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Class 66 in OO Gauge - New Announcement

Hattons Dave

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  • RMweb Premium

I very nearly stopped off to get Maritime One at the weekend. Very glad I didn’t given this fantastic news. Now to decide on what to do about the fleet amassed to date. Likely most will now be sold on, but those limited edition LT ones are definitely staying.

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  • RMweb Gold

I would imagine that, if Bachmann's model has paid for it's tooling which it should have, then they may continue to issue a smaller number, or do one off liveries, or alternatively, turn over the production slots and management time to other new products, after all, we are constantly being told that it is the first few releases of any new model that sell the most, so perhaps they will retire the 66 and focus on other stuff. In either event we as modellers don't lose out: if they carry on with the model it's increased choice, if they retire the model, if sales start to take a hit, and the resources freed up allow other models to come to market, we win again.


Plus, all those modellers whose budgets are constrained will benefit from a flood of keenly priced second hand Bachy 66s being off-loaded onto the Bay of Thief as others upgrade to the Hattons model.


Where's the down-side?

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Although time may be a factor it is only a variable which depends on the commitment, diligence, observation and diligence which is necessary to carry out the reviewing process. My observation is that they have already demonstrated more of those qualities than some already so they will be doing the same again. As I said yesterday their project planning and timescales have been respectable too so I think they know what they are doing.


There are some who take plenty of time but still don't see inaccuracies and some I am convinced don't even look to check there are any. Nowt to do with time.


I am totally in agreement, and to clear any potential misunderstandings, in no way am I suggesting that Hatton's are incompetent in any way whatsoever.  I guess I am simply speaking from my own, and I am sure everyone's personal experiences - as I am sure all of us have judged something on day one as perfect (modelling related or otherwise in life), only to walk away, 'sleep on it' (as the saying goes) and return with fresh eyes on another day, only to see something in a slightly different light and perhaps notice something that we hadn't noticed previously. 


At the end of the day, as diligent as any expert may or may not be each of us are only human and our judgements, opinions, feelings etc can vary on a day-to-day basis.  I know myself that when making important work decisions the best solutions often arise after simply allowing myself to walk away, chew ideas over, sleep and even give the whole thing a break for a short while, often resulting in a better decision making process by just allowing that little extra time for additional thought.  Indeed especially with regard to modelling, many opinions as to whether something is accurate or otherwise are often far more about being subjective, as opposed to any direct science.


I concur though it is certainly true that there are many that "take time" for time's sake, and achieve nothing in that time.  So agreed, time does not always equate to quality time.


Horses for courses etc...

Edited by YesTor
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I would imagine that, if Bachmann's model has paid for it's tooling which it should have, then they may continue to issue a smaller number, or do one off liveries,?

As the liveries of these machines are recent, doubtless there could be some battles for exclusivity!

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Interestingly they seem to keep selling irrespective of the standard, especially the limited editions recently released, or maybe it's because there is no alternative.


One positive on the Bachmann 66 is that the couplers work, unlike the Hornby 56 and 60 that derail the leading wagon..



That's the Collector / Crossover market at work.

Despite some disparagement from time to time, they are the people who will buy most of the items produced by any xyz manufacturer.

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  • RMweb Premium


Other interesting thing tends to be, that Hattons have kept away from the one off liveries that have been announced as Limited Editions from other retailers.  Is that because they don't want to tread on toes, or because they think the Bachmann product has satisfied demand for these liveries.....   



Please remember that each individual livery is the intellectual property of the FOC concerned and ALL manufacturers require written permission (and occasionally pay a fee) to reproduce it in model form.


There is no obligation whatsoever for the owner of said intellectual property rights to (i) Let it be reproduced in model form (though obviously most are quite happy for this to happen) or (ii) Give permission for more than one manufacturer to produce it.


Thus there is no guarantee that any of the 'one off' liveries Bachmann have already done can also be done by Hattons - however much modellers might want them too.


On the flip side its quite possible anything Hattons do then won't be possible for Bachmann to also make at a later date.


Much will depend on what has been agreed between Hattons and the likes of DBS, Freightliner, DRS, etc

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  • RMweb Premium

I am staggered at the comments made that the Bachmann 66 is ok and there is nothing wrong with it. Had such attitudes prevailed for other models the hobby would not have moved forward as it has. When released it was good (but not very good), now I don’t think it is even really average compared with modern models.


I for one stopped buying Bachmann 66s some time ago, waiting for an upgrade to become available.




It is OK and there are few minor things that could be improved. 

When it was released, it was compared to the Lima version, so looked very good, but to call it less than average today is a bit harsh.


As of today and for the next few months, it still is the best 66  (albeit OK) that is available to buy, but I'll bet the sales of these will pretty much come to a standstill, unless they are heavily discounted, awaiting the Hattons version.


 I for one, won't be in a hurry to ditch my 66 fleet and upgrade, in the same way that I haven't ditched my Mk3 fleet in favour of the Oxford flavour. I will probably go down the OxMk3 route when/if I need another Mk3.


As long as the Hattons 66 isn't a lemon - and I totally expect that it won't be having seen their previous releases (and had my hands on the RHTT EP last week) - my next 66 will be via Widnes and not Barwell.

And to press, Hattons have been pretty good at delivering what they promise with regard to timescales.




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I could be wrong in my memories here, but did not the mighty Union Pacific eventually come to realise that it was far better to have the company livery rendered correctly than have hundreds of amateurs make a right mess of it in front of thousands of people?

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  • RMweb Gold

I could be wrong in my memories here, but did not the mighty Union Pacific eventually come to realise that it was far better to have the company livery rendered correctly than have hundreds of amateurs make a right mess of it in front of thousands of people?

Only dropped it to sensible levels after the rather rich Mr Wolf of MTH trains stumped up the cash to take it to court and started to make UP look mean in public.


Edited by PaulRhB
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  • RMweb Gold

So to sum up :-

Lima model, good for its time.


Hornby ex Lima model, decent budget option.


Bachmann, good for its time and kept 95% happy until now. (Hornby upped their game to respond to these)


Hattons, very promising proposal considering recent models delivering detail and performance.


So we all win as technology moves on we get a new model every few years, I wonder who will make the next version in 2027 with holographic rust that creeps onward with time and the wheels wear concave due to actual self steering trucks? ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

It's a shame they don't appear to be producing one in the current DB Cargo livery (red with a large DB logo).  I'd be tempted to get one if they did. 


As for replacing my current fleet, that's not going to happen for a while as I'm happy with what I've got.

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  • RMweb Gold

006/007 are listed as DB livery as opposed to 005 EWS with DB branding so I should think large logo will follow and if you're desperate the lettering comes off the Barclays easily :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Finally some new class 66 GBRf livery models with reasonable price. 66731 jumped into my basket... Now the waiting time starts.... Took the basic version so I can decide myself which sound chip goes in.

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  • RMweb Gold

It is OK and there are few minor things that could be improved. 

When it was released, it was compared to the Lima version, so looked very good, but to call it less than average today is a bit harsh.







To be honest, I find the basic body shape ok, but that is about it. It just lacks the detail that should be there - pretty much everything below the main body is basic / wrong. Look at this photo of 66040 (not mine) and compare it to the model: https://farm7.static.flickr.com/6033/6263598959_a7d37aef11_b.jpg The amount of detail that is absent is amazing, the sand boxes are just the wrong shape etc. The pipes It is this detail that a) makes a 66 stand out and b) is being included on modern standard models.That is before we talk about lighting, internals and the chassis capability for DCC and sound etc.


As I said, when it came out it was good, but today I don't consider it to be that good anymore. An upgraded model will be well received, especially at the price quoted.



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  • RMweb Premium


As I said, when it came out it was good, but today I don't consider it to be that good anymore.




So how does something that was good, suddenly not be good anymore?

I'm not aware that Bachmann have made the 66 worse. (In fact they improved it from the original release by adding extra pickups and sorting out the rocking chassis.)


Maybe other models are better in comparison...............?




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  • RMweb Premium

Oh my aching sides!


....or do some modelling?  :angel:


The point that I was making was that their is still plenty of potential for further models and liveries even after the first initial announcement of 30 models. It's exciting times that we have been lucky enough to see a newly tooled Class 66 now. Personally I wasn't expecting one for a few years yet, so the fact that 30 have been announced now and their are still plenty of further locos to model adds to the excitement that we could see 66s originally produced by Bachmann now produced by Hattons with a wealth of detail and extra features. As well as the price of £150 for a standard DCC Ready model been fantastic. 


Indeed there are, and as others have said (and has been shown in the photo of all the liveries), the number of variations on standard liveries are immense. Thus, any 'special' liveries would be ripe for commissions, or why not make them yourself using transfers, many of which are available from the likes of Railtec to customise your loco and make it 'yours'. You could also snap up any cheap Bachmann models and do full repaints; I know I'll be doing this when the price of the Bachmann models is right.


I think the initial range announced is suitably concise...Bachmann's initial range was just a handful of liveries with only one or two numbers, despite there being variations and other liveries, although granted not near as many as nowadays. It’s very hard to spend a few hours at a main line location and not see one of the initial liveries, operators such as EWS, DB and GBRf get their 'sheds' everywhere and these standard liveries make up the majority of 66-hauled workings...the uniquely liveries ones are definitely in the minority.


I think Hatton's should be commended for taking on such a bold project, and depending on how well-received the model is when it arrives, I’ve no doubt that further liveries and maybe tooling variations will follow...let’s wait and see, eh?





Very true Jack. 


Although I already have some of the special/unique liveries on the 66s by Bachmann and thus I will be keeping those as, as yet they haven't been announced by Hattons. I don't really need any further 66s in special liveries. Although what I do need is some highly detailed standard liveried 66s which are now been offered by Hattons. For me this announcement by Hattons of mostly standard liveried Class 66s is brilliant because that's what I am in need of. It would make much more sense for me to pay an extra £5 compared to the price of Bachmann 66s which is generally £145 now at most retailers to have a model that has a vast amount of detail. 


Hopefully if the first batch is a success we will see a second batch produced with further standard liveries and special liveries. 

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  • RMweb Gold

So how does something that was good, suddenly not be good anymore?

I'm not aware that Bachmann have made the 66 worse. (In fact they improved it from the original release by adding extra pickups and sorting out the rocking chassis.)


Maybe other models are better in comparison...............?





I think you know the answer to that! Because our level of expectation and what makes a good model has changed over time. The Bachmann 66 is now many years old, expectation and the ability to produce models to a much higher standard has increased. Unless we redefine what is good where do we go? The first 2-rail locos were good compared with what came before, so is what came after that very good, then really good, then superb and then excellent, then super excellent....


If it makes you happier, the Bachmann 66 is still good, just other newer models are super-duper brilliant fandabbydozy good ;-)


Not everybody has the ability to super detail models - I have fingers that don't play ball anymore, I even struggle to reattach parts that come loose. That is before I spend a lot of time in different countries to my workshop. Likewise, the collector market will not super-detail locos, they want them as they are. There was a huge market for Bachmann that, as has been noted, has sailed and Hattons caught the boat. Good luck to them.



Edited by Roy Langridge
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Afternoon all
You spoke, we listened! Due to enormous demand, we have added a further variation to our roster of Class 66 locomotives. We will be producing a model of 66789 "British Rail 1948 - 1997" in BR large logo blue with GBRf branding. 
The locomotive received huge fanfare from enthusiasts when its new look was unveiled in early 2018, adding to the list of locomotives being repainted into "retro" British Rail liveries such as 43002, 37401 & 313201. It's fair to say that despite not being built in the BR blue era, the livery certainly suits the Class 66, providing a distinctive look.
66789 will be the first of our Class 66s to go down the production line and will be the first one to arrive into stock with us in March 2019. With the CAD work almost complete and most of the colour layouts done, work on the project is well underway.
If you want to order your own model of 66789 you can do so on THIS page of our website.
Thank you all for getting so involved in the project so far and also to GB Railfreight for working with us and allowing us to recreate this modern icon.



Genius...I love you guys and now for GBRf 66783 Biffa please.

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