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Everything posted by kandc_au

  1. Yep...Trains live in studio/trainroom or whatever you want to call it. Khris
  2. Is THAT why there are so many convertibles over there....you don't have to open the doors Khris
  3. Chris, It was mentioned on a thread (Don't ask me which one) that at least one of the backscene mobs will print out a backscene that long. Not sure but it may have been ID backscenes. Khris
  4. I can recall telling our kids to play in the 3 vacant blocks between us and the next house so that they wouldn't have to worry about breaking ours or neighbours windows. Do I need to tell you what happened. How can you go off at them when they did as they were told Khris
  5. Can't we have a sensible discussion without bitching and accusations. Maybe one or the other has misread what was said or written. Unfortunately this discussion is going the way of some Facebook groups. Khris
  6. Grahame, I didn't say it as a red herring....I was being QUITE serious. There have been articles about weathering and books of course. And I do have a few of these in the book shelf. I am one of those who needs to see things done usually to fully understand how to do things. This is what seems to be lacking in a lot of articles The issue of weathering has me stumped. There always seems to be bits missing, to my mind how they got from one point to the next. It is like great leaps and bounds from one point until the next.. Model Rail had an image on one of their front covers, a few years ago now of a model loco, and the weathering on the rods was superb. I duly contacted them and they responded that they had done some articles on weathering previously and directed me to said articles. BUT they still lacked in info that I felt I wanted/needed. I am NOT knocking Model Rail as whenever I have contacted them they have responded quickly and efficiently...Lets just make that clear. But the detail in the article/s was lacking for what I wanted. This is an item that would be ideal for a middle range mag where it would be discussed in more detail. Just my thoughts FWIW. Khris
  7. Disagree. Someone can be a brilliant modeller but NOT a good writer and/or vice versa! Some people have an ability to write and draw the reader in.....a LOT can not. Khris
  8. Personally I think there is a need for a mag inbetween MRJ and the others. As soon as the guy moved over to BRM from Model Rail, both mags were the same to me, for the period that he was there. (Not being rude but just cannot remember the name) The first issue I have had since has seen a change and the mags are seperating as far as layout/content goes again. I find 4pages for a loco review a bit over the top by at least 50%...but that is just me. I see a need for them but NOT 4 pages/item reviewed. 2mmMark....have you considered a filing cabinet using hanging files to hold a mag on each.......They will fit under layouts if that is any help. Khris
  9. Thanks for helping me waste an afternoon Just a word of warning re the knife set. The blades are VERY Flexible and hence, can be dangerous. Just be careful if you are using them! Bank acc is depleting though! Khris
  10. While not a really finescale modeller I have to agree. It seemed that the Journal may have lost it's way changed it's direction....depending of course on who you talk to. Each to our own of course. I will have to start to look for it more regularly, as I stopped having it put aside by my Newsagents who don't get it in anymore once I stopped. Khris
  11. Coach, Is there, or was there a thread on this? Khris
  12. So the Black on all of these buildings is still soot that hasn't been cleaned off as mentioned further on in this thread? Khris
  13. Samantha, There doesn't seem to be much available. Not even in the wagons!! Khris
  14. Even if it is "LOADING" equipment, the more I think about it the less likely I see it as "TOP" loading. The setup would certainly be ideal for piping into the tanks pipes with the gravity effect. The logic of having a top hatch open for loading is fraught with danger with regards to contamination. If it is pissing down rain and the hatch is open imagine all the that could get in there! Khris
  15. Very recent thread discussing this very thing. Seems they were loaded via the pipes and NOT the top! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/125038-1940s-gwr-milk-tanks-livery-help/ Khris
  16. AIUI you have to cut the handrails to release the chassis as well. Do a search of the threads here for the Hattons 14xx/48xx/58xx...there are a few and the info is there. Sorry I could not be more help. Khris
  17. Grahame, We are different over here. The main focus is what is now out at the time...Currently nearly everything new is diseasl. When Japanese brass and Korean was cheap to build it was steam. I do appreciate that things are different in the UK, hence why I continually say a lot of you guys do not know how lucky you are there! Khris
  18. I don't thin k the time period matters myself. I watch threads and blogs where there is a great deal of time between sections of the builds. Main thing is so long as it is kept together. Khris
  19. grob1234, I would think that to really encourage people, with the help of a mag and some shows having some demonstrations in conjunction with this it would work. Khris
  20. Jol, How popular are Missendon Abbey courses? I am asking particularly from the novice point of view, or do they tend to fill up with those who are already converted or on the way to being converted? Khris
  21. Ian, If you scroll down on this page you will see an upgrade by a Tony Richards. As far as I know though he didn't change the chimney. Good article. https://srmg.org.uk/members-projects/ Khris ps: Actually a lot of good articles there!
  22. Jol, Seems rather defeatest to me. While kitbuilders may or may not be in decline, people need encouragement. Okay I used lowest common denominator, which was probably wrong, but to me quite often instructions are written assuming that you already have a fair bit of knowledge of the subject matter. In this case loco's. I am NOT an incompetent modeller, but until the last few years particularly since I changed to model UK outline, I had not soldered a kit let alone white metal. I am one of those who really needs to see things done first....NOT just read it. Maybe that is why I have been so rapt that I stumbled on the Youtube clip. I have found that many hints and tips in the one clip alone that I don't have a fear of moving forward now. Even though I have managed to stumble my way through doing 2 collett chassis...and stumbled is the operative word. Seeing something actually being done is probably the biggest hurdle stopping most modellers having a go IMO! One other point of note: In the UK you are VERY fortunate with the number of exhibitions you have and the quality of exhibitions you have, including those who do the demonstrations, and their approachability as I found in 2011 at York and others I attended. Khris
  23. Coach....I wasn't QUITE thinking that low.... Khris
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