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Blog Comments posted by PMP

  1. The thoughts here are assuming the layout and fiddleyard stay in the Railex exhibition configuration. Part of the ‘problem’ is the visibility of the fiddleyard through the bridge emphasised by the unpainted wood of the baseboard. You can reduce this by painting it the same colors as used in the layout trackwork. An easy validation check will be a piece of lining wallpaper painted track colour and laid flat on the existing track. This should immediately ‘tone down’ the off scene view, and you’ll get a feel for its viability and I think you’ll notice a marked reduction in the layout and off scene demarcation.

    Make sure the fiddleyard lighting is balanced with the layout, though it could be reduced slightly in the fiddleyard. If fiddleyard lighting is brighter than the layout, again it will highlight through the bridge.


    I think a simple diffused green backdrop would work along the back of the sector plate. It needs to be the same colour palette as the layout scenery but with a hint of blue or grey added, to give recession, or depth to the scene. It only needs to be a couple of inches higher than the bridge aperture so that you can’t see the top edge. Again you can check this with lining paper mocked up.


    This should leave you with the ‘appearance’ of sidings through the bridge, not ideal, but the mind will likely accept the visual aspect, don’t add the thought process that they wouldn’t be there! If the tests work then the layout end of the sector plate will need ballasting and colouring to match the layout exit.

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  2. I'd steer away from black for the fascia, I used to use it but found the border between scenery and edge too harsh. I now use a mid grey/green colour that complements the foreground, and the effect is far less harsh. An easy way to see its effect without painting is using coloured paper from artshops/staples etc. The rock rubble and wall looks particularly effective.

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  3. Not as far as I know re the curved window doors Craig.


    All three versions I have are the square corner so I wasn't aware that Hornby had done the round corner when I did the prototype. Ta for the heads up, I'll have to mention it to him to add on.


    I agree the opening door 'furniture' does need removing too, I noted that it was obtrusive once the Shawplan windows were in, and also removed the whole of the Hornby glazing which as you say means refitting the internal boxes and details. Did the rest of the glazing fit ok? I'm assuming all Hornby have done is change the door molding ... :unsure:

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