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Peter Kazmierczak

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Everything posted by Peter Kazmierczak

  1. You never got any money out of me, Mike... I'm sure your holiday will be a bit different from Skeggy. I've got a big O birthday coming up later in the year too. I'm beginning to wonder what it'll be like to be 40... Mentally, as one may gather from my ramblings on here, I'm around 10. Sometimes I actually miss working in a primary school.
  2. I agree with Andy. EPBs and EPBs. When we lived down in that area in the 90s, my local station was Eden Park on the Hayes line. Only ever recall seeing EPBs until the Networkers arrived on the scene. Can still hear the sound of the last train of the day from Charing Cross clattering over the bridge down our road, and then hear it about 10-15 mins later returning ECS to the depot.
  3. Day 1 = baseboard Day 2 = lay track Day 3 (today) = Make raised narrow gauge loading area. It's coming along...
  4. Like Dave mentioned above, when you are teaching in a school you know your working pattern for the whole year ahead. No flexi-time or days off in lieu... But when I made a career change and became a librarian, I found it very strange to sometimes have a day off in the middle of the week. Why are these people not at work, I'd wonder? Took me ages to not feel guilty having a day off that wasn't at the weekend. Talking of cruises, we've never been on one. Rather ironically, our next-door neighbour is the entertainment director for Cunard...
  5. Right, off for my evening constitutional. Must remember to take a torch with me as last time I stood in a puddle that I didn't spot. Very rarely do I see another soul on my ramblings...
  6. This one is exceptional, David. You can see an up freight on the GC in the background, as the WD approaches Basford North off the "Back Line" from Colwick. I cleaned-up the sky a tad...
  7. Super shots, David. Always appreciate you sharing these. Though, are some of the last of the batch taken at Basford North, rather than New Basford? The mention of somersault signals reminded me of something. I was in Sneinton Jn box (MR) one day, and the signalman asked if I'd like to visit the GN Goods Yard box at Nottm London Road. Well, of course I would! So he rang the signalman to say I'd be walking across the tracks to get there. The signalman let me pull the levers to change the aspect of the somersaults that existed there. Still remember that as if it were yesterday.
  8. I think it was Eric Treacy who, when asked why he took (railway) photos, replied that it was for his own pleasure. This is just my own opinion, but I feel the greatest artists (musicians, scientists, writers, etc...) are the selfish ones who do it for their own pleasure. Not to follow a trend, not to copy someone else, not because they want to please others. Just for themselves. Anything else is a bonus...
  9. Too many trying to manipulate others. Good job I've got a good British name, so I'll be OK...
  10. Manipulation is all around us. We see it in religion, we see it in politics, and maybe now in a harmless little hobby. People have their own ends; "hits" on their social media site, "likes" on their YouTube, the gratification of being an "influencer". Me? I'm just starting a new layout; Aston upon Trent. I'll just plough my lone furrow...
  11. Since I don't want to mention rai___y stuff here, I've started a new thread in the "layout topics" section on Aston upon Trent.
  12. I found a couple of points in a box, and whilst in the summer house I remembered that in the corner was a bit of baseboard. The board fitted neatly on the back seat of the car, so 1 + 1 = a possible small layout. I've always been fascinated by a little tramway that ran from the alabaster pits north of the village of Aston upon Trent, down to a wharf by the Trent & Mersey canal. The narrow gauge horse-drawn tramway closed around WW1, but what if a small branch had been extended from Shardlow to serve it? Who knows, I might actually "finish" this...
  13. I was trying NOT to put the central heating on this month, but despite the sun now shining, I've succumbed...
  14. And leads us not into Trent station... I've found a couple of poin_s and some trac_ in a box. Also, in the summer house, I've found a piece of boar_ which is just the right length to fit on the back seat of the car. I'm very tempted...
  15. You only on Windows 10, Phil? I'm way more advanced than you, on Windows 98...
  16. One of my daughters says there's been heavy snow in Bristol. She was on early shift at the hospital in the city centre, but the buses were running OK.
  17. Passing 390s between Watford Tunnel and Kings Langley, a couple of weeks ago.
  18. Done a bit more, but not 100% if the scatter will adhere well. Might just put it onto wet paint. We'll see... Must get some Woodland Scenics to see how that fits in.
  19. Actually did a bit of modelling this morning, using Gaugemaster scatter. Made up a mix of PVA, acrylic paint and water, and applied to layout. Have to see what it's like when it dries...
  20. So I think Byddaf yn cael fy got.
  21. I'm fluent in Welsh. OK, that statement might be a slight exaggeration, though I do know two words; araf and ysgol... Happy St David's Day.
  22. High-tech digital point control in Westbury down yard yesterday afternoon...
  23. Cheers, thanks Russ. There was a 70 on yesterday afternoon's Wentloog - Soton MCT which was nice to see (it used to be a solid 70 turn, then went over to 66s).
  24. When the lotto first started, the Radio Times used to print a little box on one of the Saturday pages entitled "Winning lottery numbers". I think some folks complained as in their copies the boxes were just blank every week... The 66 in the down yard of Steadfast's photo (above) might be 66105 for all you numbers crunchers. I suppose no-one knows what the 70 in the down yard near the Colas Shed was, or the 70 sandwiched between 66846 and 70805 in the up Colas sdgs were yesterday afternoon?
  25. I had two calls from British Gas on the same day earlier this week; one in the morning and one in the afternoon, asking if we'd like a smart meter fitted. But we've just transferred our account to Octopus...
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