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Ian J.

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Everything posted by Ian J.

  1. Are you sure? I reckon it would be more likely to be horse flavoured... 😉
  2. Which is better, plumb duff, or duff plumbs...?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NGT6 1315
    3. Hroth


      Too much Duff beer and you end up with duff plums.


    4. Hroth


      That reminds me...



      Another famous contestant was asked "Who wrote the 1812 overture" and despite audible assistance, mangled it to "Jack Cluskey"....


  3. I use one of these for the inside of the windscreen on my car: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08C7K99WW Other models of similar types are available.
  4. That's the 'crumple zone' then(?). As designs currently stand, the engine bay acts as a kind of crumple zone, allowing it to fit regs(?). I think with EVs intended to become the norm, those regs, while probably still viable, might need some revision to describe the crumple zone such that they don't expect an engine bay to be there.
  5. I think lightweight chassis, perhaps carbon fibre, and lightweight bodies must be the future of EVs, in order to keep that weight down, together with the battery/ies set as low as possible on the chassis to get the centre of mass/gravity as low as possible. Currently we still seem to be stuck in heavy steel hell and EVs that still look like conventional cars...
  6. I find it interesting that you feel that way regarding the sound, yet the very model and the layout it runs on are not, and can never be, so literally like the real thing. Gravity and mass doesn't scale; there's no exhaust; the layout around the model will be full of people who don't move; water doesn't flow; clouds don't move and change their shape; there will be gaps in the sky where the room the layout is in show through; etc., etc. I think sound is like all the other modelling we do: we want it as close as is reasonably possible to the real thing, but we must by definition accept it isn't the real thing. Kudos for Accurascale though, on putting the effort in to get these Deltics as close as possible to the real thing. I await mine eagerly (likely to be at the a*se end of the deliveries...)
  7. If you only ever use a turntable in one direction of rotation, I'm reasonably sure you'd get an undesirable wear pattern giving rise to difficulties turning in the other direction should it be necessary. I wouldn't be surprised, then, if the workers were 'told' to alternate or randomize the turns, so that wear in each direction was roughly similar.
  8. Nice to see these. I'll be after a few for S&P, but not more than a few as unfortunately they're outside my normal modelling periods (c1961 and c1985/6)
  9. ...the 7mm copperclad for securing of rail at the board ends has arrived! Yay! Unfortunately the railway room is in a mess, as I had decided to try and sort out what boxes of stuff I have and try and get everything grouped more suitably in my various boxes. So the floor is not exactly clear. Being a hot weekend and all, I think I won't be fixing any track down just yet. Not so yay.
  10. Except a 37/4 in LL as per 1980s. I might have mentioned that little onion before...😉
  11. Which is better, tagging bees or bagging tea?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hroth


      Just don't google Andys reply, its NSFW.....


    3. Mallard60022


      Teasing Bags is my pastime.

    4. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Leaf tea is preferred in our household so nether of the OP options apply.  And yes - it's either Yorkshire (imported but blended and packed there) or Cornish (grown and packed there).

  12. Be an astronaut - sit on top of a cannister of oxygen and hydrogen, mix them together, then expose to a spark...
  13. I could do with them doing a BR Blue example again...
  14. It's easier to get the cat back in the bag...
  15. I've earnt a living of sorts by it, on and off since 1994. That's how I know it's pros and cons (mainly cons these days)...
  16. Just be thankful the database isn't a Microsoft Access file... (do not ask me how I know...)
  17. That's a bit unfair. At the time of the problems, and the initial attempts to recover images, there was quite a bit of talk of the site being in flux and it not being a good time to do any image reloads. That remains true even today. As for Warners/RMweb, if the images can't be brought back then that's a big problem as there are many threads where the lack of the images destroys the value of the thread and means fewer people likely to want to use the site, which consequently would lead to loss of income. So it's very much in their interests to try and get the images back.
  18. When anyone bases their opinion on dubious interpretation (or outright deliberate ignorance) of available information that can be acceptably considered as 'fact', and that person has 'influence' in the minds and opinions of others, then the 'facts' become very meaningful, however seemingly innocuous they might appear.
  19. A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says: "We don't serve food here!"
  20. I'd tell a chemisty joke, but I don't think it would get a reaction...
  21. I'm hoping 'beyond' means there will be an announcement of liveries/variants suitable for early to mid 1980s (Rail Blue/Revised Standard/Railfreight + TOPS)
  22. OK, just reloaded right now, and it's working again...
  23. Currently I can't access the topic 'Things That Make You :)' in Wheeltappers. It comes up with me being logged out. All other topics seem OK, including others in Wheeltappers.
  24. "Dad, did you get your hair cut?" "No lass, I got them all cut!"
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