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Status Updates posted by davidw

  1. Happy Christmas everyone!

    1. Brian D

      Brian D

      ...and to you, mate.

    2. Black 5 Bear

      Black 5 Bear

      Merry Christmas to all and a peaceful and prosperous 2019.

  2. Happy Christmas eveyone and may you have a wonderful new year.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cbeagleowner
    3. PhilEakins
    4. Brian D

      Brian D

      ...and to you David. I hope Santa brings you nice railway modelling things!

  3. BBC 4 now.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. davefrk


      Managed to watch it on BBC iplayer.

    3. Andrew P

      Andrew P

      Really good Prog.

    4. Two_sugars


      A Good Program


  4. A work exit strategy

    1. Horsetan


      Supermarket freezer time?

  5. Why does work have to be so manic!

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      And it's Tuesday on top of it, not Monday!

    2. class"66"


      Its all Go Go Go!!

    3. davidw


      I wish it would go!

  6. I hate flu.....

    1. class"66"


      No what you mean!!

      had it now for three weeks..

  7. I hate week's upon week's training and away from home....

  8. Happy Christmas every one.

  9. 0p done - now the recovery!

    1. Captain Kernow
    2. Mallard60022
    3. LNER4479


      Best wishes for a speedy one (maximise the sympathy and get some modelling done if you can!)

  10. Completing an A2/1 by new year!

  11. The thought of an op - and 3-4 weeks off work....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. davidw


      Not a worry - just inconvient. Cheers


    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Best of luck, anyway!

    4. davidw


      Thanks all!


  12. PDK chassis A2/1 rolls beautifully motor pick up and brakes next

    1. cbeagleowner


      I look forward to seeing the pics of this one D - are you going for the Duke?

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      It's good when that kind of thing all comes together without much wailing and gnashing of teeth, isn't it?!

    3. davidw


      It is indeed


  13. Just finished A3 60064 must get back to the A2/2

  14. Two King's will Hatton's blink?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gwrrob


      Two Kings on Hatton bank would be nice.

    3. Horsetan


      Wars have started over less.

    4. 6892 Oakhill Grange

      6892 Oakhill Grange

      Belgian and Prussian? Or are you playing poker against the Hattons?

  15. Presentations at work - yuck!

  16. DJH A2/2 chassis was straight and true - was being the operative word!

    1. Barry O

      Barry O

      just stick it in a vice and..... twist!

    2. davidw



    3. Barry O

      Barry O

      Yes but gently and keep checking it on a piece of plate glass..

  17. DJH A2/2 chassis was straight and true - was being the operative word!

  18. The Wife says I can extend the layout into the Garden. Amazing!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Metr0Land


      ...and landscape the garden while you're at it....

    3. Trebor


      there always a motive behind there generous decisions!

    4. Ozexpatriate


      Shrewd move. Think of the time you will spend gardening to make the layout look nice.

  19. The Wife says I can extend the layout into the Garden. Amazing!!

  20. Thinking about pdk and djh pacifics

    1. davidw


      yeap - birthday coming up - I've already got a set of markits 6'2" driving wheels and bogie and tender wheels here and at least 4 gearboxes - I lose count very easily ;) So just the kit and a 1620/1624 motor required. Debating which one though


    2. davidw


      A2/1 Kit arrived - yikes


  21. Look out at Bristol Parkway - the modern railway is colourful!

    1. newbryford


      Unless you model BR blue....

    2. davidw


      One's tempted to ask is BR Blue modern?

  22. Look out at Bristol Parkway - the modern railway is quite colourful!

  23. A view of Bristol Parkway - make me think the modern railway is quite colourful!

  24. An new view of Bristol Parkway - make me think the modern railway is quite colourful!

  25. An office with view of Bristol Parkway - make me think the modern railway is quite colourful!

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