake gear. Mike.
  3. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yet. Mike.
  4. Anything is better than climbing the convoluted staircase! Mike.
  5. In that case, very carefully! But seriously, I strip decoder thin wires with my teeth, I don't let anything, knife or cutters, with a sharp edge anywhere near the cable. Mike.
  6. Merrymakers and the like weren't renowned for their obvious directness, but, having said that it would have been quite a scenic route. Derby area LE codes were 0Fxx so it could be mis-wound? Mike.
  7. Are they enamelled wires?, if so, you should be able to solder through them. Mike.
  8. And after 12 months of modelling in there you'll be down to a two foot square bench/tea tray in the corner of bedroom 8! Mike.
  9. Re the EE type 1's; 0F81 is the light engine code for Worcester, so, assuming you were going North, I would hazard a guess at between Worcester and Birmingham, perhaps someone can identify the signal box? Mike.
  10. They seem like a few commercially available body parts, so probably the tail wagged the dog and the body just "happened"? Mike.
  11. I share your pain, my BR time period was end of steam, August 1968, to the invasion of telephone numbers, but gas turbines, 10800 and a jackshaft shunter have moved it backwards a tad, and a railfreight wagon consist inheritance have moved it forward. Far too fickle us railway modellers! Mike.
  12. That's been on the rear parcel shelf in a heatwave! Mike.
  13. I hope they aren't closing down, they provide some amusing/hilarious fodder for the eBay madness thread! Mike.
  14. Well, without wishing to sound too critical, you've made it look more like an LNWR stop, but I get your modus operandi. Mike.
  15. An excellent conversion, conversion as in kicked through the posts at Twickenham. Mike.
  16. Opportunity missed? http://www.lanarkshiremodels.com/lanarkshiremodelsandsupplieswebsite_230.htm Mike.
  17. That's the trial to check your mental capacity if you buy it! Mike.
  18. I accept the extra costs involved, it's not the suppliers fault that what happened has happened, but I'd prefer it if everyone was cast in the Hattons mould! Mike.
  19. My vote is for the 4COR next please. I have happy memories of swaying and bouncing along the Portsmouth line in a selection of these, including the only time I have been genuinely scared on a train when it felt as though Thor had sideswiped the train with his hammer and I swear the 4COR left the rails and dropped back on again, all at around 80MPH! Mike.
  20. I thought autocorrect was based on your previous usage? Just sayin'!! Mike.
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