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Everything posted by 57xx

  1. There's already a load of people out there who cannot differentiate reality with "fake". Just dip your toe in to the world of moon landing hoaxer and flat earthers on youTube where people claim that space and the ISS is fake and all green screen and wire harnesses. Be careful not to insert any more than a toe, the rabbit hole is deep and scary.
  2. Fixed a couple of items in your list so you don't have to feel so sad for DJM.
  3. With some many deaths due to 14ml tinlets of paint, it's a good job they did.
  4. Indeed, the missing bit for me was the pause in the project. So they started the project, canned it at the CAD stage, then dusted it off after the Rails announcement. So SK was being very disingenuous when he tried to deny it being a spoiler and implied they had been running the project for years.
  5. Don't feel bad, I haven't taken a break but was also unaware of the situation.
  6. 57xx

    Formula 1 2019

    Can't say I'll miss Chandhok or Wolff from the C4 lineup. These restrictions Sky have imposed seem to look like them hammering nails in the coffin of the free to air highlights.
  7. I seem to recall that when he was trying to defend his actions to Mr Rails down at the Hornby HQ, he also said the project had started during his first tenure. It can't be both, so which is the truth? As a non-partisan person with no colours nailed to any manufacturer's mast, he came across to me as a petty and sly person.
  8. 57xx

    Formula 1 2019

    That was very sad news to wake up to. RIP Charlie.
  9. Thought it was nice to see a young designer taking up a role there, something she'd harboured ambitions for from childhood.
  10. Simon "there's nothing wrong with the wheels on the Star bogie" K?
  11. Seems the right hand brakes have landed on these shores, Rails have now dispatched my order. :)
  12. Work has also started on one of my two O33 Siphon kits from Ian (macgeordie). Simple bits first to get my eye in, I started off with one of the bogies. It went together exceptionally easily, assisted by the fact Avonside designed the spacing of the prongs on their tool for this job. The only issue I had was with my construction. If you think it looks like the axleboxes are angled outwards, you'd be be right. Whilst popping the wheelsets in, I managed to distort the bogie sides around the bearings, so when it came to gluing the whitemetal overlays on, they ended up a bit wonky. On the next bogie, if I manage to do the same with the distortion, I will either 1) try and straighten the sides out first or failing that, 2) shape the inside of the whitemetal casting to compensate.
  13. A D1664 from Cambrian has been completed and is ready for the paint shop. I've had to extend the roof a few thou each end to make it long enough. The green circle is where I've had to fill in a depression for which I used some Games Workshop Liqued Greenstuff. Buffers are the usual from Lanarkshire Models & Supplies. I bought a big batch of Cambrian kits the other month (~10 different kits), and every van roof has this depression that needs filling, I've never had that before with these. Also many of the kits contained sprues/parts that are doing various impressions of a banana. Some look salvageable, others I think are going to have to be returned.
  14. I'd go with the fact there is a heavier load inside the left hand vehicle so it is sitting lower on it's springs.
  15. Hope the remaining brake doesn't take too long to get here, my order with Rails only has 10 weeks left before they'll part ship the order.
  16. I'm glad you've seen and said that, I didn't really want to mention it before as you seemed happy with their work. I've never rated their work, they just seem to waft a bit of muck colour on with an airbrush and call it "weathering". I think airbrushing is just one part of a toolset you need for decent weathering. Glad you got some good results with Grimy Times, they look a lot better now. Hope your confidence levels are rising nicely now, you made a great job of all the upgrades on these coaches.
  17. Hornby made the gaff of putting BR Mk1 bogies under the B Sets, not the 9ft plate bogies.
  18. Thanks Cloggy. Confused the filler with the tank breather, I did think it was a bit of a silly place for a filler but didn't extended that thought process last night. Safe to say regardless though, it is fuel spillage. Pretty obvious from a lot of pics where it can be seen the staining is from a fluid.
  19. Looks like fuel spillage to me. The filler is IIRC on the top in front of the cab and the boxes in front of the cab are part of the fuel tank. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c7/No.08939_(Class_08_Shunter)_(6697036925)_(2).jpg You can see wet fuel stains on this one: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yB4wTI5t-po/WQTPXY28AHI/AAAAAAAAINY/GntjZMftJKcaCKGiYN7i_gZ0tLFRDAn1wCPcBGAYYCw/s1600/33360886644_c5c29e6149_o.jpg
  20. Do you intend to purchase any of the items you sent messages for? No? Forget about it then and move on. People don't automatically send the read receipt, the mail system does that once the mail is open but only if a read receipt has been requested. And yes, of course it only indicates the email has been opened, not physically read by the recipient but getting rather pedantic. Unless you're in the habit of opening and closing mails immediately or selecting them and marking "as read" without actually reading them, then it's a moot point. Microsoft Exchange can recall mails. It will check if the mail in the recipient's inbox is marked as Read or Unread and recall it if Unread.
  21. Hah, if you want to be frugal, use 1450ml of water to get 11.9%
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