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Status Replies posted by beast66606

  1. After a serious "episode" on Sunday night followed by a £250 vets bill our loveable 12 year old Labrador seems to be restored to her usual demanding self. What is it about our relationship with dogs?

  2. I've warned Big Jim he will need a passport tonight - like the hotel California, at Norwich you can check out any time you like but you can never leave.

  3. I've warned Big Jim he will need a passport tonight - like the hotel California, at Norwich you can check out any time you like but you can never leave.

  4. I've warned Big Jim he will need a passport tonight - like the hotel California, at Norwich you can check out any time you like but you can never leave.

  5. I've warned Big Jim he will need a passport tonight - like the hotel California, at Norwich you can check out any time you like but you can never leave.

  6. is in Leeds

  7. Top and tailed 68s and top and tailed 37s - can't be bad

  8. Hope you all observed the two minutes silence early this morning; 07.28?

  9. Dull porters watched them, and a casual tramp Stood staring hard, Sorry to miss them from the upland camp. Then, unmoved, signals nodded, and a lamp Winked to the guard. W.Owen The Send-Off

  10. Dull porters watched them, and a casual tramp Stood staring hard, Sorry to miss them from the upland camp. Then, unmoved, signals nodded, and a lamp Winked to the guard. W.Owen The Send-Off

  11. What a stunning and very appropriate banner done by Andy Y at the top of the page.We don't know how lucky we are.

  12. What a lovely gesture (picture) on the RMweb Header this morning.

  13. Don't suppose they'll be a King Prawn Ring from Iceland for the England team's post match meal? :D

  14. Yesterday 66114 had the honour of being allocated (my - taken by me) photo number 666666

  15. is all ERTMS'd out

  16. is all ERTMS'd out

  17. Some of my friends have sent me pivate message asking if I'm ok due to a lack of modeling updates. At the moment my wife is very ill, I wont dwell on what it could be as were not sure and are just keeping our fingers crossed that its not the worst case scenario. She is due an operation next Tueday which we hope might be the start to clearing it up but as you can all imagine all my time has been focused on looking after her at the moment. Thanks again for all the good wishes. Steve

  18. has learnt that it's rude to stare at Philip Green.

  19. A large piece of pie.

  20. Beast will today be mostly having a blood transfusion, some "intrusive" tests and hopefully a cure ! - brought to you by the N&NUH in Norwich,

  21. Beast will today be mostly having a blood transfusion, some "intrusive" tests and hopefully a cure ! - brought to you by the N&NUH in Norwich,

  22. For those watching in B & W England are currently winning 2-0 , those watching in colour...... It's still 2-0 !

  23. 66607 waiting at one signal, 68004 waiting at another - gentlemen start your engines and hope Colchester PSB give you the road first !

  24. 66607 waiting at one signal, 68004 waiting at another - gentlemen start your engines and hope Colchester PSB give you the road first !

  25. 66607 waiting at one signal, 68004 waiting at another - gentlemen start your engines and hope Colchester PSB give you the road first !

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