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Siberian Snooper

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Everything posted by Siberian Snooper

  1. Hi Stationmaster, Not heard of West London Yard, before your above post, any information on this probably very important location would be most welcome. I'm going to assume that like locos, people of the age concentrate on express locations and formations, rather than the humdrum local stuff.
  2. Blacksmith Models are making a comeback, a few more kits for the todo pile!
  3. Are you using the space saver horn blocks and guides?
  4. It's has just been on the Spotlight news, that the seawall has had some damage done by a recent storm, just north of the recently restoration/ upgraded section. It has not been enough to close the line, but has resulted in closure of the footpath. This has apparently not been very well signposted.
  5. Not only them, from what I overheard whilst driving school buses.
  6. If they come out in both pre and post 1922 livery, then I would be up for one of each in both liveries!! If bank managers were still extant, mine will be groaning.
  7. Yes it does, that's how I got mine and a couple of 1076s to go with them. They're still in the one day stash. But, there's always a But it does take some time to get to the magic number, maybe up to a couple of years or so!!!
  8. 850 kits are occasionally available from Alan Gibson, put your name down for one and when the list gets to ten Colin will run off a batch.
  9. There's a book, that has all the GW express passenger train formations in it for 193*, I can't remember the title. From memory most Padd trains were formed of 4 or 5, 70 footers and included catering facilities.
  10. Even now there's a lot of F/B turnouts still sitting on timbers, take a look at your local station or junction and see what it's made of. The plain track will be on concrete, especially if it's high speed and/or has heavy freight traffic. Loops could be either and sidings could still be in bullhead.
  11. There was an article or two in the much missed GWJ on Devizes, with a good selection of photos and other information. I don't have ready access to my collection to give chapter and verse on what was in the article.
  12. There's an awful lot of situations where concrete bearers can't be used for switches and crossings, due to the nature of the track layout. In the 80's? when York was being remodelled, the south end was done with concrete bearers, because the main route was straight. The north end was done on timbering, because both routes were on opposing curves. Concrete is only used where standard with the standard components, unless things have changed, in the intervening years.
  13. Kevin, Have you tried ringing Peco technical department? I have some good, if not cheap results, from doing that.
  14. Why not do what the diagram suggests? Use a light spring to hold the switch blades for the required route and let the train push through them, they will just spring back, when not held open by a flange.
  15. If I was an 0 gauge modeller I would be jumping at the bit at those prices. 00 coaches are retailing at around 80 odd quid each! Scratch or kit built 0 gauge coaches have got to be worth a lot more than that!!
  16. Run round the train, shunt the train onto the loop, remove the toad and shunt it into the loco release road, collect the out goings and place them on the toad, and then shunt the incomings.
  17. The limit of my knowledge is a repurposed Collet vehicle, but I can't recall anything else. I have not been there since the mid 80's.
  18. I have just bought a set of 4.3 shank, brass collets from Amazon for £6.49. They range from 0.5mm to 3.2mm
  19. As are the wing rails towards the Vee, after the knuckle.
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