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    EBay madness

    Learn to weld. Buy a Transit!
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  4. Very much so and thank you so much for posting a photo of GWR 4-4-0 ST No13 my favourite locomotive of all time. It s an image I've not seen before.
  5. It is then revealed that these were derived from the "Last Ditch / Auxiliary Unit" troops, based near Highworth. Mabel Stranks (Highworth's Postmistress) forgot to post the letters to tell them to stand down. https://www.swindonweb.com/index.asp?m=8&s=9&ss=267 Edit - @CME and Bottlewasher is seen in a cameo role.
  6. After the 56 more than happy to stick with this incarnation and my order stays with these chaps 🙂
  7. Andy, I think that, whether it really is or not, the "mucky" version looks just right.
  8. Personally looking forward to these the samples look fantastic not sure need to say anything else quality seems to ooze 🤔
  9. #7 - Warner Bros - historic reconstruction of the filming of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh, complete with the animal families recounting their ancestorial involvement in preserving this historical village. Including previously unseen footage of the destruction of the Dam, by secret SAS agents.
  10. So, for yet another year, there will be just one Australian team in next weekend's Super Rugby Pacific semi-finals.
  11. I know of one occasion when a class 50 was in the Burton area, but I do not remember the date or which class member or its path to get there. However, it was photographed and I believe was published in the Burton Mail. My dad worked there at the time and would bring home copies of "train" pictures for me when something newsworthy happened. In this particular case, the 50 showed up to commemorate the closing of Burton depot, so that would limit the timeframe somewhat. I am not sure whether I still have a copy of the picture having emigrated to the US and my parents having rationalized my non-essential belongings a long time ago.
  12. The following links may help you:- Disused, Abandoned & Forgotten railways of South Wales:- https://www.facebook.com/groups/382636661885307 . Railways in South Wales:- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1481784582093228 . Welsh Railways:- https://www.facebook.com/groups/716647698429320 . Be sure to answer the three simple security questions if applying to join Railways In South Wales, or your application will be 'bounced' - . I know there are a number of images of Brynlliw, and the nearby Graig Merthyr system on that group, taken by local enthusiasts who may be able to provide you with more info. . Brian R
  13. The colliery was Rothes Collery not Glenrothes Collery https://nmrs.org.uk/mines-map/coal-mining-in-the-british-isles/scotland/kirkcaldy/rothes-colliery/
  14. Thanks TT100! Yes, I always enjoyed a bit of kit bashing and it has been good to rekindle that part of the hobby again. I have some BR DMU projects on the go as well!! I have a soft spot for DMUs/Railcars, probably because that was what I was used to seeing when growing up!
  15. As a bit of fun, and a change from more serious loco construction I have just completed the motorisation of a Kitmaster/Airfix Pug kit using the remains of an ancient Peco Perfecta kit. I assembled my first Pug kit shortly after it was introduced in 1959 and really couldn't have imagined that I would be building another one 65 years later. I feel like Methuselah! When Peco introduced their motorising kit for the Pug about 1961 I had to put one on my Christmas list. In the event, however, Harry, the knowledgeable and helpful assistant at our local model shop, suggested to my parents that the kit was a little too advanced for me. His wise counsel prevailed and I got a HD RI loco instead if I remember correctly. Years later I did a reasonable Pug motorisation with Gibson frames and wheels, wire handrails and extra detail. However when a part assembled Perfecta kit and Pug parts appeared on e-Bay nostalgia took over and I acquired it. What I got for my money was a part completed set of plastic kit frames, most of the Perfecta parts and about one and a half's worth of plastic kit components. No motor was present and as the recommended Romford Terrier unit or the Tri-ang XT60 are now as rare as hen's teeth I used as a substitute a cheapo Chinese one that I had in stock. This had the virtue of being smaller and needing less of the saddle tank underside to be cut away, Fortunately the worm was present in the box, and with the addition of a sleeve,was made to fit the motor shaft. A previous owner had fitted the plastic chassis with metal wheel tyres , worm wheel and the pickup assembly, and after inserting the motor I actually got the Pug running before a succession of broken crankpins and axle failures lead me to the conclusion that the original frames were knackered and needed replacing. As things turned out I was lucky enough to snap up two unmade Airfix Pug kits very cheaply soon afterwards. I didn't even consider the Dapol version because of the different quality of plastic used these days. Anyway, with the new frames things went much smoother and I produced a runner very quickly. The body was completed using the original Kitmaster components with just a small amount of cutting away under the saddle tank. How does it run? Well, it has an amusing waddle and the high revving motor gives it a top speed of about 100 MPH ! It is certainly not a loco for my running stud but was never intended for this purpose. However my curiosity is now satisfied and having proved that the Perfecta kit works I have now placed the Pug in my display case with my other Kitmaster locos. In common with my other "preserved" Kitmaster locos I have finished it rather as the manufacturer intended with the ridiculously undersize cab side numerals and later BR crest which most locos of this class never carried. Oh, and Harry was right all those years ago as I feel quite sure that a 13 year old me would never have got this loco working! Barry
  16. I find it interesting that in OO there have been several duplicated models released recently, both steam and diesel whilst over in N there has remained a drip drip of new items. What is clear to me (and I know it's the biggest market) is the OO can stand lots of new releases from several companies but N, O and TT120 for that matter perhaps do not have the market size to absorb a lot of stock coming at once. @Adam1701D has commented there is lots he'd like to do in N but the time is just not right for some of these items. Even the O gauge rtr phenomenon is starting to hit reality with Ellis Clark dropping some wagons it was developing as they don't see the sales and there have been some hefty price drops on some items too I think. Accurascale do keep their cards close to their chest and whilst they asked last year what we might like to see and we all got excited, we have to be realistic, it's not going to be the same rush of models as OO, it's going to have to be more nuanced and it will have to be over a reasonable time period as there are simply not enough of us to absorb it all. I already have to reasonable class 37s, only one is actually on the layout and I've sound fitted it, would I replace it, unlikely. I have a sound fitted class 50 and a sound fitted class 31. A Deltic is the wrong region and a 60 too recent. I imagine I'm not the only N gauger like this, so in a smaller market making big sales is going to be harder and as Farish models were already decent it going to make the task harder still. That's not to say I wouldn't welcome N gauge Accurascale locos but that I think it's going to be a slow burn rather than a quick bang. Now wagons, that's a totally different kettle of fish, lots of scope there I believe.
  17. I want to know What Love Is - Foreigner
  18. All I can say is zut alors...... In my defence I er, um, well it will be magnifique to voir Cogirep un autre temps et aussi je suis, mais non, nous sommes, tres contente avec seulement Obbekaer sans Ribe Skibbroen. Pour ma defense, j'ai ete dazzle par le gilet de Monsieur Cygne chez le RMweb membres jour. Mange tout!
  19. This and Riccarton Jn. are absolutely stunning. The photoshopped steam is very convincing indeed..... Or are they real ......
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