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Everything posted by mattingleycustom

  1. The 'Magic Wand' is building walls and decorating right now - deep joy, but it has to be done ... maybe next year
  2. More 'Toplight's voted for; I've been voting for these for a little while now and some Collett 'Sunshine' stock ... other railway company vehicles were voted for of course, a Maunsell Restaurant Car or two would go down well with this modeller. I always feel slightly guilty that I haven't attempted to kit build some of the vehicles I want, but there just never seems to be enough time. Glenn
  3. An improved 43XX, very nice ... one thing though, the front footsteps are on the wrong way round. That nice Mr Maunsell would not have approved!
  4. It's a soggy morning in overcrowded Portsmouth as Glenn trudges along the dirty pavements to North End to get some bread and milk. I much prefer the escapism of Brent to the realities of life. Good Morning!
  5. Will I ever get my P2?

    1. bgman


      Tablets worked for me, can't stop now !

    2. Horsetan


      Wasn't P2 some Masonic Lodge allegedly connected to the Vatican?

  6. If Killarney comes with etched nameplates(?) I might just have to crack and add another GWR City to accompany the SR collection, there's something about the double framed locos that I like. Glenn
  7. They all gained ROD tenders in later years, I wonder if that nice Mr Bachmann? ... probably not (as none of them ever got BR branding). Kit build it is then!
  8. ... yes, it's the perfect contrast between the brown body colour and the yellow insignia used that does it for me
  9. I was admiring the trackwork and then I noticed it was bullhead track; no flat bottom under that particular King ... just a shame the layout is modelled in monotone.
  10. Don't understand English?, why not work in a call centre?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thaddeus


      or in an email reply centre where you can copy & paste standard replies without ever having to read the original email.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Questo eto numero?

    4. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      My hovercraft is full of eels.

  11. In the workshop at the moment are an several unrebuilt WC's, an unrebuilt 72XX, unrebuilt 43XX, several unrebuilt N's, an unrebuilt C Class and a 700 Class that was rebuilt (just like the T9s), but no-one seems to bother with 'rebuilt 700 Class'. I'll just go and unrebuild my temper. Glenn (not rebuilt, just fatter)
  12. Ooh, nasty! Although not so much rebuilding as remoulding.
  13. Unrebuilt is a damned annoying and thoughtless term, what is wrong with 'original', or better still 'Merchant Navy'?, after all nine times out of ten the term is applied to a caption under a photo, where the average six-year-old could discern the difference between the original Bulleid creation and the Jarvis rebuild. If a loco hasn't been rebuilt then 'unrebuilt' can be applied to practically any loco: 'Look and unrebuilt Castle/Black 5/B17/S15/etc' I'll go and lie down. Glenn ... and relax
  14. I just hope the big Spam Can is released before Hornby go down the financial toilet pan. I've done my bit: 35028 ordered! Glenn
  15. I'm afraid the sudden surprise at seeing something so modern as to be designed in the 1940s was too much for Mr Roper - brown alert!
  16. Ah yes, the break I was planning to have from June is still to come, still finishing off last year's jobs in August! Seriously though, I will be taking on very little for the next couple of years as I plan to move house. Glenn
  17. I think it was 35019 French Line CGT that took part in the Interchange Trials on THE main line, very atmospheric!
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