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A Murphy

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by A Murphy

  1. For 2mm Kiwi: You could try: https://www.yorkmodelrail.com/n-scale/n-scale-1 They have an interesting range of gates, fencing etc and lots more besides..... If this link doesn't work for you, Google York Modelmakers or York Model Rail best wishes, Alastair M
  2. That is beautiful work on the shop! best wishes, Alastair M
  3. Rob, the colour you really want is: SCC No. 15, Olive drab, applied to all vehicles from April 1944 onwards. 5 parts Humbrol 150 Forest green 5 parts Humbrol 159 Khaki drab 2 parts Humbrol 33 Matt black From Mike Starmer, British Army Colours in the UK , France and NW Europe, 1936 - 45 It works too....... I'll go away now, best wishes, Alastair M
  4. I couldn't believe the racket as a couple of Vulcans took off from Scampton...... they were loud. Best wishes, Alastair M
  5. I think you could well be right Clive, it was the tracks on the first tank that threw me. It's hard to tell the distance between the bogie units sometimes without seeing them side on. The metal track shields seem to have been indiscriminately whipped off in some units and left in others or turned upside down, welded to the hull and used for stowing the necessaries of life, like buckets, bedding, boxes etc.... Best wishes, Alastair M
  6. Just to be clear, the "small US Army tanks" above are Shermans. It's difficult to tell which mark of Sherman, but from the rear profile, those could easily be M4A4s, known by the Brits as Sherman Vs, all of which were allocated to armies other than the US. Many UK Shermans, especially in NW Europe, were Vs. Alastair M
  7. I'm no expert as you are about to find out, but..... Those are Cromwell close support tanks (probably Mk IVs) and they have transfers that identify them as belonging to 11th Armoured Division, who certainly used them all the way across from Normandy to Northern Germany, where they ended the war. The CS version lasted because they were very useful for close infantry support (there are plenty of photos of them in Germany in 1944-45) and they were retained when ordinary (Cromwell) gun tanks (75mm) were traded in for the altogether much more effective 77mm equipped Comet. Some probably stayed in active service up to and including the Korean War. Alastair M
  8. Dec 24th 2018 the Lime Street Gang had a really lovely looking Claughton on their thread. It's from a DJH kit and has been beautifully put together and finished. Regards, Alastair M
  9. Great looking loco Alan. Did you line it by hand? Did you have to modify the 3MT chassis much? Best wishes, Alastair M
  10. Frances, it might be worth your while getting in touch with the Didcot Railway Centre via https://didcotrailwaycentre.org.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwh8jrBRDQARIsAH7BsXceY6np41CO66-9Yobc0eAVl6SZs_QutYtLi74ne8N9oNrgny54f2caAhEtEALw_wcB. They probably have the largest (most comprehensive?) collection of GWR stock (including coaches) in the UK and you could probably arrange to go and sit or travel in original vehicles through them. There are other preserved railways which feature GWR stock, but I think you would find they are the best in terms of trying to preserve vehicles in their original condition? They certainly have Toplight stock..... Best wishes, Alastair M PS good luck with your project, it sounds interesting? Whose record is it?
  11. Take a Walk on the Wild Side - Lou Reed
  12. Doo Wah Diddy Diddy, Manfred Mann Alastair M
  13. Further to the above, personally I would so much rather deal with a supplier like Alan than I would Bachmann/Farish etc. I have nothing against them what so ever (other that increasingly balking at the prices) and will continue to pick up some bits and pieces at bargain prices when I can. The clincher for me is that Alan makes stuff I actually want and I get to build it. best wishes, Alastair M
  14. Michael, That Wath Daisy is an awesome looking beast........ Best wishes, Alastair M
  15. 'e one tough 'ombre that Andy York. me again PS glad to see they still have proper buses where you live. That is magnificent. Bet it sounds good too......
  16. Admittedly I have a hangover, but the photograph of the station does look real. The porter with the bags does it for me. Brilliant. Best wishes, Alastair M
  17. Please note that as far as I can tell and contrary to another new thread on the board, this topic has not been quarantined. best wishes, Alastair M
  18. Nick Campling's Historic carriage Drawings vol1 is all LNER or consistuent companies' coach drawings. As far as I am aware, many of these are accurate? Best wishes, Alastair M. PS They are all in 4mm. Scale. Agree with posters above - Etched Pixels does some great kits and parts, I haven't tried Worsley Works so far (but have made 4mm GWR kits from WW parts.....) and BH Enterprises also do Thompson's (great coach side etches) and some Gresleys I think.
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