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Everything posted by Re6/6

  1. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    There seems to be a healthy market for junk.
  2. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    I've got several which will all probably go to recycling!
  3. Re6/6

    Hornby 2 BIL

    Hi Colin Yes they are certainly 36mm with the axleboxes in line OK. You're probably correct about the motor bogies. I would be interested to know if you do find out. We are modelling the late 50s/early 60s period. For me, as long as the wheelbase is correct and the looks are acceptable, it will have to do. I'm 'getting on' a bit you know, where time and ease of construction is at a premium for me! The PULs, PANs and BELs will be seen at speed over the viaduct! I apply CK's 'Black 5 test'...if it looks like a Black 5 it must be a Black 5!
  4. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    I'd want at least some decent scenics, if nothing else on these two 'professionally built' offerings at the prices asked.
  5. Re6/6

    Hornby 2 BIL

    Hi Bazza, All that I've done is looked and measured the motor bogies at the moment. I shall be using either Black Beetle or Ultrascales. As for the trailer cars I've dropped in a Gibson wheelset and it seems to spin quite nicely in the plain plastic sideframes. I'll have to look into whether brass bearings would be necessary. I'll post more info when I've done a conversion. Edit: Just done another test 'drop-in' to one of the trailer car bogies and it was a little tight, so maybe more investigation after checking the back-to-backs will be necessary. Apologies to all.
  6. Re6/6

    Hornby 2 BIL

    Advice duly noted Steve, thanks. We'll need a 10BEL set for Balcombe....also 8BILs..! Here are some snaps of a BB motor bogie (with shoebeams removed). I got it as an experiment for using in the 6PUL/6PAN sets that I'm scratchbodging. The experiment is with cut'n'shutting some Hornby Maunsells and Kirk bits with some scratchbuilding thrown in. So far, so good. P4ing looks to be a reasonably straightforward job. The fore and aft stretcher bars and the four centre brackets will have to be cut and spaced outwards. For the rest of the BBelle trailer coaches, drop in pinpoint wheelsets will fit straight away. Edit: This will need further investigation as another set tried was a bit tight. Apologies.
  7. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    A 0.99p start bid might be more appropriate...........
  8. Regular passing places for me travelling in BILs (topical!),HALs, 4CORs. Used to go racing at Ascot with my Dad. Never got out at Longcross as IIRC it was monitored by the FVRDE (Fighting Vehicle Research and Development Establishment)...all a bit top secret then! Nice to see the target signs. I wonder who owns one from Egham or Virginia Water! I'd surely love to own one of them. About all that I have left now is my London, Brighton & South Coast Railway chair. It was my office chair that I bought for the then customary disposal price of £2 plus VAT. It came from the Exmouth Junc carriage shops who used to repair the office furniture in the area in exchange for a broken GWR one! I suppose that it should accompany the Balcombe team at shows when we finally complete the viaduct!
  9. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    For this reason I never bother with these half-wits that use 'shouty' script!
  10. Now that's inventive. Only the Dutch would come up with something like this!
  11. Excellent work there;.Well done....now there's a certain dock layout that needs some work....!
  12. Re6/6

    Hornby 2 BIL

    Yes I have seen and handled an SR livery version . It is a superb model that captures the real 'heavy' look of the original. For a comparison in quality it is every bit as good as the Hornby Maunsell coaches. More snaps here:: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/43107-ouse-viaduct/page-2
  13. Are those Scharfenberg couplings on the 290? Whatever they are are, are they for shunting around the 406 sets? This shot of the 290 brings back nice memories, as the Roco 290 was the first 'foreign' loco that I ever bought and couldn't believe the running quality compared to the UK stuff at the time!
  14. Reference post #508 http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01q8ndt/You_and_Yours_Call_You_and_Yours_What_will_the_HS2_do_for_you/
  15. Just heard a good and relatively sensible debate on R4 'You and yours'. It was presented in a very 'informed' way from the presenter Julian Warricker. Such a change from the usual 'tabloid style' presenters. On the show was Sim Harris (Rail News editor) and Martin Tett (chairman of 51L opposition group). The debate was very good and reasoned from both sides mostly without all the hysterical, half-witted rants from the likes of Joe Rukin (spokesman/leader of another opposition group) who often seems to be the 'go-to' individual to speak from the opposition. There seems to be a mindset in the media that shouty rants make good progammes. Sim Harris gave probably the best case that I've ever heard, with sensible incontrovertible arguments. To be fair, Tett gave good and unemotional arguments, but at every turn he was successfully challenged by Harris. Well done Sim for putting the whole case so eloquently. Perhaps HS2 head of publicity, the very silent Clinton Leeks could use Sim Harris on his team to great effect. We've heard absolutely nothing from Leeks who we would have thought that now was the right time to speak up for the project. After all that's what he's employed to do. Edit: Check the programme out on I-Player when it's available. Worth a listen.
  16. All the 'NIMBYs' are now spouting the usual old claptrap of uninformed nonsense and spurious 'facts' on the radio. All the 'antis' that have been on this morning all seem to more concerned about their personal situations, their properties and 'spoilation' of the countryside, whilst totally ignoring the interests of the nation. A couple of people who e-mailed the radio station, one from Rochester and the other near the HS1 line said that there was a vociferous campaign the same as the current 'Stop HS2' one, but now HS1 is hardly noticed and has become of great benefit to the area. With the heavy guns of the Government now at last coming out of the woodwork it must surely be a done deal. This is the first time that I've heard to PM and the Chancellor speaking out publicly with their support. P.S. The NIMBYs name has been overtaken by the BANANAs — build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything. Says it all doesn't it.
  17. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    "A great item for your collection"...... I'll be the judge of that thank you!
  18. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    What is 'code 3' supposed to mean?
  19. Same old cr*p from the stop HS2's 'leader' Rukin. The same stupid emotive language is used. Good to see that McLaughlin has got the gloves off Heard on the radio news today that some MP on the route is complaining that his constituency will be cut in half. Oh dear, fancy that, cut in half by a railway line.
  20. Continuing on this thread.... ...does anybody know definitively what the 'greasy' plastic in the current Hornby undergear is made from? It has been suggested on here that it is 'Acetal'. Any confirmation of this please? I'm still in search of that elusive adhesive.
  21. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    More broken junk shop cr*p. See all the other rubbish that they're selling. I think that this one is up there for taking the p***.... even from him.
  22. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    When will these half-wits learn that 'shouty' script is hard to read easily and it certainly puts me off bothering. (and I'm sure others as well)
  23. Some medium sized silver birches. A few more smaller ones will be made and then some other more predominent species will be next, oaks, chestnuts, sycamores and probably some elms would be nice. There was quite a prominent stand of pines (Scots or Maritime) at the Brighton end embankment. They stood on the road side of this embankment during the main time period that we are modelling. Totally different techniques will have to be mastered to make them!
  24. Thanks for posting those. Another glorious timewaster! Now I can get a feel for the whole layout of the place. Interesting to see images of pre- and post- signalbox demolition. I wonder what the large building is. I assume that the webcam is fixed to it.
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