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Everything posted by rovex

  1. Hi for those who don't know it, this is the old Bethel Mission in Scarborough's South bay, near the harbour. https://www.architecture.com/image-library/RIBApix/image-information/poster/bethel-mission-chapel-scarborough-north-yorkshire/posterid/RIBA5709.html It has suffered somewhat since this photo was taken when it was converted to commercial uses.
  2. Just another thought. Rather than having all the cottages on the flat. Have you consisted having them on a slope. A path with railing in front could then run down to the harbour key side which itself remains on the flat?
  3. Might I also suggest a small Methodist chapel. Perhaps a bit like the one in the south bay at Scarborough. I expect that there is a resin ready to plonk example available. Sort of seamen's mission type affair
  4. Actually I was beginning to wonder whether they would have enough news to keep a two weekly blog going. Not a criticism by the way just an observation.
  5. I've always thought it was a shame that there is no decent statue of queen Victoria available. I did come across a white metal one that I'm going to use but it works out about twice life size. That's a very patriotic statue
  6. Is there going to be anything left to froth about come December?
  7. I agree, if these are popular and a good seller, I would expect at least the matching dining car to follow, and if we are very good boys and girls perhaps a brake composite
  8. Just been catching up with this thread and was interested in the comments about Bromsgrove and making it part of Cross City. I hadn't realised the extent of the works being carried out. I live in Redditch and at the moment getting to Worcester by train is a real pain. The Worcester trains from New St and the Redditch trains from New St share the same line as far as Barnt Green before the Redditch line branches off. However the Worcester and Bromsgrove trains don't stop at Barnt Green (except a rare few) and so this means travelling all the way to University before changing to the Worcester train and travelling back along the line. Effectively adding 40 minutes to the journey. If the new Bromsgrove cross city line trains stop at all stations I can at least change at Barnt Green for Bromsgrove and then catch the fast train to worcester from there - result. (alright changing train twice is not the best, but probably still faster. In fact when I travel to Kidderminster from Redditch, I change trains at Barnt Green and Droitwich Spa and this is still faster then getting the train to New St and then walking to Snow Hill and getting the train from there. The Network Rail site does indeed say four trains an hour, but I assume that this is three cross city trains (terminating at Bromsgrove) and one through train from Worcester (or beyond). Finally does anyone know how the Cross City will operate. I assume the six trains an hour is the maximum capacity, so will the trains that currently terminate at Longbridge be extended to Bromsgrove?
  9. I particularly like the greasy finger prints on the tender
  10. So, pre-nationalisation the likelihood is that parcels van would have been attached to a passing passenger train. Detached on route and attached to something else going in the right direction. Correct? If so would make for some interesting haunting movements in a station
  11. I suggest that if the end product is too expensive that you buy the brake thirds on release (as there never seem to be enough of them) and then wait for everything else to be remaindered at knock down prices Simples
  12. rovex

    Hornby king

    It looks absolutely beautiful, but I can't justify replacing the four Kings I've already got.
  13. Just been catching up on this thread. I presume parcels trains ran prenationalisation on an inter-regional basis. if that's correct I also presume the trains were fairly mixed depending on the origin and destination of each van. perhaps someone could shed some light on the scene pre 1948. And this being the case how quickly post 1948 did this break down thanks Dean
  14. Ah yes - but only if every conceivable surface is lovingly picked out in hand applied real 24 carat gold - a sure sign of quality :-)
  15. For some reason I can't open the photos, but assuming that there match the examples given above, I'd happily pay the same as Hornby will be charging for its new Colletts for one of these, does that make me a skinflint?
  16. Question: Are there any suburban coaches which share the same underframe as these, in which case would it be an easy conversion (with the appropriate overlays) or even an option for future releases by Hornby? Discuss
  17. lovely looking model, only comment - the aisles are far too wide for any small supermarket that I've been in :-)
  18. Apart from mourning the passing of Brown Windsor Soup (where else could you get this other than train restaurant cars) I struggle with applying the term "in-train catering" to a trolley with the odd packet of crisps and some cans!
  19. And no surprise coaches that we didn't know about attached to the back of engines and that perhaps Hornby hadn't intended to reveal
  20. I remember reading somewhere that coaches were turned (presumably infrequently) so as to even out the effect of the sun fading the upholstery. Any truth in this?
  21. Looking good. Interesting to see new life breathed into what is a very old kit
  22. If Horn by can do these, they can certainly do top lights. Though I don't expect to see any. Very happy with the Colletts.
  23. Hadn't even occurred to me. I am now devastated that Hornby could have released such an inaccurate model on an unsuspecting world.
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