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Bachmann announcements

Andy Y

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Guest Max Stafford

Only a matter of time for the Q6 I'd say. It is reported as being a 'live' project and has topped the polls for some time. I'm advised that the wheelbase corresponds with that of the G2 and I'd be quite surprised if there isn't a mid-year or 2011 announcement concerning this and/or the BR 78xxx.



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First post on this thread.


Im really pleased with the line up, I think it shows great convidence and enthusiasm from Bachmann.


I dont model the modern era, but Im glad the guys who have been crying out for modern image EMUs have got the 350, modern layouts seem to lack the availability in rtr of whats out there on the real railway at the moment, so a step in the right direction I think, and I think theyre a nice looking unit, especially in the original livery.


Again the class 70, excellent, theyll sell like hot cakes.


the favourite for me is the AL5, ill be having one of them, even if its getting towed dead on a diverted Liverpool on Olive mount :)


the 7f, another favourite of mine, and Im sure lots of other peoples , thatll sell very well!


and the 3f, very good choice!


all in all, a very impressive line up



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  • RMweb Gold

I will be forking out for the 7F and for more than one 3F, though quite how many of the latter will depend on what actually emerges. If the motor is set low enough (unlike in the Jinty) that standard Derby wheelbase could be really useful, as could the tender. I would never have justified to myself buying a 7F kit, but I am sucker for freight locos, so provided it's back-dateable to pre-war I'm in!


Bachmann do seem to be willing to test the market on loco types, let's not disappoint them.



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I said the 7F was coming. I witnessed it measured up at Grosmont last year! Great model but wish the Q6 was in the list of new items.


This is a very sensitive area where efforts are made to ensure that such work is carried out in total secrecy in conjunction with the location concerned for obvious commercial reasons. I had a conversation about this at last week's trade event, it wouldn't be unknown for a project to be canned because such information had leaked out and to a competitive party.



Perhaps next time it would just be best to satisfy yourself you had an idea rather than use public environments to disclose the activities of suppliers at sensitive stages.



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I have no doubt that the 7F has a great appeal to fans of the Somerset and Dorset but its working life was spent in a very localised environment and this will surely put a damper on its potential sales. I am not criticising Bachmann for producing it but would be disinclined to buy a locomotive with such limited geographic range. It's not that I don't like the S&D, or the 7Fs, but the 7F is associated only with one line of route, just as the Brighton Belle Pullman sets would be no use to somebody modelling BR (SR) in the Canterbury area or the Lickey Banker of no interest on an LMS modeller with a Shropshire based layout.


Such specialised models will always capture the attention of the media, including forums, but are unlikely to outsell more widely travelled prototypes which can be used anywhere on the modeller's chosen company or region.

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Guest Max Stafford

Three words fella; 'City Of Truro'. Look at the reception this model received upon release - big, big uptake and this for a loco that operated in a geographically limited area with an operational life that ended before the Second World war. Not a great deal of application outside the Western but it was purchased by all sorts of modellers, not just GW afficionados.


I suspect something similar will occur with the 7F. :)



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... If the motor is set low enough (unlike in the Jinty) that standard Derby wheelbase could be really useful, ...

This is a little tangential, but the Bachmann Jinty has the top of the motor about 34mm above rail level installed as supplied, or 36.5mm above rail level if rotated so that the taller axis is vertical (it is possible to cut the necessary small clearance inside the base of the motor cradle to permit this). That small mod allows it to fit inside combined dimensions such as boiler 4'6" diameter over external cladding, centred at 7'3" above rail level, which should permit installation inside many if not most post-1870 UK 0-6-0 types. I rather doubt that the 3F mechanism will have the motor any lower, simply because the designer would then have trouble getting sufficient depth in the chassis block casting.

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I said the 7F was coming. I witnessed it measured up at Grosmont last year!



This is a very sensitive area where efforts are made to ensure that such work is carried out in total secrecy in conjunction with the location concerned for obvious commercial reasons. I had a conversation about this at last week's trade event, it wouldn't be unknown for a project to be canned because such information had leaked out and to a competitive party.



Perhaps next time it would just be best to satisfy yourself you had an idea rather than use public environments to disclose the activities of suppliers at sensitive stages.


Not to mention the sheer banality of this notion that something being measured up automatically translates to 'ooh, they must be doing a model'. It doesn't; it's only one stage.

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  • RMweb Premium

Not to mention the sheer banality of this notion that something being measured up automatically translates to 'ooh, they must be doing a model'. It doesn't; it's only one stage.



Now I know what those strange fellows are up to measuring the buildings in historic market towns with a 16' 6" rule. Undercover agents for Hornbach. :D


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Now I know what those strange fellows are up to measuring the buildings in historic market towns with a 16' 6" rule. Undercover agents for Hornbach. biggrin.gif



LOL! I expect they're releasing a block-paved driveway too, I can see their R&D team across the road from here!

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Now I know what those strange fellows are up to measuring the buildings in historic market towns with a 16' 6" rule. Undercover agents for Hornbach. :D



16'6" eh? It's got to be that length for a reason, I think the buildings are just a distraction ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Three words fella; 'City Of Truro'. Look at the reception this model received upon release - big, big uptake and this for a loco that operated in a geographically limited area with an operational life that ended before the Second World war. Not a great deal of application outside the Western but it was purchased by all sorts of modellers, not just GW afficionados.


I suspect something similar will occur with the 7F. :)



I reckon you're spot on with that comment Dave. It will sell because'it looks nice', 'it's something a bit different', 'it's preserved', and 'oh that bit of railway must be interesting if they're making models for it'.... and so on. Like you I don't think the 'geographically limited area' will come into the purchasing decision for most people.


I might perhaps have bought a 7F to revive a few memories of seeing some (just checked my ABC, and it was 4 of the last 5) in traffic :). But - as it happens - I will not be buying as 'someone else' (various) happens to be turning out some superb bits of (Great) Western[ry] (Region) this year in more than sufficient variety to absorb my spare pennies.


And that last comment is, I suspect, the only thing which might rule against purchases of 'celebrity' locos such as the 7F - does what's also in the market at present/arriving this year allow spending to stretch that far?

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It's gonna be an expensive time after these Bachmann releases. Being involved with an exS&DJR layout (Blandford) apart from my own West Midlands based ex LMS layout, there will have to be plenty of 3F's, 7F's, and Derby lightweights - oh well, a nice surprise to find all this after a 3 week break in the Caribbeanbiggrin.gif .

Oh and 'Coach', you forgot the Andy Capp loco in your Compound list.

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  • RMweb Premium

Three words fella; 'City Of Truro'. Look at the reception this model received upon release - big, big uptake and this for a loco that operated in a geographically limited area with an operational life that ended before the Second World war. Not a great deal of application outside the Western but it was purchased by all sorts of modellers, not just GW afficionados.


I suspect something similar will occur with the 7F. :)




I totally agree Dave. The 7F has an appeal which will transcend normal boundaries. it does have that rare iconic status, and it will sell. The trick is to identify other locos which enjoy that same status. And we must remember the large number of people who will buy what appeals to them, and ****** the purists. And why shouldn't they?

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Oh and 'Coach', you forgot the Andy Capp loco in your Compound list.

Wada'm I like.....biggrin.gif


I was commuting into Manchester (in an elderly non-corridor) when someone exclaimed "Sithee, luk at that". It was the yellow and red Compound standing on Newton Heath shed. Pity the newspaper didnt buy it for posterity.

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  • RMweb Gold

LOL! I expect they're releasing a block-paved driveway too, I can see their R&D team across the road from here!

Ha ha! Perhaps I could go out in my orange work gear with a camera, clipboard and tape measure and cause havoc amongst the imaginations of modern image modellers! ;) ;) :lol: :lol:

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This is a very sensitive area where efforts are made to ensure that such work is carried out in total secrecy in conjunction with the location concerned for obvious commercial reasons. I had a conversation about this at last week's trade event, it wouldn't be unknown for a project to be canned because such information had leaked out and to a competitive party.



Perhaps next time it would just be best to satisfy yourself you had an idea rather than use public environments to disclose the activities of suppliers at sensitive stages.




I more than appreciate what is being said, but in all fairness. The measuring was not exactly descrete and all the voluteers and staff were going around telling everyone what was happening, I'd have been none the wiser. So for all to shot me down is a bit unfair. If I was trying to keep a project secretive then I would not have made it public knowledge in the first place.

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... that rare iconic status, and it will sell. The trick is to identify other locos which enjoy that same status ...

Part of the reason why I feel the Midland compound is a likely choice for an NRM issue sometime in the future: the outings of 1000 in Midland Red before it went into preservation (some of which saw it run with Truro) and the outright gorgeousness of the Midland livery.

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I agree with the above poster, the outright gorgeousness of the Midland and LMS red livery would be a good selling point for No. 1000. At the same time, I suspect many modellers would have to settle for BR lined black!


I wonder what the sales figures are for red versus green 'Jubilees' or for that matter pre-Nat and post-Nat LNER Pacifics.....?

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Having just seen this announcement - well my flabber is just about gasted!!! Having waited about 30 years for a decent RTR of the 7F and the 3F they both turn up together! So the DJH 7F and Gibson 3F can be retired. Trouble is - I'm a bit concerned. For all the reasons given above I think they'll sell - but will Bachmann make enough? Have now ordered three 7Fs and two 3Fs from my local supplier but will he be able to get hold of any? Will the box-shifters snaffle the lot up? Should I go to Hattons? Oh dear! What should I do?? Have a reserve order from Hattons? But have already taken grief from the wife for ordering three 7Fs - "well dear they're all the same colour" - "but darling the numbers are different!!!" An anxious few months await with this on top of the worry as to whether my job disappears after the General Election and then I won't be able to afford any.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ha ha! Perhaps I could go out in my orange work gear with a camera, clipboard and tape measure and cause havoc amongst the imaginations of modern image modellers! ;) ;) :lol: :lol:


Hmm, I'm just beginning to wonder if my wanderings about one particular railway equipped in that way might have started a few rumours. I wondered why that bloke on the platform asked what I had been doing taking pictures inside the signalbox ... ;)

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