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Everything posted by kevinlms

  1. But if it was Bond, James Bond, he would go flying up the ramp, over a passing train and conveniently land safely on the other side (perhaps by activating the fold out wings) and keep going. Only the bad guys following, would hit the train!
  2. Paper has a coating on one side and my printer proved to me that it was essential to print that side first, on double sided printing. I didn't believe it after I read the paper instructions (who needs and reads instructions for using paper?), tests quickly revealed that it was fact. I agree with you about using non genuine cartridges, as I've never had an issue.
  3. Is there any other phone charger that isn't made in China any more?
  4. Extended warranty. My wife purchased a tablet and after a couple of years it just died, so it got shoved in a drawer, as you do. About a year later, she remembered paying for the extended warranty. So she dug out the receipt and YES, 1 week to go! So straight down to the retailer and without any questions, she got the full price refunded.
  5. I had a ink jet once that sometimes would print a line of gobblygook, then spit out another page and repeat. So a single page of text, would empty the paper tray trying to print it and other times, it would print totally normally. Now I remember, it only ever occurred when I printed double sided and invariably it was the 2nd side. It took me far too long, to read the instructions ON THE PAPER pack, to find out that the paper needed to have one side printed on first. Once I changed the way I put the paper in with more care, it was perfect. I don't know how much paper I chewed through, before I found the solution, since I didn't do much double-sided. No one believes me, when I tell them this fix. But it is 100% true! Probably, this isn't your cause, but look out for the impossible! I would delete your printer (presumably Windows?), restart the computer to clear any leftovers and re-install it.
  6. But Meccano could have gone out and photographed them at any time, back then. Maybe they did take a small number of photos and confused themselves. After film was relatively expensive then.
  7. Did you reach this one? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OO-Gauge-Hornby-Repainted-Green-Jinty/114286810336?_trkparms=aid%3D1110001%26algo%3DSPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160323102634%26meid%3D580c74cb77fc4bd2a96642ea1c1af7ac%26pid%3D100623%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D5%26sd%3D114286810241%26itm%3D114286810336%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2047675&_trksid=p2047675.c100623.m-1
  8. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-07-14/four-alleged-stowaways-arrested-in-adelaide/12455292
  9. Sorry, I disagree. The best way of removing the 'old fashioned' introduction, is to remove the basic premise, about the box. Sure a builder can chose to put the completed model into something else or not. But when the box is just a little short as per my example, that is just asking for jibes about the box. Take a look at the 'Warwick & Warwick' ad in RM and see if you can spot the silliness. Presumably collectors see items as being more valuable, if it comes with the original box! Yet it doesn't fit! Packaging is undoubtedly an art form, of which I know nothing, but neither does any manufacturer who continues to make the basic mistake.
  10. For which, I've never quite understood, why can't the box be redesigned so that a completed kit fits in the box? In a recent Railway Modeller (several issues actually) there is a photo of several models on a major auction house ad, where one of the models is an O gauge LNER Garratt. It's standing on it's box and sadly the box is clearly too short to contain the completed model. Why is the kit manufacturer so thoughtless, as to provide a sturdy box, yet one the completed model won't fit in. Another 25mm of cardboard and the owner could pack it away securely. Yet, you make out that the reviewer is making a foolish statement! What do people store their models in, if they say want to take it to a friends place or a club to run it there? Perhaps this is the type of thing, that upsets some people about the GOG?
  11. Researching the meaning, I found the Echo's website. After the explaining article, there was an ad with a woman's hand, with a large amount of cream in her palm! Hair shampoo of course, not what your dirty minds were thinking! CEL Shampoo, allegedly for thinning hair - yeah, right.
  12. OK, here's a dissenting set of comments, that doesn't believe that it's merely a case of the LNWR, being hard done by! Nor was it a case of not liking the 'Midland' way, because Crewe didn't want 'red engines'. Agreed that much of the LNWR fleet was no longer (if ever it really was) adequate for the job. I don't believe that the LNWR, EVER did provide adequate power for it's express services - by that I mean sufficient power to make up for lost time etc. Yes, plenty of stories with lots of thrashing and sparks being thrown all over the lineside, by generations of performance compilers in The Railway Magazine, but was it the ideal, needing loco crews, signalmen & station staff to get everything exactly right to recover late running? The GWR & LNER, carried on using the best practices of their constituent companies, which meant that in practice, it was a continual improvement process. The Southern was a little different, in that it's priority was sorting out it's electrification variety (I believe they made the wrong choice, the overhead system, ought to have been the group standard - but I digress) and only new steam classes where essential. Regarding the 'Midlandisation' of the loco fleet, post 1923, realistically what advantage was there in replacing the LNWR locos with another large fleet of locos, that equally weren't really modern designs either? Some of the complex calculations previously, indicate that were either Class 2 or 3 (2 1/2) or either Class 3 or 4 (3 1/2). The concept of taking the centre bearing out of an LNWR 4-4-0, to save maintenance costs and in doing so reduce it's power output, is plain ridiculous. The sole reason for introducing huge numbers of 4F, 2P and Compounds, was that the accountants were able to 'prove' that these locos were cheaper to maintain. While cheaper operation is great, that isn't the only factor. Very important is, can the trains run to time, with the loads needed for the service? The case for large numbers of 3F 0-6-0Ts made a lot of sense, because they replaced a multitude of pre-group versions, with a reasonable replacement. BTW, can someone explain why some improvements to the Midland 1F 0-6-0T, cause them to skip the 2F classification? Without me doing calculations I don't understand, were the 1F's close to being 2F's and the 3F's, 2F's? Always a weakness with 'bands'. Midland sheds, presumably were very good at common repairs, such as the axle boxes of various classes of their locos, but realistically why were they doing this? Surely money can be saved by designing better lubrication systems in the first place? Obviously, the Midland had long ago decided that it was an acceptable practice and enforced the practice onto other parts of the system. Change came later, as Stanier locos rarely had such problems.
  13. I had to Google it. I don't believe that you want the stuff either!
  14. Personally I doubt whether it does damage the locos, it would be very costly for Hornby with warranty claims, if it did! The noise is slightly annoying, but the choice is yours for a shortish testing cycle.
  15. There has also been a poker party rudely interrupted, where the 13 participants were also fined $1652 each. So apparently 13 was not a lucky number for them! $21,476 to the government.
  16. I've just been going through some old Railway Modellers and came across a letter by an A.C.B Downes in 1960 May. Would it be Allan by any chance? The author was aged 10 at the time and lived in Preston. Sorry if it's a dumb question, but I've never met Allan (only read some of his articles) and have no idea if this is his age group.
  17. It's farewell to Jack Charlton. I wonder if he knew that Leeds are almost certainly going to be promoted to the Premier League, given that he had dementia? https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/53373542
  18. There is an easy way of checking whether the noise is coming from use of a poor quality controller or within the loco itself. Disconnect the Hornby controller and connect a 9 volt battery across the rails. If you get near silent running of the locos, then the problem is caused by the controller.
  19. How is eBay ever going to sort out the problem of misidentified/described items. Even if they had 'modellers' amongst their ranks, will they be general modellers or in our case railway modellers? Or even GWR/LMS/BR or whatever. Ebay costs/overheads would just go up, still without any guarantee that the item is 'correct'. The concept is just too difficult. People like Hayfield, would be most upset at not picking up poorly described items, cheaply!
  20. Probably you are all wondering why the penalty is such an odd amount of $1652? The answer is that in Victoria there is a penalty system in place, which is automatically indexed each year. Saves the government from arguing about the rise each year. From the link below, you will see that one penalty unit is currently worth $165.20 and this particular fine is worth 10 penalty units, hence $1652. Never, ever stand in the way of a government collecting revenue! They are lucky this year (1 July to 30 June), as the state government stopped the indexation for this year only. https://www.justice.vic.gov.au/justice-system/fines-and-penalties/penalties-and-values
  21. I think for Aldi it's a world standard for configuring their supermarkets, I've yet to see one without the coin attachment.
  22. I've never driven any type of HGV, auto or not, but sorry I still don't see any relevance to an idiot cutting in front of the truck. 100% the car drivers' fault for being an impatient p***k.
  23. Some of the supermarkets in Australia, used to have the coin/token system, but have since removed them. More trouble than it's worth?
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