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The Stationmaster

RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by The Stationmaster

  1. The Barents Sea is still very bumpy

  2. The Stationmaster is off on holidays - another week at sea but not sure where of course!g

  3. Just realised that on Tuesday it'll be 65 years since nationalisation

  4. Did you realise that this time next week it'll be next year?

  5. Blah, Blah test

  6. Been up half the night on floodwatch. A leat at the top of the road overtopped and the road became a torrent. Houses up the road were flooded as the leat tried to take it's old course. Fortunately it kept out although the manhole covers popped. I was a little concerned about the railway room. Priorities! i shudder to think what Cowley Bridge Jcn will be like this morning as this amount of rain has never caused us problems before.

  7. My birthday morning has arrived but alas the 42xx has not.

  8. I notice a rather lot of posts recently from people that claim to knowjust what we really want from the Manufacturers. How do they know this??????

  9. Have folk had internet connection blips and are PC

  10. Everything modelling I touch is going wrong atm. Serious crisis of confidence :O(

  11. Has anyone heard of that S&DJR railtour operated by a preserved SE&CR-liveried 'C' class?

  12. Important question of the day - that old woman that swallowed a dog, plus lots of other animals, what was the rhyme for the dog ???

  13. Thought of taking my copy of the 1863 Bradshaw with me on a train jpurney recently but realised that not only would I need to buy a brightly coloured shirt and jacket that don't match, I'd also have to master the knack of leaving the station on one train, travelling on a completely different one, and arriving at my destination on the one I got on in the first place!

  14. Normal Working Resumed at Cowley Bridge Jct, sighs of relief all round! :-))

  15. On the other side of a downward spiral, my love for you went viral and I loved you every mile you drove away

  16. I'm convinced that some people just don't understand how lavatories in Voyagers work... why else would a businessman in First Class leave his sh*t for me to flush away??!!

  17. Quilted toilet tissue, just what would our ancestors have made of that, I wonder?...

  18. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4470973066358&set=a.3929728175574.151619.1650818907&type=1 shows how low and nasty some people actually are. Just because there are others that behave that way doesn't make it appropriate. I can take a joke as much as anyone, from friends or even at myself but I do draw the line at snide people taking pops.
  19. Stuff me; no wonder the site was running slow tonight! There's a bug that needs a fix but there were 765 online.

  20. Spagetti wiring to Peco Electrofrog crossing didn't work again so crossing it off the list.......

  21. I've decided to make enemies of all people who model GWR (or LNER), or (SR) :P - just kidding.

  22. Wishes peeps would embed rather than link pics in their threads. Can't see linked pics at work...(on my break of course ahem)....

  23. Wishes peeps would embed rather than link pics in their threads. Can't see linked pics at work...(on my break of course ahem)....

  24. Just seen a Skoda estate car as an unmarked Police vehicle!...

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