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Mousa Models future production


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  • RMweb Premium

We're talking about current technology though. We don't know how quickly technology will change in the next few years.


Ten years ago you wouldn't be looking at this site in it's current format. Most of us were even still on dial up only a few years ago.


Remember when everyone was obsessed with pagers? Now I can sit in the pub and talk face to face with someone in Australia if I wanted to.







Indeed we don't know but I will be surprised if we ever have a cashless society.





Edited by PaulCheffus
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The point is you stated that it would be a cashless society in ten years as fact. Something that you cannot possibly know which you have acknowledged in your comment above as you are quite right none of us know what the future holds.






I still believe that. But you've still got the Flat Earth Society when it comes to money.


How many OAPs keep their money under their mattress because they don't trust banks? Much more than anyone would think.


But we've got a new generation that hardly ever uses cash, buys everything online and gets it delivered, or picks it up from Argos or Amazon lockers. 



That's not the future, that's now.






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I think WiFi issues are down to the venue. It’s the easiest thing to do; just take a WiFi router into the hall and plug it into a phone socket. Then tell the traders the password.

After that it’s up to them.



Certainly the older ones were not using wifi, so that would not work.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think WiFi issues are down to the venue. It’s the easiest thing to do; just take a WiFi router into the hall and plug it into a phone socket. Then tell the traders the password.

After that it’s up to them.


Hand held devices are serviced by mobile phone networks.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dave, shall we just leave this where it is, please?


Some people see bullying/'lynch mob'/something beyond 'reasonable frustration' taking place and some people do not.


I do see it, as do others (who have either posted to that effect or PM'd me separately), others (presumably including yourself?) do not.


The problem here is that 2 threads have become confused.


I'm going to presume that you are referring to the CC thread where to me frustration was evident, but this thread was started by Bill and quoted a post I made referring to deposits.  I have seen no bullying of Bill and I'd say he was quite capable of pointing it out or reporting it if he felt he was being bullied. 

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The problem here is that 2 threads have become confused.


I'm going to presume that you are referring to the CC thread where to me frustration was evident, but this thread was started by Bill and quoted a post I made referring to deposits.  I have seen no bullying of Bill and I'd say he was quite capable of pointing it out or reporting it if he felt he was being bullied. 

why would he when the admim want to get the popcorn

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  • RMweb Gold

I honk Andy also made it clear that he’d lock the thread anytime Bill asked.

Sometimes I feel like honking as well!  ;)


(And not because I've had too much cake, either!)

Edited by Captain Kernow
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I honk Andy also made it clear that he’d lock the thread anytime Bill asked.


Sometimes I feel like honking as well!  ;)


(And not because I've had too much cake, either!)

Oops damn autocorrect / typing on a small screen etc.


Didn’t mean to confuse this thread with the annual Warley Whingefest. Rucksacks at dawn anyone to resolve this?

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  • RMweb Gold

The problem here is that 2 threads have become confused. 

Personally, I'm not confused, but the thread topics have become intermingled, shall we say?



this thread was started by Bill

Well, yes it was, but it seems to have a life of it's own now. It was clearly a by-product of the Coopercraft one, as he quoted your post #1290 of the latter, so it would almost certainly not have come into existence, in this form, had the 'debate' on the Coopercraft thread not been taking place. Hence there is a connection between the two.



I have seen no bullying of Bill and I'd say he was quite capable of pointing it out or reporting it if he felt he was being bullied. 

I doubt Bill would consider it bullying either but I nevertheless detect an developing undertone of 'how dare you try to be different' going on. Some of Bill's comments may not be what some of you might expect, but it's his call to respond and comment as he sees fit and I find it interesting to see how some people try to deal with such unexpected (to them) responses.

Edited by Captain Kernow
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There was a reason you had your access to the CC topic taken away, part of it was blaming those that purchased in good faith but have since lost their money.




And as posted before this range is already lost and has been since the purchase by P Dunn.


CC has nothing at all to do with BB and should really be left out of this thread.






Can you provide a quote of the bullying please, I am unable to see any.


I can pretty much answer two questions in one here, I was locked out of the CC thread because someone who I did not name or make direct reference of made a complaint that they had been personally offended. As to bullying it is quite evident that it goes on here with the number of viscious attacks that are being done by some people who could be deemed as the usual suspects. If someone who was not even named can turn around and make a complaint stating that they have been personally insulted and are highly offended then how do you think it feels for somebody else whose name is constantly dragged through the mud, there seems to be be just a little bit of irony here.


I won't defend or decry Bill for his business practices if people don't like his business model don't do business with him, however there are plenty of people here who have done business with him and are satisfied. I will give it to Bill in that he is a rather stoic character that has a pretty thick skin, he could have quite easily run off to the admins and made a complaint but obviously he is not thin skinned like some other people.

Edited by David Stannard
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To use an Americanism "I don't have a dog in this fight" as I don't model in 4mm and have not purchased anything from Mr Dunn.  I am, however, fortunate to have, as a close friend, the originator of Coopercraft and am well aware of the skill that originally went into making these fine models and the potential loss to the modelling community should this range disappear permanently.  I was surprised that Mr. Bedford appeared to condone Mr Dunn's actions and that would certainly make me think carefully before making purchases from him. 

However, after 59 pages on the, now locked, Coopercraft thread and 11 on here we seem to be just going around in circles and maybe it is time to just 'call it a day' and wait for the outcomes of any legal action taken against Mr.Dunn.  Perhaps the Moderators could consider re-opening the Coopercraft thread as and when there is actually some progress to report.


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  • RMweb Gold

 As to bullying it is quite evident that it goes on here with the number of viscious attacks that are being done by some people who could be deemed as the usual suspects.


I keep looking, but I can't find any.  I do remember your somewhat trollish posts though, which certainly stoked the fires



is time to just 'call it a day' and wait for the outcomes of any legal action taken against Mr.Dunn.  Perhaps the Moderators could consider re-opening the Coopercraft thread as and when there is actually some progress to report.



Andy has that as the last post on the CC thread. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Sounds like someone can’t see the forest for the trees, somehow I think I can sense just a wee tad of irony here.

Perhaps you’d be kind enough to point out those posts, because I can’t see them either.


What I have read is some odd posts from Bill Bedford himself, regarding some very simple and straightforward questions regarding the range that carries his name, and that many people in the hobby associate him with as designer and manufacturer. As one of his previous customers I think he’s done himself no favours at all with this thread. When I see his stand at finescale shows it’s noticeable the few customers he has that stop by compared to other small suppliers at the same show. I used to find that surprising, having read this thread I no longer do.

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What I have read is some odd posts from Bill Bedford himself, regarding some very simple and straightforward questions regarding the range that carries his name, and that many people in the hobby associate him with as designer and manufacturer. As one of his previous customers I think he’s done himself no favours at all with this thread. When I see his stand at finescale shows it’s noticeable the few customers he has that stop by compared to other small suppliers at the same show. I used to find that surprising, having read this thread I no longer do.



Let me see if I've got what you are saying right.....


You don't see people crowding around my stand at shows, not because I sell niche of niche products*, but because sometime in the future time I'm going to post on a forum, which a limited number of people read, something that you personally do not agree with?


That is a interesting view of how the world works.


* Mostly pre-grouping wagons, and I do expect my customers to know enough about their intended purchase to recognise the diagram numbers.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dave doesn't appear to be averse to niche pre-Grouping wagon kit manufacture himself - if some of these were commercially available I might be interested. Which diagrams are they? I don't have Tatlow's volumes (and he only covers wagons that survived post-Grouping) so don't know much about Great Northern wagons. I learn from the Mousa website they do have diagram numbers but does e.g. D. 7/38 mean both diagrams 7 and 38 or is there some more arcane system at work? I do sometimes have to look up even Midland diagram numbers but can tell the difference between D305 and D818 at sight (and the more subtle differences between early and late D305) but that's because I've evolved into exactly the type of pre-Grouping wagon nerd that forms the core of Bill Bedford's market. 


This thread would fill a Midland D344 to capacity...

Edited by Compound2632
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  • RMweb Gold

Dave doesn't appear to be averse to niche pre-Grouping wagon kit manufacture himself - if some of these were commercially available I might be interested. Which diagrams are they? I don't have Tatlow's volumes (and he only covers wagons that survived post-Grouping) so don't know much about Great Northern wagons. I learn from the Mousa website they do have diagram numbers but does e.g. D. 7/38 mean both diagrams 7 and 38 or is there some more arcane system at work? I do sometimes have to look up even Midland diagram numbers but can tell the difference between D305 and D818 at sight (and the more subtle differences between early and late D305) but that's because I've evolved into exactly the type of pre-Grouping wagon nerd that forms the core of Bill Bedford's market. 


This thread would fill a Midland D344 to capacity...


Those ones are actually for a friend, they're his masters I'm just doing the casting (not quite as rough as it looks)  They're Highland, GNoS & NB cattle wagons. As for diagram no's. . . I haven't a scoobie, I have enough trouble trying to remember the ones I've built let alone want.  :O


I only really make things for me (or favours) as I'm prepared to put some work into tidying them up, whereas others might want a better quality component with little work required. A 3D in FUD or a professional casting in resin would be much better. As with most pre-grouping, if you want it, make it.

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