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Modelling resolutions for 2017


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  • RMweb Premium

So 2016 is nearly behind us. Do you have any modelling resolutions for 2017? 


Mine would be to get Coombe Viaduct's scenic section ballasted and more scenically complete. I'd also like to see more progress made on my 7mm Manor. 



Non modelling, I must knock the dust of my kayaks and canoe and get back on the water.


So, I've shared mine, what are yours?

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I've got two. One is to finally get round to having the loft boarded and insulated so that I can start work on the big roundy-roundy I've always promised myself. This does depend a bit on having the money to get the loft done professionally, since it will probably need an improved access hatch and that's likely to be beyond my DIY skills, but I'm reasonably hopeful I'll be able to spare the cash later in the year.


The other is to make a fresh start on the portable shunting plank. This has been an on-off project for a few years, but got put into cold storage (literally - it's been in the garage!) after our last house move and, having had a chance to dig it out and have a look, I've concluded that a new start on a new baseboard is the best option. The buildings are all still in good nick, having been carefully boxed up prior to the move, but the baseboard and track has been damaged by being stored in less than ideal circumstances. Some of the track is probably reusable, and things like point motors should be OK to detach and transfer to the new version, but trying to patch up a warped board and bits of twisted track is unlikely to make for a good running experience. I'm thinking of ordering a modular laser-cut baseboard from Grainge and Hodder, since that looks both cost-effective and good quality.

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  • RMweb Gold

Same as Kris above really. Get Dinfield sidings ballasted and some scenic work done and as of last night I may be at a point I am comfortable to start ballasthe work.


Outside of that who knows if the golf clubs will get picked up again but if not I will have a bit more time.

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Well put!


Mine is similar, in that I need to finish a lot of things, instead of starting a lot of things.


This applies to DIY (big time!), as well as railway modelling, and has been a perennial feature of my life ....... when I was eight, I got in trouble for letting the school footy team down, by creating a great opportunity, then failing to drive home into an open goal!


Trouble is, I love getting into new things, the research, learning, planning, preparation ...... then get bored and flit to the next topic.



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Allegheny1600, on 31 Dec 2015 - 21:03, said:snapback.png

Get some more track laid on "Irgendwo",
Sort out my big shed and complete track laying on my test track,
Lay a garden path,
Maybe build some P4 track and stock, Maybe start a P4 'plank'
Build my mates tram layout,
Sell a load more stuff I don't need,
Earn a living!

Spend less time online!

Also, get "Watlington" up and running!

Edited by Allegheny1600
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  • RMweb Gold

I think I could just cut and past last years...

However my real ambition for this year modelling wise is to finish the year with a WIP list that is shorter than this years (which will be on my blog later tonight.)
To ensure everything on that list that is not marked as long term gets finished.






For the layout the 2 points remain complete the track through the fiddle yard to enable a continuous run, along with finishing the double slips...

My non modelling resolution of spending less time working in Spain should help....

Edited by The Fatadder
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  • RMweb Premium

Finish the year with fewer

unbuilt kits

projects to modify or rebuild existing models (rtr and kits)

layout projects that are in progress or in plan.


Chances of getting one in 3? probably 100:1 - which puts a full score at 1:1,000,000

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Finish the year with fewer

unbuilt kits

projects to modify or rebuild existing models (rtr and kits)

layout projects that are in progress or in plan.


Chances of getting one in 3? probably 100:1 - which puts a full score at 1:1,000,000


A feeling of deja vu when I look at the kits and started projects!


Mark Saunders

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