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Everything posted by kandc_au

  1. No one texture is the be all and end all. The mix of textures is what helps make the scenery come to life. You wouldn't use all static grass, neither would you use all scatter materials! Khris
  2. Someone go and handcuff Larry so he cannot destroy Carrog.....PLEASE!!!!! Khris
  3. Even though these vans are advertised as different types, at the end of the day if you want one for your particular era it is going to need modifying anyway. Is it not? Given all the changes that have happened to them, much like a loco. It would be best to get a pic and model are particular van! Khris
  4. Thanks for all the responses! I was just curious! Khris
  5. Thanks for the responses. When I googled I obviously didn't use the correct wording Khris
  6. Just a quick question. Was just reading a website while looking for info on a loco and there was a comment that the 57XX was the second most prolific class in the UK with 800 odd loco's. Needless to say my questions is, What is/has been the most prolific class in the UK? Khris
  7. Hi Guys, Quick question to the knowledgeable here please. I have been rummaging about and found this kit amongst stuff I have bought. It says it is designed for Airfix chassis and inside says GMR Castle chassis! My question is: If I was to use a Comet chassis, are there any issues to watch out for? Khris
  8. With all the complaints I have seen here I was REALLY worried about what I was going to get. My railcar arrived this AM and runs like a dream! No issues with headlights nor buffering. Takes b*gger all power to start and purrs along. One question for the aficionados....Did they run with the headlight on during the day in the 30's and 40's.? I thought that headlights on during the day was a rather recent initiative in our very neurotic society! Khris
  9. If it is just cutting strips into sleeper lengths I use a coping saw. I used to use the cut off wheel in a dremel/motor tool but never got them square. If it is for cutting large pieces into strips, the local shop here in Oz was getting them cut by a guy who I believe used a router! HTH Khris
  10. That resin looks like it has a lot of air trapped in it from when you have mixed it! Khris
  11. Unfortunately mine has been the exact opposite here in Oz! As for the 3d printer putting everything else aside it would only be suitable for small items anyway. Then you have the issue of quality of the print. (How fine it will print) Khris
  12. K14 has found the item to which I referred. We really need an area that things like this can be put into as well as in the thread.. Whether it be one large depository for all the railways of the UK broken into sections or an individual one for each of the railways doesn't matter, but an easy access to this sort of stuff is really needed. Khris
  13. Have you tried to do a search? Someone here posted the dimensions for these a while back but I am damned if I know what thread it was on! Khris
  14. Len, If you want flat castings the master needs to be secured flat, all around before pouring the rubber to make the mould So YES it does need to be secured !not only around the edges but also in the middle and the rest of the master. Khris
  15. But, but, but....it is Crimson Lake....NOT GWR green It should be green! Khris
  16. Kevin, If you can think of all the adjectives us Aussies use, then put them in from of you, beaut, bonza. Photography aside, this is phenomenal modelling, and a real credit to you. Just superb! Khris
  17. But I would suggest that Ratio's moulds are being used AND maintained. CC's are NOT and weren't hence all the flash on his latter stuff. It is a known fact that the moulding machine was adapted for his stuff.He can longer get parts or another and it would seem that he is NOT interested either way. Someone comment that just let it go....which is good BUT the issue is that newer modellers will get caught with his site by unwittingly ordering expecting it to deliver and lose their money like some he already have. Turfburner needs to be applauded AND supported in trying to get the CC site shut down so no-one else gets ROBBED!! Khris
  18. Not having received mine yet I cannot comment to much, but I am wondering about the drivers compartment. From the photo posted on the other thread there seems to be a fair bit there. How view-able is the inside of the drivers compartments on each end? Khris
  19. Those who are familiar with the costs of railcars that are already available, and the level of detail on them would be best able to judge cost/value argument! Personally I would have hoped the detail would have been better, but then again, we all want the most for the least! Khris
  20. I emailed Turfburner privately and suggested the same thing. I think anyone who has been burned by Coopercraft should all pool in with their resources to get this sorted once and for all. While each affected person my only be done for small amounts , I suspect if it was totaled it would be a large amount. Given the response to the Bailiffs, he is obviously quite clued up on his own rights without giving a stuff for anyone else. Remember,no matter what way you look at it, it is THEFT! Khris
  21. Hi Mike, I did gather a bit of info but in the end wasn't happy with the amount I had to make, what I would consider a reasonable model so have opted for Thame. From memory buildings were an issue ...particularly the one behind the goods yard. Then there was the issue of how to fit in available space and the list went on. Don't know the dates of the Britain from above pics but you can get a good idea of the trackwork of the day from them. My modelling dates were/are late 30's early 40's Khris
  22. kandc_au

    Ask Dave

    I would have thought that this line answered everything..........There again, maybe it is just me! Khris
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