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Ian J.

RMweb Premium
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Status Replies posted by Ian J.

  1. Jupiter Five

  2. Hoping the rain holds off for the Captain's Arrow archery competition tomorrow.

  3. is ****** off with this most un-Devon Riviera like weather. The shorts have been put away.

  4. Cup Final 5:30 - Really?

  5. The Laughing Vulcan and his Dog

  6. just had my performance review - the work, not the domestic version... I don't know why they bother - I know I'm brilliant!

  7. is thinking of having a haircut. First since 1995. Does it hurt?

  8. Staines & Campbell

  9. I'm sure there's a fortune to be made in the invisible ink business.

  10. 'ere what's going on with this Black Rod geezer? From what I can gather, he's not actually black or called Rod! What's going on? I'm sure there are plenty of black Rod's out there that could do the job?

  11. Ok who plated a bomb on the West Somerset Railway?

  12. Must not use the search term "Great Tits" on the internet at work...

  13. Spare Foot in Bath.

  14. We seem to be back...

  15. Any views on cravats?

  16. We all live in a yellow submarine....

  17. What do you think about open-toed sandals?

  18. What do you think about open-toed sandals?

  19. What do you think about open-toed sandals?

  20. Any person who omits to shut and fasten this Gate is liable to a Penalty not exceeding forty shillings.

  21. What do you think about open-toed sandals?

  22. Just lost a hour some where and not sure where it went.

  23. Has had a run in with a squirrel who decided the open door to my house was a perfect place to run. Terrified thing made a hell of a leap once it got back outside.

  24. Wonder what's in that package at Old Trafford. Half a pound of sausages is my guess.

  25. Yessssssssssssssssssssssss!

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