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Everything posted by kevinlms

  1. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-09/safety-measures-recommended-propeller-strap-punctured-plane/103825024
  2. The clips are there to hold everything in place, until the glue sets. Too bad if you want to remove it later!
  3. The problem is that the Flying Scotsman A3/A1 model has been around for around 60 years. It is unrealistic to expect anyone to know exactly which parts will fit which model, since it has been retooled many times. I think that is a good result for you to have found replacement parts for your model. You've already stated that it was easier 40 years ago, yes because the models were much simpler and parts were used in multiple models. Now parts are far more unique to individual models, because they are far more accurate. That is what the majority of the current purchasers claim they want.
  4. Why would any passenger care about the roof ventilators lining up? More to do with corridors lining up, thus knowing which end had seat number 1.
  5. Wasn't just the GWR, the Midland Railway was another large railway that had the driver on the right. The LMS built many Midland designed locos to the Midland standard of RHD, before changing to LHD part of the way through construction runs. The GNR also drove from the right, although some A1's were converted to LHD in LNER days. No LMS locos were ever converted.
  6. But they were 8F's on board!
  7. I've never been an exchange tech, but I believe that seemingly odd voltage is to do with battery technology and it was the optimum voltage. I was a tester once and one morning, we had a lot of faults for a particular exchange. We were getting inconsistent test results for them. Then I noticed my screen had a warning about the voltage, so I rang the exchange (luckily it still worked!) and asked if they were having trouble. Yes, they replied, but we can't figure out why. So I told that my screen said that the voltage was 45 Volts, I think. Got told to wait a minute, so they came back 5 minutes later and told me that the power supply had been turned off and the whole exchange of 20,000 lines capacity was running off the battery all morning, which was quickly dying! The alarm had been turned off too! Funnily enough, the exchange started working properly very quickly.
  8. Rural Australia apparently has the opposite problem - largely because new doctors do not want to work away from cities and large towns. Lack of fine dining and things like arts have a lot to do with that decision. Districts are offering doctors free housing and the like, because they are desperate.
  9. More crashed than escalated, since it's going down!
  10. I hate to admit it, but I bought one years ago, when they first came out, with the intention of painting it black. Never did because the valve gear was totally wrong.
  11. The Patriot is fine (because in LMS days they were painted similarly), those others in crimson lake are not on. If you're going for oddball paint jobs, wrecking perfectly good black locos, why not 48624 in malachite green?
  12. Just surfing as you do and found this on driving and (not) passing other vehicles. Not all American, at least one from Australia. Warning that some descriptions have nothing to do with driving. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=passhole
  13. Don't worry Hogan22, I'm sure we have all grabbed the wrong item off the shelf many times. Usually when I do the shopping the wife takes the first item out of the bag on arrival at home and exclaims, 'that's not the one I wanted'!
  14. Without looking it up, I suspect CP gradually died because of the increasing rise of soaps and 'reality' TV. Of course the fact that the founder died wouldn't have helped. But these shows used to be a starting point for many actors and in the twilight of their careers.
  15. Yes, they continued to drive at 60kmh, so regardless of the signs they travelled at 60kmh. Probably think that they are wonderful drivers because they are so consistent!
  16. For which you don't know they are pushing the pedal harder, because the lights are already on! Wonder why a brake system hasn't been invented, that varies in brightness, depending on how hard it's pressed?
  17. Was driving behind someone today, driving at 60kmh in 80 then 70 zones. Further up the road, the limit drops to 50kmh. Any guess as to what speed they then proceeded to drive at, with brakes on all the way down the not steep hill?
  18. But you actually have this model, according to the label on your power supply - note the last 2 digits are different. https://www.jaycar.com.au/16vac-1-25a-unregulated-power-supply-bare-ends/p/MP3021 But nothing to worry about since it works, unless you paid $3.00 more for the one boxed incorrectly!
  19. The advantage of traction tyres - if you cut the power off, it would have stopped dead, pity about the passengers though with the G forces!
  20. OK, now we have a SOLUTION and it all makes sense! The transformer is NOT a 24V one, contrary to this note Hi again everyone, little update, I’ve bought the very same 24v ac power adapter from jaycar as recommended by a few of you. The camera didn't lie despite being upside down (my photos often end that way on RMweb - must be because posting from Oz)! but is 16V AC (actually 17.6V, which correctly gives about 24V DC (actually 22.8V DC), which is entirely within the expected range of a CDU. Also ALL the points work correctly now, which is the whole point (sorry) of the excercise. It highlights that trying (as originally posted) a 16V DC input into a CDU, WILL NOT work the solenoid point motors correctly. So congratulation Hogan22 on getting everything working.
  21. Well Ravenscraig was somewhere near Motherwell I believe, so can't be 451 miles from Euston.
  22. There is a photo of those famous 4 bridges in Treacy's LMS without any trains or smoke. Was it a rail strike day? So clearly he used that photo and photo shopped any locomotive and smoke effect he felt inclined!
  23. I have to confess that I failed mind reading class at trade school!
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