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BG John

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Everything posted by BG John

  1. Mum used to buy ours from a blind man called Mr Hill, who came round every few months selling it, with his driver. He came in for a cup of tea and a chat. I think we would have given up using it much sooner, but she didn't have the heart to say no to him!
  2. What else would a burger van at Hound Tor on Dartmoor be called! After 17 days of internet free holiday, where I had the chance to take this photo, I now have 67 pages of VNC to wade through, and that's not making me smile!!!!!
  3. I'd never use anything black and tan that's found in my house for cleaning shoes. She'd probably bite me
  4. The recession obviously isn't affecting everyone if people are likely to spend £1,000 on a 3 year old! "Manufacturer recommended age:3 years and up"
  5. It's rather depressing when cars that were made years after I passed my driving test are described as old
  6. I think I used to have one of them, but complete and working. It caused a bit of a bump in the track as it was connected to Super 4 track that was thinner!
  7. Now "Less than half price"!
  8. Mint must mean it has a hole in it
  9. I think this was mentioned earlier, but it looks like the chemicals used in fracking could be making oil more dangerous, and may have contributed to the intensity of the fire. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-08-13/north-dakota-oil-boom-seen-adding-costs-for-rail-safety.html This isn't intended to ignite a discussion on fracking, but I came across it through hanging around online with lots of anti-frackers!
  10. That's a shame. It was good. I'll be drinking my afternoon coffee out of one of their mugs!
  11. A lot of old cottages have low doors, as anyone tall who has been house hunting will know! Is this because it was normal for people to duck, or because they were shorter?
  12. I hope you obeyed the, slightly modified, "Do not clean soot off the windows" notices!
  13. You could have a different entrance to the fiddle yard at the platform end - a line of washing across the track
  14. Railway enthusiast training is progressing. We've moved up from small and not too scary narrow gauge, to the Gwili. We'll have to try some really big engines soon. As I talk to her a lot when I'm showing her new things, I was asked yesterday if I was training her. Of course I am, I'm train training her!
  15. I agree. If he can't be trusted around dogs, I wouldn't want him attacking mine.
  16. If I were you, I'd keep Spam in the fridge to stop it going off, not in a folder
  17. Strangely enough I woke up one morning and realised I had the cash to buy the newly launched Escort XR3. A bit later I realised I had enough to buy a Porsche 924 (not that I would have bought one), and decided I may as well buy a house instead! I bought a secondhand XR3 a bit later, and an XR3i some time after that when I'd got back my no claims bonus after having the XR3 written off by an uninsured driver hitting me head on!
  18. The 30 plus years ago one was Superquick slate paper, and I've also done a small roof a couple of months ago with laser printed slate on copier paper using Humbrol Liquid Poly.
  19. Mek-Pak will stick paper to Plasticard. I have a roof I built over 30 years ago where I used it to attach strips of slate paper, and it's still there! I can imagine it not working for anything thicker than paper though.
  20. The Broad Gauge Society Broadsheet No 69, Spring 2013, has some interesting articles and photos.
  21. Soliciting of the red light kind?
  22. With hindsight I would have built an EM layout while I was travelling. It would have been easier, and I have plenty of stock to run on it. There's nothing more to show on the BG layout, or the stock, at the moment, as life keeps getting in the way! The new EM layout has got as far as one of the baseboards being built, and the first version of the track plan being printed full size. Nothing else will be happening on it for some time, but I am thinking of something smaller, and rather interesting/perverse!
  23. That's easy, as I'm sitting on one of them. The trouble is that I have two elbows, and one's near the shredder and the other is near the copier!
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