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Everything posted by Benbow

  1. Saw this today at Wilton. Very impressed, looks and runs as good as it looks in the photos . Thanks for finding the time to tell me about the storage cassettes and the possible problems to avoid. Hopefully your experience will save me some time and money! Regards Roger
  2. Benbow

    Little Muddle

    I trust you will have stern words with the driver for passing a signal at danger??
  3. Got some today from AMC, Paul seemed to have plenty in stock.
  4. Benbow

    Little Muddle

    I agree, I once spent hours making a model of the parcels shed at Shillingstone (pre Bachmann) wasn't happy with the sign and ruined all my efforts by trying to replace it
  5. He is going to be popular when smuts get all over the washing!
  6. I have used a spot of Araldite in the lens before now, it gives quite a nice domed effect.
  7. Just read this from start to finish (well what else can you do on a wet Saturday??). Absolutely fantastic, probably the most informative thread on here and an inspiration to us all. Just shows that excellent modelling doesn't have to cost a fortune and the use of everyday items can give brilliant results. Well done and I look forward to future posts. Roger
  8. Thanks pH, yes that ties in with what I have found so not much good working out of Templecombe then!! Also it was right at the end of the S&D life so really is a bit limited unless one uses a big chunk of modellers licence
  9. Answered my own question!! Sabotaged and defeated Vol 1 page 118 nice shot of 82001 in lined green looking very clean. Photo undated but given the short time it was on the S&D I guess it was like it for the entire stay. When was 82044 on the S&D, it's not listed in Shed by Shed Part Five as at Templecombe or Bath?
  10. Well that seems to answer it then...thanks! Out with the spray gun, although maybe a small amount of green and copious amount of grime might do the trick!! Roger
  11. You may be right, the photo would suggest so and it also looks lined to me! Many thanks although not what I wanted to hear!!
  12. Can anyone tell me if during it's brief spell at Templecombe (04-61 to 08-62) 82001 was in black as I suspect or did it receive a coat of green?
  13. Looks like the Dagenham boys put the back wheel on the wrong way round on the tractor! Must have been Friday night job
  14. Benbow


    That's more like it some nice steam engines. Pity they are Western but I can forgive that!
  15. Just read through this lot and found it very interesting. Downloaded Soundbyte and had a play. It has many possibilities for me. I have never been that keen on sound fitted locos for a number of reasons. With steam the sound doesn't seem deep enough to me, no doubt a product of small speakers and loco sound in isolation to me is a bit odd. I really like the idea of having ambient sound together with superimposed locos, wheel noise from carriages, wagons etc etc. Driving the loco to the sounds is not difficult and I find more effective given that sound can continue and fade off after the train has reached the fiddle yard rather than abruptly stopping. Thanks for opening up new possibilities for me. Roger
  16. Was that last one for our southern hemisphere colleagues?? Wish my first attempt had been that good, well done. Roger
  17. Just caught up with this. What a fantastic set of photos, thanks very much for sharing them with us. It is great to see some new pictures not the same old ones rehashed in various publications. I guess we all wish we were around with cameras at the ready and realised then how soon it would all disappear. I travelled the line from Templecombe to Bath to see my brother several times but was only 10 at the time and just saw it as a means of getting from A to B. Ah the wisdom of hindsight! Roger
  18. I have to wonder why when manufacturers go to the trouble of making holes in the tender and supplying an enclosure they don't suggest in the instructions what speaker will fit. I fully accept that folks might not want to follow their suggestion but they must have had a particular one in mind when they mould the enclosure.
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