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Everything posted by Re6/6

  1. Excellent and very useful stuff there. Thanks. I particularly like the weathered wagons shot at the top. I always think that it's a shame that preserved railways always seem to brightly paint all their old goods stock.
  2. is sorting out and listing his coach kits. Some gems have come to light including an etched Haye Developments GWR 'Dreadnaught' and a 'Falmouth' tri-compo slip coach which he'd forgotten about!

  3. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Yes indeed. A miscalculation on their part I think. On the other hand, I have dealt successfully with them on several occasions when purchasing various adhesives, some of the types which were hard to find.
  4. Yes there will be many Charlie, I'm sure, when/if you do a Wessex 'Visit Bristol'! (apologies if this has been covered before) It looks altogether an excellent product.
  5. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GAIETY-MODELS-GWR-0-6-0-PT-PANNIER-BODY-RARE-VN-MIB-/271209406822?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3f25572166 Must be over eight years now. Listing fees must surely have overtaken the price by now! I am reliably informed by a regular live auction attendee who sometimes comes up against him and Mr 'tude who outbid ordinary mortals, sometimes with very high bids and consequently sell on at their ludicrous prices. Obviously this business model must work, but why,oh why do folks pay such daft prices before shopping around? Occasionally they do offer some 'gems' in mint condition.....but.......
  6. is trying to get a quart into a pint pot! The new 'railway workroom' is a little bigger than the old one, but still seems to have more stuff to methodically store than he started with!

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Stop messing about. Get yourself a Tardis workroom... ;-)

    2. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Its the same with out new Workroom, much bigger than before, but already cluttered up even though we have a quarter of the stuff!

  7. The N.I.M.B.Ys & B.A.N.A.N.As have lost their case in the Court of Appeal: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23433902 One would hope that this is the end of all the appeals. They can of course, finally go to the 'Supreme Court', but it would seem that the longer it goes on the less chance that they have for any success. Still the BBC disappointingly report only the speed advantages and not the capacity issue, and of course the protest groups still drone on about further upgrading of the WCML. I'm sure that regular users of the line would relish a further 10 years of disruption.
  8. Just had a super weekend of excellent food and wine with my best man and his wife in the best eateries/pubs of Dartmouth. Although having kept in touch I haven't seen them for 40 years! Made my weekend when he had a play of my 80s Tele and declared that it had a better action than his vintage 60s one. He ought to know, earning his living playing, but I always thought that it was a load of cr+p but hey, what do I know being an (ex) bass player! No more food for a week now.....!
  9. What piece of line is that Neil? A super shot. Now if I could get my static grass to have that 'leaning' look....!
  10. The usual uninformed journalistic drivel which will always get into print for the naysayers. The sort of article with sound reasoned arguments by the likes of of Alan Marshall (see #797) will never get to a wider audience seemingly because the press (gutter and otherwise) have already made up their minds. Quite why we should ever believe all the politically biased editors and owners I shall never know. I am just not interested in reading their slanted claptrap.
  11. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Could be CCW or Ratio. I had a small collection of wooden coaches by both for that 'retro' layout that never got built!
  12. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Offered by a junk dealer so we wouldn't expect too much accuracy. They were first used experimentally in 1964 on BR(Sc)
  13. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    A stupid and tiresome habit by some. I generally look away when I see such feeble attempts to get one's attention.
  14. Some sensible comment here from Alan Marshall, who has a regular 'Long View' column in Railnews entitled . http://blog.railnews.co.uk/?p=161#more-161 One would hope that those at HS2 will take note, but I sincerely doubt it. Another 'Ivory Tower' in the making. lmsforever's post is profoundly depressing. Marshall argues very eloquently in his latest piece in July RN entiltled "Old railways are not the answer" He comments on yet another ‘think tank’ standing with the NIMBYS And BANANAS called ‘the National Economics Foundation’ were very critical. Here is a précis of some parts of his very well informed Railnews column. “NEF says that its aims are ‘to improve quality of life by promoting innovative solutions’. But it’s innovative thinking for HS2 alternatives appear to regurgitate the proposals already made by HS2 opponents. And like many other critics seem not to understand the limitations imposed by Britains railway network.……..Key factors are: *Passenger demand is rising inexorably…twice that 20 years ago… higher than Europe…Some people claim that this is not surprising, given that the population in 1923 was only 44m. But those same commentators overlook (conveniently?) that the rail network is now only half the size it was back then when the population was ¾ of what it is now. *Other countries have also reduced their rail networks in the past half century before realising the need to increase capacity. Unlike GB they did not generally sell off land surplus and were able to bring it back into use for high speed lines….. *Another significant (but often overlooked) feature is the structure gauge…double deck trains aren’t possible on the current network. Platforms are generally shorter than in other countries…lengthening is often not easy. *Speeds above 200kph on conventional tracks are largely out of the question…because of the speed differentials on mixed traffic lines thus reducing capacity…..” “So in my view, the NEF’s worst error was to return to the same old arguments for upgrading the EC &WCML – completely overlooking the major lesson learnt from the last route modernisation (which is still going on). WCML has already taken over 10 years and cost more than £10B, causing huge disruption, coach journeys, yet it seems tha NEF proposes years more of that whilst further upgrades take place.. In reality WCRM did virtually nothing to improve services; indeed, it reduced it because in order to to squeeze in VT’s Pendolinos, it was necessary to constrain other lower speed services, including causing the closure of three Staffordshire stations.” Many other common sense and technical points/arguments from Alan can be read in the full column in July’s Railnews. Well worth getting a copy. One would only hope that the HS2 ‘suits’ will take note, but I’m not holding my breath. It would seem that you can’t get civil servants to listen to common sense and reasoned argument.
  15. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    I've never sold at BIN price. I've always let the market decide, except a few that I listed with a reserve price. All auctions were a good to moderate success.
  16. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    I wouldn't call that 'fair' condition, as they do,...... more like poor/ a wreck.
  17. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    All it would take would be for Heljan to re-issue it! I can't recall the RRP back then..maybe £200+? I'd love one to play with, but not at £2K!
  18. was attacked by a marauding seagull while eating his delicious bagette on the platform at Bristol prior to doing the guitar deal. The creature swooped from the side a took a bite out of the food just as he was eating and hit his teeth with a resounding strike. T'was momentarily painful, but he couldn't be cross at such initiative!

    1. Horsetan


      Taking bread out of the mouths of the poor....

    2. Metr0Land


      That seagull's a gannet

    3. 25901


      Has anyone seen my dcc conrolled seagull

  19. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    It never ceases to amaze me that these so-called 'dealers/traders' are too lazy to check their wording before listing. Also the questionable practice of listing multiple manufacturers on one item just to get attention. Note the anti-Payapl(!) sentiments, which it is believed are against eBay policy.
  20. is thrilled to bits with his new Jaguar bass.Deal done at Bristol T.Meads! Always wanted one since I stupidly sold my '65 Hofner Violin.A lovely comfortable short scale instrument.

    1. trisonic


      I don't play bass but usually keep one around. I' been looking at that too. Let me know how you get on!

    2. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Is that bass grilled or boiled? Ha ha!! More likely hot 'n cookin' as Tal Wilkenfeld (she's the 'new' Jaco Pastorius, methinks) here

    3. Re6/6


      Will do Pete. I did try out an F.Jazz for a while but it was too heavy and long for me! I was spoiled back in the day with the lovely 'soft' violin. I guess that I'll probably get a new one soon.To replace my original '65 would now cost $2000+!.....all so stupid...!

      Brilliant Phil, she's astonishingly good. Tina Weymouth is one of my favourites.

  21. Very many thanks Jim. An excellent photo. Always on the lookout for good images. This is one of the clearest so far. Most of mine that I've accumulated are all a bit grainy!
  22. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Strangely there's some pretty damning feedback in the positive list!
  23. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    This railway company does exist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_American_Railway_Services in the guise of DCR (Devon and Cornwall Railways). They took over the Dartmoor Railway at Okehampton recently and do, I believe, operate spot hire locos. I'm not sure about the livery (but it looks a bit familiar), the DCR logo looks right but I'm not sure whether they use 31s, mind you there are a fair few (or were) stored at Meldon Quarry. Others with better modern traction knowledge will put us right on the matter, I'm sure. BTW why do people put the pathetic 'LOOK' or 'L@@K' in their item title? Makes me look away!
  24. Re6/6 is knackered after completing his 'downsizing' house move (never again!) and is now back on-line. Quarts into pint pots comes to mind. All that train stuff doesn't help.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Hopefully he's thinking about trains again already!... ;-)) Glad it's over, old bean?!

    3. queensquare


      Best of luck in your new place John.

    4. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      Yes, hope all turns out well in the end, John. My tiny tip: get rid of most of the other life "junk" to make space for the important things in life - the railway-related stuff, modelling workbench and layout! :)))

  25. Re6/6 is knackered after completing his 'downsizing' house move (never again!) and is now back on-line. Quarts into pint pots comes to mind. All that train stuff doesn't help.

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