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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Arthur Itis has been absent for most of the day but pills will be taken before bed as a precaution.
  2. I spotted them almost as soon as I'd posted it and have adjusted it accordingly. I'd cut and pasted it from a draft that needs tidying up which I have also done. I see thats there's some missing punctuation as well. A bit surprising as the chap who wrote it is a retired solicitor SEERS@70 A CELEBRATION OF 70 YEARS OF THE SOCIETY 15TH April 2023 LEIGH ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH LEIGH ROAD LEIGH ON SEA SS9 1NN 10.00AM TO 4.00PM MODEL RAILWAY LAYOUTS, CLASSIC TOY TRAINS, MODEL ENGINEERING, TEST TRACKS, NEW BUILD LOCOMOTIVE PROJECT ADMISSION £3 – UNDER 18s free LIGHT REFRESHMENTS available. Nearest station Chalkwell c2c. First Essex 21 passes the door. Nearby car park www.seers-rail.org
  3. When I retired there was only one month to go before my retirement date but I had two months annual leave to come. (The current year plus some bought over from the previous year) that meant that the leave I took for the last month I was paid double.
  4. Afternoon/evening all from Estuary-Land. Been out to a meeting this afternoon. Its SEERS 70th anniversary next year. I've been tasked with sorting out the drinking vessels for the punters at our open day next year, recyclable paper cups with lids is what is specified. The cost is just over 14p per cup, minimum order 1,000 ouch! Mind you there is still a lot of profit in catering at shows when you consider the cost to make a cup of tea that you can sell for 50p and a mug of tea for £1. Here is the flyer for the show. SEERS@70 A CELEBRATION OF 70 YEARS OF THE SOCIETY 15TH April 2023 LEIGH ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH LEIGH ROAD LEIGH ON SEA SS9 1NN 10.00AM TO 4.00PM MODEL RAILWAY LAYOUTS, CLASSIC TOY TRAINS, MODEL ENGINEERING, TEST TRACKS, NEW BUILD LOCOMOTIVE PROJECT ADMISSION £3 – UNDER 18s free LIGHT REFRESHMENTS available. Nearest station Chalkwell c2c. First Essex 21 passes the door. Nearby car park www.seers-rail.org
  5. It makes good compost though.
  6. No chance of seeing it here, thick cloud overhead.
  7. Not as far as I know, Woolwich went years ago when the Woolwich ferry started up though the jetty was still in existence until a few years ago almost alongside the current ferry. Gravesend was the last to be used until British Rail ferries were hived off in the 1980's
  8. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis was in action this morning but is quiet now and no pills needed to be taken. I've a meeting this afternoon so I'm off to run a bath, be back later.
  9. https://www.facebook.com/Les.depanneuses/videos/452438786879197
  10. Or buy a Metrobus and scrap it almost immediately when the engine falls out.
  11. I hope thats not an omen, the temperature here is a predicted 22C tomorrow.
  12. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just been watching another of those derelict house/barn rebuild programs on TV. Quite interesting. The channel is HGTV available on BTTV 42, Freeview 44, Sky 158 and Virgin 286. Very much the same genre as 'Help, I bought a village but UK based and individual buildings rather than an entire village.
  13. I have an Ertl Toby with the face(s) replaced by a black/yellow chevrons and a 00 scale diamond pantograph on the roof. Its also running on a Tenshodo Spud motor. IIRC I paid about £30 for it. It looks very much like the 3 foot gauge locomotives used by the Scottish aluminium smelters.
  14. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. A day gone but I know not where. All I've done is some shopping in Tess Coes. Nothing on the goggle box except of course the comings and goings in Westminster.
  15. The oozlum bird is now extinct. Their problem was that due to a genetic fault many had one wing longer than the other meaning they flew in ever decreasing circles. This they did until they disappeared up their own orifice. The ooma goolie bird has diminutive legs and the name comes from the males call when coming into land, ooma goolies-ooma goolies.
  16. Is that related to the oozlum bird? or perhaps the ooma goolie bird?
  17. My friends bungalow as built had a staircase up to the loft space that was very steep (like a ships companionway) in one of the bedrooms. As the family got bigger rooms were added in the loft space and a conventional staircase fitted.
  18. Especially if it was a 14 year old female.
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