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Everything posted by kandc_au

  1. Not necessarily so. People don't need that for a loco. While not ideal it could be glued. It is more a matter of explaining CLEARLY and CONCISELY what goes where and when. Now I refer again to the video from before. Tony explained why he changed the sequence. While a manufacturer provides a sequence that can be followed clearly and it does work....fine. Khris This was a response to Jol
  2. Magnet on the end of a rod basically. Lifted the 2 arms so the disconnected and you moved the loco. Khris
  3. Jol, My answer is: The lowest common denominator. The more that can at least have a go are more likely to if they can understand and follow the instructions. As I have said previously with the aid of Youtube info now there should be a lot more having a go rather than just buying and storing these kits! khris
  4. Thank you SS. I'll give them a try. Khris
  5. Hi, Looking for a set of instructions for a SE Finecast Hall body Kit. (F123) I bought one a couple of years ago and now want to build it. What I didn't check was that it had instructions. Quite happy to pay if needed. Kit isn't much good without instructions....well to me anyway. Many Thanks Khris
  6. I saw a clip on Youtube...(DO NOT ask me where ) and the guy made a suggestion and made a tool with magnet on end that just lifted the coupling so you could separate the train wherever you wanted. ONLY downside was the coupling had to be metal...not plastic. Saves having magnets or uncoupling ramps to spoil the layout looks. Khris
  7. And therein is what I think is one of the big issues. A lot of us do NOT know all the ins and outs of loco's. Both Tony and Coach have been building these for a lot of years and it becomes second nature as to what sequence things should be done. Me on the other hand ................ Watching that video of Tony assembling the 3 loco's and just how he does it, explaining why he does what when, has been a real eye opener and inspiration! Khris
  8. If you have never built a loco before, what this video: The bloke in this video would have to be the best presenter I have seen on kit building. I only wish I had seen this before I did my 2 collets but rest assured I have learnt more in the first 1 1/2hr than in all the questions answered on message boards and what I have read in all the books and magazines....and that is a lot of reading! Be warned 5' 38" of video but worth every bit so far seen. Khris Mods: have I done this link right??
  9. Hornby "used" to produce those type of things 50 years ago! Gone and now coming back. Khris
  10. That point to the yard look more like a very shallow Y to me in reality. Coach wouldn't have a hope in hell with a peco Y, which to me leaves 2 options 1) Handbuild one 2) go the way he did. Khris
  11. Coach< i may have asked this before but either way have forgotten. Where do you get the vynal mat spring grass please? I know I have not seen it advertised/mentioned anywhere except on your thread. Khris
  12. In that middle pic: Does that siding go under the dairy??? Khris
  13. The Fatadder, At that link the first message underneath it was fom a driver who drove into the creamery in the 60's Would it be worth your while dropping him an e and seeing if you can get some more info from his memories? Khris
  14. My missus is a USEFUL tool! She can find things under my nose that I can't! Khris
  15. Stubby, If these are to be seen on the layout anywhere but in a coach....BEWARE!!!! I have bought some "supposedly" OO and they were anything but....even be hard pushed for HO. What is written and what is received are two different animals. Khris
  16. I like to look at it this way. The difference between a workers workbench and a non-workers workbench That said, I am VERY envious of those who can work and NOT make a mess like me. Khris
  17. Devils Advocate hat on. Does it really matter? A the end of the day you want to model something that inspires the majority of the members to be involved with it, would be my thought! A place where at least someone in the group can get resources for. Building plans/photo's etc. No matter what you model....there will always be an interpretation on it in one way or another! Khris
  18. Hey, hey, hey, Been a beautiful day down here! Heaven on earth! :laugh: :laugh: Khris Khris
  19. As far as these threads go, (referring back to a comment about faults) MAYBE, just maybe it would be better off with a section up at the start of a thread where Faults could be listed. It would certainly save the repetition of comments listing the same issues, page after page after page! We know there are faults with the model. We either accept them or reject them. Those younger ones and/or those not familiar with the intricacies of the loco can then refer to the list to see what faults there are and the running qualities of said loco WITHOUT having to trawl through 59 pages of nearly the same thing! Just a thought. Khris
  20. David, Link keeps defaulting to an upload page Tried pasting but still goes back to upload page> Suggestions! Khris
  21. David, You don't per chance have plans of the signal box....Do you? I understand it was 20' x 12' but as for other measurements I have no idea. Khris
  22. Just a thought out of left field. It's not moisture trapped from spraying in humid conditions, is it. In which case it will need to dry out thoroughly! Khris
  23. Bloody hell Coach. It only takes Hattons a week from there to Melb, Aust!!! Khris
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