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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Midland 12 wheeler almost there

well so far today i have built up the roof & fitted mopst of the underframe casting but as these are not in the kit i need to order some Dynamos & gangways tofinish of this coach   I found the roof nice to build & roll thow it was a tight fit between the ends when i build the all 3rd i will build the roof 1st so that the roof will fit better hers the pics

mozzer models

mozzer models

News just in

Those boffins at CERN have just confirmed the smallest known element. No it's not the Boson-Higgs particle, it's the distance between the jackshaft and the rear of the step assembly on the High Level Kit if you're building in P4...   The important bit is however small, it is enough.   Wheels quartered up and trial assembly photos attached. All well so far and it doesn't bind when I push it up and down the workbench! Have gone past the point of no return and loctited the final gear wheel onto



K2 cab roof and some decoration too... well, it is nearly christmas..

Hello all...   I finally plucked up the courage to do something with the roof of the K2. After about an hour scouring the endless photos in my books and mags, I made educated guess of what was on the top of the K2 roof! And just to prove that the rivets are actually rivets, and not pressed out...   It would be so much better if I were allowed a pillar drill here... Although a micro pillar drill might be just as handy. Anybody know any good sources for one ? My fingers have gone numb from



Out in the Country

Every so often I make a little progress. The hill looks like it is going to be rural rather than industrial. Meanwhile I have put in the canal, fixed the sides on the girder bridge and started to build the abutments and tunnel mouth (Scalescenes again).   The pipe bridge over the canal is also in the 'maybe' category. The pipe ought to be bigger, but it is quite an appealing structure in its way.    



Track laying under way

Have started to lay the track at long last - couldn't think of any more excuses to put it off any longer. Being my first ever layout I thought I'd dip my toe gentley in by starting with the main station throat pointwork! As can be seen, I used some mini jam jars full of "liquid lead" to hold the track down whilst the glue dried. The items were first laid dry, adjusted for position and long pins inserted at the ends of sleepers at key locations. The track was then lifted, PVA glue brushed onto th

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Nearly the end(s)

After wasting time on various things that could most probably, well definitely really, wait, I've cracked on with the 09, to the point where it is nearly done, I think.     On both ends, I wasn't happy with the black, it was looking too faded after the spray fade. Luckily, as I used Vallejo acrylics on the fade, I could easily remove it from the black whilst leaving the yellow intact. I applied Tamiya thinners onto the black, and gently rubbed it off with a cocktail stick. The thinners s



Boxfile Kyle - 2mmFS

Good evening - The other project that is in progress at the moment is a model of Kyle of Lochalsh 2mmFS ... in a boxfile. Drawing upon inspiration from both fellow 2mmFS Modellers and the Boxfile layouts of the previous forum, the idea is to construct a small extract of the station with both boards, fiddleyards and backscenes contained within the constraints of one MUJI boxfile. There will be one other boxfile, but purely for the rolling stock, controller and a few tools. ?  First a mock up wa



Part of a plan

After that long interval, some sort of a trackplan:     This obviously shows only the front curve of the layout, the return curves and fiddleyard being hidden. Although notionally on a double track line, the fiddleyard will have single line entry - see below.   I wanted a double track line with main line trains, but wanted to work it as a single line for operational interest (and fiddleyard flexibility). A contradiction in terms? Not if a double line has to narrow to single to pass



Wessex Trains 150 pt 3

Sorry for yet another post without photos, starting to think spending on a new camera which is slightly better in the dark might be a sensible idea...   I've been back to work on the 150, this time finally starting the renumber. The old numbers came off very easily with microsol to be replaced with fox transfers (anyone know what the numbering sequence is for the bodyside numbers? I know one half of 150232 is numbered 57232 but I dont know the number for the other half (or is it the same?)  

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Midland 12 wheel 1st dining car part 2

thanks for the coments chaps latter i will have a Midland Railway Dia 572 12 wheel 3rd class dining car which ran with the Dia571 but once i have finished this coach i have 3 TPOs to build before i can build the Dia 572   Back to the Dia571 well i have built up the chassie, body & bogie which i have replaced with ones from the 247 Developments range & i will be sell the 2 pair of 5522 Midland Bains 12 wheel bogies from this & the Dia 572 kit i still have the corridors to build up

mozzer models

mozzer models

The power of RMweb....

The power of RMweb - albeit the previous version to be exact....   I asked this question yesterday.... Old site link and by this evening i have a whole series of photos and dimensions without having to waste a whole 500miles worth of fuel. Many thanks to Penlan for the assistance.   Goes to show what this web thingy can achieve!   A few of Penlan's photos:   My sketches:   Update 12/11/09 Building starts....



3D Modelling

Following a period of building some loco bodies out of cardboard I've returned to my CAD work and have some models pending from the printers. I am hopeful that I will be able to successfully clean up the resultant prints (having spent a lot of time experimenting getting the best out of my existing prints - as well as making some BIG mistakes as well!). My current work is mainly concentrating on a K3 body which is designed to be a direct fit onto Farish V2 chassis (with rear pony removed!). I hav



Halling mechanisms

As I said in the previous entry, I've pretty much decided to swap over to Halling mechanisms and derivatives for mechanisms, I find them far superior to anything else I've used, for the uninitiated they come in various sizes and combinations one in particular allows you to unclip a base plate and just reposition one or both axles in slots to increase the wheelbase from about 24mm to 27 and then 30mm. There are also 34mm and 41mm units which are ideal for the Horsfields and pivotals. Bec and ABS

Red Devil

Red Devil

Midland 12 wheel 1st dining car

Today i have made a start on a 5522's kit for a Midland 12 wheel 1st class Dining car dia0571 So far i have built most of the chassie brasswork apart from the solebar steps   After lunch i hope to get the rest of the chassie done & make a start on the body

mozzer models

mozzer models

A Bulleid Conundrum

Ok folks, sorry for the lack of updates, but have been busy with modelling and returning to work after a long layoff.   As I have said a few times (not in these exact words though ), there is no such thing as a dead Bulleid.. Yes I'm talking Appledore 1.0 here, last seen festering on my layout in scrap condition. The loco body is completely U/S, but the rest is ok (tender top needs repairing though). So I'm talking about another Bionic Bulleid, I have the parts (another shop soiled rebuilt a



Spring cleaning

Progress on Stur has been a little slow of late. Last few weeks prior to going to the BRMA convention were spent preparing wagons for the modelling competition. I was quite happy with my 3 horseboxes. Whilst Brisvegas I did some consulting with our head musketeer, and owner of the 10 track traverser. Also managed to find an article about a OO layout based on Sturminster Newton, which was in the July 1987 edition of Practical Railway Modelling. Some interesting hints and tips there that may



Rannoch North Board

Hi everyone,   I have been busy over the last few days/evenings with the North end of the layout. This board has been moved to the hall to allow access to it so that I can get the track work and board facias etc finished. I have also had to add a few dropper wires from the various track sections and also the point motors so that everything can be linked up at a later date ready for the switch over to DCC. For more photos and details of the work please see my layout thread Rannoch Moor under th



9f updates

Hi folks just a quick update as im not used to this new system yet! going to take me a while! I have finished the last 9f crosti the rebuilt one i was working on of which I have took a vid of and some pics! vids on you tube   hope this works! more news soon. cheers ian




I've added some Springside swans and cygnets to the brook, and some water for them to swim around in. I've also got around to putting in the 5 foot fluorescent lighting fixture, which is attached to an L-shaped beam running across the entire 7 foot module frontage. I'm generally pleased with the way it's brightened the scene, but I haven't eliminated shadows on the backscene from the big tree. They're softer than before, as you'd expect, but I still need to do a bit of work to make them less obt

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Printed Side Comparisons 1984 and 2009

The Gresley is now closer to done. Still need to make roof cowls (why did I pick the awkward coach). The sides to this are screen printed to a pre 1985 design. Next to it is a faded Regional Railways Mark2 coach complete with peeled numbers and other little details, the latest in vinyl relivery bits from Electra.   Both await interiors and roof paintwork finishing so they should a fairly similar comparison     I think the Gresley stacks up pretty well - and shows just how good a job Cavnd

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels


I have been doing bits to the scenery lately and have just finished the area on top of the bank. I have gone with the idea to put a church in and small grave area to ad abit of greenery with stone walling round the road face. sorry for the poor pictures. Any comments welcome. stuart



Working lights on a Goods Brake Van

A second brake van with lamps at the veranda end. This has been a lot harder as there is so little space on the veranda to get my finger into to position the led. Its' not working yet because I need another flicker free unit.     I also need to touch up the damaged paint and weathering.



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