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Everything posted by wirey33

  1. Will the Classified section be purely for Gold members to advertise or will there be commercial adverts too? The original Classifieds were great; modellers buying and selling. But for me, I stopped looking when it became swamped with commercial offerings.
  2. It's only March and a I think we have the RMWeb "Post of the Year" winner already.
  3. Stop it............... Bad enough that people can get hot under the collar about paint lids; and then you wade in with Marmite.
  4. No self-respecting model shop window would be without a circle of OO track and a Pannier or Jinty in perpetual motion. So you'd be modelling a OO layout in N scale which means a scale of 0.03mm to the foot (I think?). And Balsa wood; lots of Balsa wood.
  5. If I was going to replicate the wooden covers, I'd use a coffee stirrer cut to the correct shape (maybe two glued together edge on to get the height). As the photo of the preserved D6703 shows, you can't see the nameplate so the wooden cover is the only thing visible.
  6. Some answers... 1. Nope – there are differences between the BR and Brush built versions and these are a detail difference in their own right. Just because a loco was built at Crewe or Loughborough does not exclude it from having any of the other differences already listed. 2. Well apart from Fuel tanks being full of fuel and battery boxes being full of batteries ?!?! I do not claim to be an expert on this subject – the photos above seem to cover the variations but observation is the best way to learn. 3a. Three different boiler ports for three different boilers (although two are fairly similar). 3b. Marker light positions varied due to different works/depots carrying out the work. Some are higher in the headcode box, some are close together. The “tell” for a Brush v Crewe loco is the eyebrows above the front windows. Look at the two shots linked below and you’ll see. The Loughborough built locos eyebrows meet in the middle. The Crewe locos do not meet in the middle. It’s subtle, but it’ll be clear but when you see it. Brush Built : https://www.flickr.com/photos/stuart166axe/13002007453 BR Crewe Built : https://www.flickr.com/photos/stuart166axe/37771665952
  7. Both the the same. 26004 was released first and was fetching £150+ on eBay before the release of 26008 (which also sold out pretty quickly) They are very popular models in this livery; if you can find one at a reasonable price, I'd grab it.
  8. The Aldi display cases that get such glowing reviews will be available in the French Aldi stores from tomorrow. I know there a few bargain hunters who live in France, so hopefully this might be of some use. Personally, I will be smuggling a couple over the border into Switzerland :-) https://www.aldi.fr/aldi_vitrine_dexposition_48_5_2714_7452.html
  9. Just to give you a clue what you're up against... Fuel Tanks/Battery Boxes Buffer Cowlings Flush Ends ETH Receptacle Position Headlight Position Marker Light Position Boiler Port Variations Liveries Variations of Liveries Number Position Variations Number Size Variations Depot Plaques Depot Embellishments (i.e Dogs, Castle, Stags etc.) and one that never gets mentioned.... Brush or Crewe built.
  10. The only other variation is the white painted pipework, just above the fuel tanks, that was fitted to the original Scottish Push-Pull 47/7s (not sure if it was fitted to any others ?). Can I direct you to this discussion which covers you question about tanks and battery boxes.... https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/110886-class-47-fuel-tankbattery-box-arrangement/
  11. It's a wild stab in the dark, but perhaps the manufacturers website might hold the answers you are looking for? http://www.footplate.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=212_432&zenid=2e9ea9f8858e72e6af77bac79861f904
  12. This sort of question comes up time and time again and it’s very, very difficult to answer unless you specify an exact loco and time frame you are modelling. The detail differences are so numerous that only by specifying your preferred loco can you get an acceptable answer. The knowledge is out there, but you have to help.
  13. Check out my post #87, it gives you the info you need about renumbering - basically you can’t due to different boiler port arrangements.
  14. I think you're confusing Mark's Models with Malcom's Models.
  15. As Phil has mentioned, the Class 37 detail differences make this sort of re-paint a total minefield added to which, the Hornby model is pretty basic compared to the Bachmann and ViTrains models. However, if you're looking for a split box green loco with not too much concern for accuracy then 37119 / 37350 / D6700 would be a good choice. It was painted into original green livery in 1988 and widely photographed, so there is plenty of reference material. Not a "namer", but a celebrity that was often displayed at open days.
  16. Here’s my guess.... LNER Teak coaches in mauve A new diesel loco in BR raspberry Fish vans in primrose with a brown spot Mk3 coaches in teak A rail mounted gun in fluorescent green
  17. Yet another rubbish year from Hornby. Absolutely nothing for my Fell diesel and BR Mk4 in GNER livery diorama.
  18. Cromptons were regular visitors to Willesden (freight and engineers) and worked passenger services from the area to Dover.
  19. There were also a few services which were booked an engine change at Coventry. The diesel would stable in the old goods shed road for southbound services and the electric would stable in the holding road just past the Warwick road bridge for the northbound.
  20. At times it returned on a parcels service and then later was booked to go back on the SuO Leeds-Pompey. It strangely stabled at Banbury between Friday and Sunday. 33s did make their way to BNS on non-booked trains; sometimes these were services trains, sometimes the troop trains from Wool were Crompton hauled.
  21. I do wonder if Bachmann have got wind of another manufacturer working on a "definitive" Class 37; hence the tidal wave of rep editions, special editions etc. that have been announced over the last 12 months. An effort to squeeze every last drop out of their existing tooling before everyone jumps ship to another manufacturer? So I speculate more 37 limited editions.
  22. Can anyone tell me how "flatpack" these display cases are? Wondering if it would fit in the car.
  23. I got there in the first few minutes and it was three deep already. Quite a lot of what they had on the stand seemed to be the returns of the slow sellers like the GWR ROD and the Windoff MPV. In my opinion the prices weren’t great for returned stock. Much of what was available can be had brand new for similar prices with a full guarantee. I did pass by later on Saturday morning and grabbed a Highlander coach pack with 101 driving trailer for a bargain price; so it wasn’t all bad. Heljan were doing much better deals on new stock – the Hymeks and class 26s were particularly well priced I thought.
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