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Everything posted by Re6/6

  1. Ultrascale wheels for a Sentinel have arrived. Must order one now!

  2. Hi Rich, yes, special pigment is available. I'd never thought about it until I was told of it by a modeller on another forum who has sucessfully used it. I shall probably be ordering some shortly to use on future areas. After a night curing I'm very pleased indeed with the end result. It will now withstand knocks and bangs without chipping or breaking. After further advice I'll probably bond a layer of fibreglass tissue in the areas where earth will be visible to mask the strands in the matting. As for what has been done so far it won't be a problem as it will be heavily overgrown with greenery. Hi Will, No problem with the underside as the chicken wire has very effectively supported the matting and the bonding resin has done its job. Regarding ingredients the chemicals are pretty foul but I hope that they won't become unstable! Genearally speaking AFAIC this and polyfoam for general baseboarding is the only way to go in the future. However careful we were with Matford, which used the old plaster method, lumps kept coming apart!
  3. The Genesis Effect (Trekkies on here will know!) Let the terra-forming begin or fun with nasty chemicals! 05 September 2011 Posted by Re6/6 The first area to be 'terra-formed' has now been done. Two of the main reasons for doing it this way is for lightness and durability. Using traditional plaster bandages, they're too easily damaged as I found out on Matford. The whole area is only supported along the edges with the chicken wire doing all work keeping all in place. It may need an second coating with resin as I've missed a few bits here and there. I'll see when it's all cured nice and hard, and of course it adds virtually no extra weight. The materials that I've employed are used in the marine repair business and are freely available from any good chandlery. The chopped strand fibreglass matting is impregnated with polymer resin & catalyst and forms a very hard and durable surface. The job ideally should be done in the open air as the smell is very persistent. At the moment the section is in the garage while it cures but with all the doors shut I can still smell it! Hopefully by tomorrow that should've disappeared. Next to come will be brown earth paint prior to gluing down hanging basket line similar to the old hairy carpet underlay. Then it will be selectively pulled off and treated with various scenic methods. I intend to experiment with the 'Grasmaster' used on top of the pulled off liner. There still a lot more to do with the main structure before any scenics are done.
  4. The first area to be 'terra-formed' has now been done. Two of the main reasons for doing it this way is for lightness and durability. Using traditional plaster bandages, they're too easily damaged as I found out on Matford. The whole area is only supported along the edges with the chicken wire doing all work keeping all in place. It may need an second coating with resin as I've missed a few bits here and there. I'll see when it's all cured nice and hard, and of course it adds virtually no extra weight. The materials that I've employed are used in the marine repair business and are freely available from any good chandlery. The chopped strand fibreglass matting is impregnated with polymer resin & catalyst and forms a very hard and durable surface. The job ideally should be done in the open air as the smell is very persistent. At the moment the section is in the garage while it cures but with all the doors shut I can still smell it! Hopefully by tomorrow that should've disappeared. Next to come will be brown earth paint prior to gluing down hanging basket line similar to the old hairy carpet underlay. Then it will be selectively pulled off and treated with various scenic methods. I intend to experiment with the 'Grasmaster' used on top of the pulled off liner. There still a lot more to do with the main structure before any scenics are done.
  5. Some more progress. Much experimenting on the mortar course 'grouting' was done under the guidance of Tim Maddocks. Several paint combinations/types and finally Games Workshop 'Citadel' acrylics came out as the most user friendly and best for speed of application/process, considering the amount that has to be done! The resin cast corbels are only temporarily attached and are to be replaced with ones from Shapeways 3D printed ones in due course. The top structures in grey primer prior to being finished with a beige colour to represent the Caen stone.
  6. Haven't looked at it for ages. It's like seeing an old friend! As a reminder Olten SBB has a good one. http://pittsburgh.et...nnwaldCamJ.html (Doesn't work on IE for some reason. OK on firefox)
  7. Re6/6


    The daftness and stupidity of some is breathtaking! http://uk.cars.yahoo...ort-fridge.html Thankfully he was reported to the police!
  8. We need to know more before that!
  9. Just done a CK! Spent an hour with the piercing saw & file fettling four pieces of brass, put them down and now there's only THREE! As if by magic one has evaporated. And they're about I sq cm each of shiny brass. Humbug and other unprintable words!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Humbug & other printable words ;) Thats one of the best representations of a swear without a swear i have ever read thats put a grin on my face :)

    3. Horsetan


      I misread this initially and thought you'd built a BR Mk.1

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      No, but I could be a BR passenger vehicle in an alter-ego, or a parallel universe, or ..... something...



      I think John's missing bit is in that parallel universe, in fact.



      It's the parallel universe where everything fits and works first time, and you can align chassis parts up by eye and don't need jigs....

  10. Re6/6


    Moved to proper place.
  11. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    From the same seller! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/L-K-GOOD-SIDING-BURNT-OUT-COACH-/270803099674?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3f0d1f601a Just check out his other weathered c**p!
  12. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    On a more mundane note, this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290599291118?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 can still be bought new for £12 + £2p&p! Do people never check first?...obviously not!
  13. A tractor (Fergie T20 I think) was used to replace the horse on the Totnes Quay line for shunting timber traffic from Baltic Wharf to The Plains as locos were banned from beyond the gate into the square. I used to enjoy a pint with the late Stan Smith who was the last horse shunter listening to his stories!
  14. Check out Bertiedog's advice.http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/38619-how-to-solder-brass-to-aluminium/page__fromsearch__1 Aluminium to aluminium (or brass, nickel silver, whitemetal etc..etc..) is most definitely possible. A friend when in business used to do the 'vaseline' method on a daily basis.
  15. Although absolutely nothing to do with this thread, but to do with 'oddities' running outside their usual haunts I love this one, An LMS 'Austin Seven' 0-8-0 on the S&D. If only there were some pics!
  16. Don't try this outside your house! It would end in tears! Very clever even if he's used some sand/dirt to do the manoeuvre.
  17. Southeastern Finecast Now one of these in 4mm kit form would be nice!B)
  18. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    I always avoid even looking at anything 'rare'!
  19. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Apparantly they are "hard to find".....fancy that....I've found two on the 'kit shelf'! Nothing should surprise from this individual. He's our friend 'Micmcm' who's been trying to sell a Gaiety pannier diecast body lump for about 4 years now for £50. I gave away the one that I had! Interesting that he never auctions anything, always 'buy it now'....perhaps if he did he might only get £15 for it! You can always get a far superior version from Brassmasters for £40!
  20. I don't know where to start....! Kits/decent conversions/upgrades etc..for the BP, 4CEP, Brighton Belle, EWS Management train, 150DMU, 153 Hurst conversion, HST, NMT, Teddy Bear, WD 2-8-0, Std 3MT, Johnson 3F, an expensive Gibbo re-issue 7F, and finally a Beyer Garratt!..........There are more but I can't remember them all! ...........Then there's all those kits sitting on the shelf just waiting...64XXs, Wainwright H Class, Johnson 1P, 52XX...........
  21. Thanks for posting that very eye-opening link. I just hope that Cameron, Livingston, Home Sectetary et al are proud of their useless selves. Having to wait 48 hours for Parliament to be recalled is just unacceptable while the country is in such crisis. All that I've heard on the radio from 'officials' is platitudes not action. Unless I've missed it, Milliband has been very quiet. What is so unsettling in the blog is the senior officers attidudes to the 'ranks' If all these people are brought to justice as promised by the PM where are they all going to be locked up? There is already an overflowing prison capacity problem. Desperate times need hard action from the authorities. Until yesterday I thought that 'home invasion' was a something that only happened over the pond.
  22. Our thoughts must go out to all affected by this moronic behaviour by what seemily appear to be children in the most. It seems that the genie is out of the bottle now concerning the ease of communication via the social networks. Above all to all those on here 'in the firing line' please stay safe. As an ex copper said after the Tottenham flare up part of the problem is that "we now have a police 'service' not a police 'force' " I was not much impressed by the Home Secretary on the radio this morning whan asked "where was the water cannon and other riot control methods?" ( as was used in Ulster some time ago). Her response was we don't use 'continental methods' over here and wouldn't respond to the call for troop protection for fire appliances, ambulances etc.. In the name of sanity please think again Home Secretary.
  23. :laugh: Thank you Keith, you've made my day!
  24. Oh bu**er! I'll have to sell my K's kit now. and all those expensive Ultrascale wheels. This must now be the around the tenth of my kits that's been made redundant. ....What next.....54XX, 64XXs, 16XX, WD 2-10-0, SR W class, SR 'German' 4-4-0, Wainwright H 0-4-4....Adams radial.......and that's not counting all the kits/bashed that has been already released ......the list goes on. I was contemplating getting a Johnson 1P......... I'm probably going to give up kit building from now on! .....well I probaly won't in reality....the joy/frustration of building for the sake of it!
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