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David Bowie passes


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Whatever your views about David Bowie, I have yet to talk to anyone who is anything other than scandalised by the BBC devoting the first 15 minutes of the national news at 6pm to his death – half of the entire bulletin.


This is a classic example of how the medja have lost it – their sense of proportion has totally deserted them, whence their news values have become grotesquely distorted.


In another, related example, we see John Simpson, crime correspondent for The Times respond to the pre-publication of tomorrow's front page of the Financial Times by complaining about the "boring" headline about David Bowie, ignoring the powerful lead story which tells us that Toyota will stay in the UK even if we leave the EU.

That probably tells us more about the like minded people you talk to than about the state of the media (and we all tend to talk to like minded people). Everybody I know could talk about little else yesterday. It was the major news story of the day and his death had come as a total shock. It would have been bizarre if the six hadn't led on it.


The fact that the Bowie story was seen as more of a lead than what Toyota might do if England leaves the EU is only out of proportion to those desparate for that to happen.

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I'm sorry, but why go to the trouble of posting in this thread then?


Is this an obit, or a topic on which people comment on the influence of a celebrity musician, actor, etc. on their lives?


Why should anyone be banned from expressing a view, as long as it is genuinely held and politely expressed? After all, that is largely how Bowie made his impact upon society.

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Whatever your views about David Bowie, I have yet to talk to anyone who is anything other than scandalised by the BBC devoting the first 15 minutes of the national news at 6pm to his death – half of the entire bulletin.



I don't object to that.

I do object to the rubbish that was in the programme rather than facts.

SWMBO was asking me what sort of cancer.

I would have thought that would be quite an important fact to include in a news programme.

Eventually I found out and told her, long before the news came up with any details.

Sections of his life were glossed over.

I mentioned one part as being rather off the mark and eventually SWMBO heard Rik Wakeman confirm my comment. 

His life was rather more than the pop music part and should have received more detailed attention from the BBC.



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I think it's great to see some many artists and directors and actors all saying which of Bowie's tracks influenced them.




I had Bowies 'Nothing Has Changed' on in work today, and I've got to say how great it felt that pretty much each of us all had our own favorite tracks by him. He really was a game changer, whatever he did / whoever he collaborated with in whichever era, He is, and will remain popular with the people. And not many artists can share that accolade.

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Oh....is Wales staying in, then?

I said England because I was thinking of the very real risk of the UK splitting if the referendum is overall for leaving but outside England in favour of staying.


Nevertheless, though anything relating to that such as the Toyota announcement would normally be of great concern, yesterday it was way down my own and I suspect most of the country's, "running order" compared with my shock at David Bowie's death. What still keeps coming up are more examples of how much his music was the soundtrack to my life.

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Looking at his work from a guitarist point of view - I enjoyed Mick Ronson (rip), Earl Slick and the incomparable David Torn ( I do consider myself an electronic friend of David and know Earl vaguely but didn’t know Mick). I think Carlos (Alomar) and Earl enjoyed the longest association with  David Bowie dating back to the ’70’s (both of them).


Remarkably - at literally the last minute - Earl stepped in for SRV on the “Serious Moonlight “ tour  and managed to sound just like him and Mick (on different songs) using just a single pick up guitar (the all red one built for him be Mr. DiMarzio).   


Best, Pete.

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If given a choice, when confined to a room with piped music, 99.9 recuring members of the human race would prefer to listen to anything by David Bowie rather than modern Hip Hop and Rap "music" (more like mumbling quickly to a background beat).


I've been informed, by quite a few people on the west side of the Atlantic, that RAP is in fact an anachronym and stands for "Retards Attempting Poetry".


Most people with even the slightest taste in music add a C to RAP when passing there opinion of it.

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  • RMweb Premium

I saw Holy Holy last June and there was no hint whatsoever from any of the band members that there was anything wrong with the great man.


Tony Visconti just referred to him as "My Dear Friend David Bowie".  It must have been awfully difficult for all those so close to David to keep it to themselves knowing full well that Time was running out.


Truly gutted of 71G

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