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Everything posted by emt_911

  1. Morning all from a hazy south west. Showers forecast for later so not doing a lot today. AndrewC - I just can't imagine how you put up with the obvious disturbance from next door for so long. NHN - With all due respect, I'm glad that there is a vast distance between us. From the sounds of it, I wouldn't wish that killer throat on my worst enemy. Hope it clears up soon Have a good day everyone
  2. emt_911


    How about Billacombe or Mutley?
  3. Afternoon all. Got down to the South West a bit late last night and had no internet access until 2 hours ago. All posts since my last visit read and appropriate ratings given (I hope) The weather can't make up its mind today, sun, rain, low cloud and then generally overcast. They all keep swapping around in no apparent pattern. Have a good (remainder of the) day everyone Edited for fast finger syndrome Forgot to add Happy Birthday Stewart
  4. Morning all. Grey and miserable outside. Tex - Glad to hear that your step daughter is home. Anyone who has diabetes, especially insulin dependant has my admiration for the amount of work required to keep it under control. Thanks for the latest instalment of Tazmanian Railways. It's interesting to see how much of the infrastructure of the old line is still in place. Certainly plenty of reference material if anyone was to model it. Time to go and hope to be able to look in later. Have a good day everyone
  5. This really looks like an interesting project. I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops
  6. emt_911


    Nice looking layout Pity about the blue boxes though
  7. A long weekend away starting tomorrow. Absolutely no distractions apart from RMWeb (when I've got wifi) and real ale. The plan is some modelling and getting used to soldering ready for the start of the M7 and maybe a bit of scratch building.
  8. Definitely a stressful day. I've been waiting on a vital delivery from Amazon that I need for first thing in the morning. Checked online to find it arrived at the couriers (In the same town as me) at 02:14 and out for delivery at 07:12. It arrived 20 minutes ago. Lucky I didn't need it for this evening. At present I'm listening to 'Laundry Room Productions'. I have to say that I'm impressed. Lisa - When I played, the weather never stopped a game. I played in several where snorkel, mask and flippers would have been advisable. Enjoy what remains of Friday. I don't know if I'll be able to look in tomorrow, so if I can't, have a great weekend and don't do anything dangerous
  9. AndrewC - Excellent news. What a remarkable change in circumstances. Make sure you buy a lotto ticket but you will be sharing the winnings with me though Would like to know more
  10. Morning all. Another easy day, maybe too easy and it could all go wrong later. Jock - That is good news. IDL - I'm so glad that I'm not travelling cattle class on Southern any more, you certainly have my sympathies on a daily basis. AndrewC - I hope the MRI gives you and the medics an answer. Tony - Extreme sports like tidying up should be left to others. I was a bit late crawling off to bed last night due to watching Downfall. A very interesting drama. Although in German and Russian, I could understand the German but had to read the sub-titles for the Russian as I could understand 1 word in 30. Have a good day everyone
  11. Have a good show. I'm heading to the West Country again
  12. Tex. I hope that your step daughter's blood sugar levels are sorted soon. Always a fine balancing act when expecting
  13. Morning all. Bright at the moment but likely to get wet later. Jock - Good luck with the monthly check-up Dick - Don't do too much to aggravate the arm After the discussion about qualifications yesterday, I though that this was appropriate http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/11572349/Pupils-should-be-allowed-to-Google-in-exams-says-exam-chief.html Have a good day everyone
  14. I spent 17 years in the military and found exactly the same problem as far as qualifications go when I left. Their idea of the real world and ours are opposite sides of the spectrum. Although I have several practical occupational qualifications, I have been told several times that I'm overqualified. With the old 'real' qualifications we had to learn the subject properly and remember it for the exams. Did this make us understand the subjects better? In my opinion it did As far as languages go, I have always tried to speak the language even if the locals insist on trying to improve their English. I'm certainly not fluent in any but I can get by and understand a large proportion of what is said to me. It proves interesting walking down the road and hearing snippetts of conversations in several languages that I can get an idea of what is being spoken about. If only they knew.
  15. Morning all. Grey and wet. Definitely not inspiring at all. Mick - Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware that 'real' qualifications were no longer recognised. Something that I will have to look into. Jock - Great to see that normal service has been resumed. Tex - Thanks for the latest instalment. The cabinet made from Mertyle looks absolutely stunning. It's great to see historic vehicles being able to still do what they were designed for. Not a great deal to do today as I'm waiting round for deliveries. Have a good day everyone
  16. With it being a long weekend, do you mean to finish Sunday or Monday?
  17. With all the updates today, I thought that I'd better post again this evening. Dick - I hope your son gets everything, especially his passport sorted out quickly. Legend - Welcome to the mad house that is ER. Mal - Have a great time. Colin - All the best and I hope that the recovery is swift.
  18. Morning all. Bright and chilly so far. A late start today for one short job so an early finish as well (it may happen) Jock - Good to hear that you're not glowing Mick - Hope you get over this chest infection soon. I do hope that the medics can sort out a definitive plan for Karen. AndyB - It's always good to hear that children are taking an interest in modelling and it sounds like they will be assisting you very soon (although it will probably end up the other way round) Have a good day everyone
  19. A quick visit while I'm off the road. The exhaust needs replacing. Tex - I've managed to view the photos and the post now makes a lot more sense. AndrewC - I hope that they either pay your fares or for your time, but I doubt that will happen
  20. Morning all. A quick visit this morning as time is running out rapidly. I'll try and look in a bit later Jock - Sorry to hear that you're under the weather again. I hope that everything goes well for you. Tex - Thanks for the latest digest of information. Have a good day everyone
  21. Scott. It looks like work is progressing well. I'm now looking forward to seeing a few locos running round
  22. Definitely reliable if kept serviced as well as being good on fuel. With a bit of careful driving I can get about 750 miles to a tank. This includes quite a lot of constant weight in my Astra van. Edited for fat finger syndrome
  23. Morning all. Grey and wet this morning and meant to be like that for most of the day. A few tasks to keep me a little busy but nothing too taxing. Tex - I didn't realise how mush preserved steam there was in that part of the world. It would put some of the Festivals of Steam in the UK to shame. I also had to look up what a Spotted Quoll was. I hop that there aren't too many sore heads this morning. Have a good day everyone.
  24. Thanks Jason, I'll let you know.
  25. Thanks Andy. As I'm getting closer to starting the build (better weather), these shows are getting more expensive. I'll be starting to build the base boards in a month or so. I'm wondering though whether to put the M7 up for the RMWeb/BRM build a loco challenge
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