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Everything posted by Re6/6

  1. As a follow on to my enquiry about Farish 00 kings, http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/50452-info-on-old-00-gwr-king/page__gopid__582420 at the bottom of the box was this, given to me at the same time years ago. The chassis has H.I.D. stamped on it.(anything to do with Hamblings?) It looks to be somebody's production with 'seamless' brass joints in the superstrucure (no evidence of scratchbuilding/solder etc..) And for the next challenge any idea on the origins of this 'Jinty/Bagnall' monstrosity. It seems to have been moulded in lead or something similar. It's worse than my favourite Gaiety Pannier! I use it as a track weight!
  2. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Thank you Keith, That will teach me to look properly!
  3. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Amazing indeed. I would have thought that a list stating what was there would've been useful. I can't read the writing so I wouldn't know what I was bidding for!.
  4. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Aah, but it's at a typical price of the Micmcn/Gostude stables ....! No surpises there then!
  5. ...if the further upgrade and widening of the WCML that these people want were to happen instead, just imagine the sheer volume of occupied dwellings that would have to be swept away compared to the few isolated residences and farms that will go in the Chilterns. Then you would have some 'NIMBYism', the like of which we would never have heard before. I don't hear any protest from areas to the left or right side of the Chilterns strangely.
  6. Out of interest, aside from the all the political arguments and the economic pros and cons of HS2, what exactly were the main details of the argument for 'other' upgrades (apart from the silly and simplistic "less first class and four more carriages on every train") on which the detractors say that the money could have been spent?
  7. Right on the money there Mickey. Without wishing to stereotype the individuals that were to be seen on TV last night, they all seemed well heeled and monied sitting in their Chilterns pub being asked simplistic questions by the reporter. With responses like "one wouldn't want this sort of thing in near one's property" says it all. Tough, sh*t happens as they say. If it didn't come now something similar would have to happen at some time in the future.....The expression 'the greater good' comes to mind. Let's hope that this is the end of it. I somehow doubt it with the threat of judicial revues etc...
  8. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Bidder o***b bought three of the five. A wealthy buyer!
  9. Hi Mike, We're just at the end of an e-mail! Regards John
  10. Still more fun and games last night. We still have one or two electrical snags to sort out but generally speaking that's it. We're in business . A paint touch up will come eventually. We were pleased to welcome a member of one of our neighbouring groups from the Mid Devon Area . David B brought along a lovely part finished Mallard GW steam Railmotor and a couple of etched brass GW engineers wagons (Haye Developments). I'll ask him for some snaps. Apologies for all the chattering row. It's impossible to get them to shut up whilst filming! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0-crSKMijM&context=C3d60727ADOEgsToPDskKi7V_5QecRQ8Uy_-pvoSJC
  11. You're right there! He was as flippant as ever. The 'anti' spokesman that he had on was that ranting 'Stop HS2' campaign again Joe Rookin?Rudkin?. According to him, "trains will be blown off the tracks when they pass each other at high speed" and that "Euston Station will have to be demolished" (not challenged on air) and droned on about longer trains will cure everything. Obviously this twit doesn't have a clue about the operation of railways. An uninformed prat. If I were an 'anti' I'd be cringing at this moron speaking for me! I'm giving up with JV's programme. Yet again on another matter, what with his ignorance regarding the Spitfire yesterday, I could hear the exasperation in an interviewee as Vine clearly hadn't listened. Perhaps more concerned about his next 'witty' remark.
  12. Apparantly Anthony Warrell-Thompson's dificulties (1st item) seem to be more important the the HS2 issue............another deep sigh.....
  13. Now the 'antis' are saying that they'll be seeking a judicial revue to "have it thrown into the long grass". Apparantly it's 'unpopular' in three quarters of the population. By seeking this it could further delay the project and increase costs. Perhaps if they were required to pay for the enquiry if they lost....? If they do succeed when the roads and railways are at capacity and that supermarkets can't get their freight onto rail because path capacity and traffic gridlock and shoppers can't get their stuff, twenty years down the line we will all know who to blame, the lawyers and the priveliged sitting in their Chilton houses. A doomsday scenario, I know but who can predict...? I await with interest to see what is said on Vine's programme. At the moment there's the usual sniggering/giggling and references to the 'train line'
  14. I agree, the general level of research/knowledge by all these new reporters that they put on is now totally lamentable. It doesn't stop there. Listening to Jeremy Vine yesterday interviewing a WW2 Spitfire pilot, he was unaware that they were single seaters!...."who fires the guns when engaging the Messerschmitt in a battle?".....deep expelling of breath....
  15. Yes!! It's now official! ...as for Christian Woolmar's views...a great disappointment. And now he's just suggested that the labour and trains could be coming from China! Thankfully at the end the voice of reason came on.... Pete Waterman....."build it and business will come" he had said previously.
  16. If ever the argument can be lost via radio phone-in..... I'm just listening to the Radio 5 breakfast phone in and in the 'anti' representative is a Joe Somebody-or-other, the co-ordinator of all the anti groups who is a completely hysterical individual constantly interrupting, huffing and puffing and generally a very poor representative of his case. Perhaps their case is now lost if this is the best that they can muster. I have never heard such nonsensical misinformation that this bloke is ranting on about. Unfortunately at the Beeb, with these sort of 'debates' they seem to care more about argument and people shouting at each other rather than reasoned and informed debate. 'Twas ever thus, I'm afraid.
  17. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Because he fancies himself as some sort of dealer, I suppose. Have a look at his 'other items'. It's all very ordinary and expensive. Branchlines would do a much better deal on some of the narrow gauge stuff.
  18. Looking encouraging. If this "Critics have argued that overcrowding can be eased by improving the existing line, running longer trains and having fewer first-class carriages." is the best alternative then it's a pretty weak argument.
  19. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Looks like he's had a go at some sort of conversion. The half-witted description is the best yet!
  20. Project 'W' is now under way with the start of baseboard construction.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Re6/6


      That's for me to know and you to find out!

      Ivan, I would be happy if it turned out to be a 'light 15'!

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Well, it can't be Project 'X' or Project 'Z', both of which are mine (although Project 'Z' itself now looks to be moribund..... or do I mean Project 'X'....)


      I am intrigued!

    4. Brian Harrap

      Brian Harrap

      Can't be Z I've done that

  21. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Where's me airbrush....!
  22. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    Posted Today, 08:03 Metr0Land, on 18 December 2011 - 15:49 , said: It's been a bit quiet here for a couple of days. Here's a few to keep you in conversation for a while: http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2a12833d3e http://www.ebay.co.u...=item53e868aeb6 http://www.ebay.co.u...=item29ff7ecb3c http://www.ebay.co.u...=item53dbc076df Just check out the unadulterated cr*p in their 'shop'..£25 for an empty large brandy bottle..with a torn label to boot!
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