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Everything posted by 5944

  1. Not that I know of. It's pretty niche! There's a few Italian forums and plenty of Facebook pages though. Google translate does a reasonable job of getting the message across.
  2. The only locomotive I know of that has a registered trademark is 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley. https://sirnigelgresley.org.uk/mob-trademark.shtml Only the nameplate though. It was done basically to stop manufacturers of cheap tat making money if they include the loco's nameplate in their product. If you ask permission, generally it'll be granted on the basis that a donation is made to the society.
  3. Wasn't a lot of the reason for 2MTs due to weight considerations, rather than minimal power? The thing that confused me is why did BR decide it needed both 2-6-0 and 4-6-0 4MTs, as well as tender and tank versions of 3MTs.
  4. It looks a bit undernourished for some reason, though apparently the measurements check out. It's put me off buying one.
  5. 5944

    EBay madness

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FLEISCHMANN-1339-BOX-END-LABEL-for-FS-CLASS-E-428-ELECTRIC-LOCOMOTIVE-ob-/144397776630?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Please, please, please, someone tell me he's not trying to sell a piece of cardboard with a sticker on it for best part of 30 quid?!
  6. The bit of brass wire representing the conduit to the resistor bank fan on the underframe is a nice touch!
  7. 5944

    EBay madness

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JAMESON-BRASS-KIT-BUILT-MODEL-OF-A-LMS-CORONATION-CLASS-4-6-2-STREAMLINE-LOCO-/304289601170?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 At least for nearly £400 you get free postage! Flangeless centre driving wheels too. Some of his other stuff is, err, keenly priced should we say. £65 for a Mainline J72. Or the same price for a Lima Small Prairie - how much is a Bachmann one?! And to go full Gosturde, we also have "rare" and "kitbuilt" bandied about for pretty grotty RTR stuff. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/00-KIT-BUILT-MODEL-NoXXX-BR-COMPOSITE-SUBURBAN-COACH-RARE-/304289595295?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  8. Yes, the Merc further down is, but at least you can get by. It's an appalling car park, which really doesn't help matters. The vast majority of spaces are at 45 degree angles, so you've got to twist right round to try and reverse back out. I don't have too many problems in my car, but in my wife's car (Nissan Cashcow) it's awful, even with cameras and sensors. It's just too tight and cramped for bigger vehicles.
  9. Well done to the numpty in the white pick up at Hitchin station this morning. It's an almost empty car park, and he's decided to park in a bay with a bollard in front of it. There's a good 3' in front of him as he's left that much room to avoid hitting the bollard. Another occasion when vaporising a vehicle should be allowed.
  10. https://www.max-model.it/en/model-train-decals-scale-1-87/1149-lettering-uic-rail-freight-wagons-f-and-ff-m52151.html These are ok for later wagons, but not for 1960s ones sadly. https://www.duegieditricestore.it/kit-ttm/2620-ttm-kit-05-carro-f-con-garitta.html These make up into nice models, and include transfers, but are for plywood bodied wagons rather than planked ones.
  11. There's something in there, wrapped up in a clear bin bag looking at someone else's photos, but there's daylight where there shouldn't be. So possibly some sort of jig to hold the prop in place.
  12. Trip to the local airfield yesterday to see this lot. A twelfth one (in pieces) is just out of shot to the right. Bit surprised to see N3200 with a drip tray underneath - it doesn't have an engine fitted at present!
  13. Don't be daft. Then you'd end up with a car drifting along the motorway with no one in control. Vaporise them instead!
  14. https://amp.20min.ch/story/dampflok-im-kreis-5-versperrt-polizei-den-weg-201330988529 https://dvzo.ch/mieten/extrafahrt-zum-geburtstag/ And if you've got a few quid, you can hire a steam loco and coaches from DVZO and have a trip through the streets at night!
  15. It says Operating Department on the door by the looks of things. I'm pretty sure it's essentially an office that is used when the line as a base for control and the responsible officer. I seem to recall there's a desk and some filling cabinets inside, but it's a good few years since I've walked by and looked in.
  16. 5944

    EBay madness

    I've taxed worse vehicles...
  17. 5944

    EBay madness

    That's how much they're listed for. One sold last month for a mere £869. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-OO-Thomas-Friends-R9684-Murdoch-/255241171014?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 Though the buyer could've claimed a lot of Nectar points if eBay had a deal on!
  18. 11.50 from King's Cross perchance?
  19. They are coal fired, but I don't know where it's imported from. They go for the simple approach of not running steam during the summer to prevent lineside fires. Also the trains are usually a lot lighter in weight than you'd see in other countries. A five coach set of Centoporte stock carries 400 people, the same as a dozen Mk 1s, but less than half the weight. Italy didn't build any new steam locos after about 1929, so other than Caprotti and Crosti conversions, they're pretty undeveloped/unrefined compared to other European countries. Coal combustion doesn't look to be optimal on them though!
  20. The diagramming wasn't particularly intensive either, which helped immensely. Salisbury depot would be full between the peaks, then First Group took over. I understand reliability is nothing compared to how it used to be under SWT.
  21. I think so, but it was released in Italy through MFAL who added Italian specific parts to the kit - lamps, transfers, etc.
  22. Well look what's just popped up on Ebay...! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HO-Locomotive-Keyser-FS-380-005-White-Metal-Mounted-/284526594510?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=724-127637-2357-0
  23. https://www.bulleidsociety.org/News/Old_News/2015_News.html Scroll down to 15th May 2015. It's called a Klinger valve. It's in the same place on all Bulleid pacific boilers. Easy to access on a rebuilt, not so easy on a Spamcan with the casing covering it up.
  24. I would've thought 9' wheelbase would be more common in 1907 than 10', so 2-327 would make more sense. It looks like an error on the required parts list unfortunately.
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