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World of Railways Virtual Show 2

AY Mod

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  • RMweb Premium

I missed Saturday’s show as I was at work; thanks for posting the highlights as I enjoyed them.


Thanks for arranging the rain today, it meant I could watch much of the exhibition with no pressure to go out for some exercise.  I enjoyed it all and found the ‘how to do’ scenic sections the most interesting.  I did a little bit of modelling while it was on, detailing and weathering some coaches, perhaps I should have streamed what I was doing?


Thanks to everyone involved in providing the exhibition.


One slight inaccuracy, I seem to have most of the credit for the Blue Diesel slideshow, when it was actually produced by my friend Steve Chapman and its all his photographs. All I did was turn it into a video and put it on my Vimeo account. It does seem to have been popular as over 400 people have watched it. Some managed to find and watch part 2 which was not in the exhibition.  If anyone is interested, here is the link to part 2. 




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I just had an hour to look at the virtual exhibition... thanks ever so much for putting it all together and for making it happen.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it was surprisingly easy to view (I'd been a little bemused before I signed up to it!).  I got loads of hints and tips, the videos in particular were great.  It was also great to see other layouts for inspiration and ideas.  

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A little belated as I'm now on with the next set of looming deadlines and priorities but I would like to say thank you to everyone for this weekend. As with a physical show our thanks are due to layout owners and participants who made it such an interesting event plus everyone who 'visited' the show. I thought there may have been a reduced appetite for consumption compared to the previous show as there have been several other significant virtual over preceding weeks. and forthcoming ones too, but the figures show we had more visitors than last time - roughly the equivalent of a Warley-sized attendance with less moaning about car parking charges, backpacks and B.O. (if there was any that's your problem to sort).


We'll look at what we do for any future event but there may still be a place for this sort of approach even when physical events resume. We do think we maybe produced too much content as it was a constant deluge and I doubt anyone got to catch up with everything that was included - maybe do less but do it better.

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  • RMweb Gold

It was, once again, a really informative and enjoyable weekend! There is a heck of a lot that goes on behind the scenes that I don't think many people realise. In some ways it's more of a juggling act than a "real" exhibition, and I'll admit that I failed to finish one of the features; after underestimating just how long it would take me to produce it! Nethertheless, we live and learn, and I'm really excited for the next opportunity to be able to show off this content in the future; as I've seen a lot of questions about the topic recently here on RMweb.


Just like any good exhibition, there was plenty of inspiration to be had in a large number of scales and prototypes, and I've certainly gone away with a few new ideas, and new perspectives. Similarly, just like any exhibition, I ran out of time to watch everything! I've done a quick show report on my personal blog, cautiously highlighting my 5 top picks (not all are layouts this time, which honestly surprised me!), as well as some of my photos that didn't make it in.

Anyway, thanks to all contributors, and of course the WoR team for spending their weekend (and months beforehand) producing this amazing (and I might add, free) exhibition.

Edited by SouthernRegionSteam
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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, AY Mod said:

We'll look at what we do for any future event but there may still be a place for this sort of approach even when physical events resume. We do think we maybe produced too much content as it was a constant deluge and I doubt anyone got to catch up with everything that was included - maybe do less but do it better.

Personally, one of the things I like about this format is the ability to view the layouts from angles that would be impossible at a "real" exhibition - track level views for example - and not feeling selfish for lingering too long at one spot and spoiling someone else's chance. I feel that there is a role for both formats provided Andy, Phil and the crew are prepared to do it of course.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm still catching up on some of the Sunday videos, but it was a great event and very enjoyable to be a part of. Thanks to all the team for putting it together!


Layout highlights for me were probably Tackeroo and the C&HPR one. Sandy Shores too of course but I've seen that for real!

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I'm still trying to get through all the layout features, which is difficult when there are so many great photos to drool at. I have seen some before, but never really discovered 'Dent' and 'Horfield' until now. I could look at the photos for hours. 


Thanks everyone. It makes the lockdown restrictions seem bearable for a few hours. 

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  • RMweb Gold

I would like to say how much I enjoyed the Virtual Exhibition.  Thank you to all who were involved.


I dropped the fact that there was a virtual exhibition into conversation earlier in the week and my wife suggested that I take my 8 year old grandson.  Fortunately he was not available until 4pm on Sunday rather than at 10am on Saturday so everything had been put up and I had had chance to browse through to see what he would like.  This gave me the excuse of spending more time than usual looking at stuff.  He really enjoyed it.


I found the Phil Parker video on the Dapol kit fascinating, 1) because I had completely missed they were clpi together, and 2) I am sure he could build it.  Christmas is not that far away.


Also, in the evening my wife said to me, "As there is nothing on TV would you like to show me what you have been watching this weekend?"  My wife has no interest in railways, or model railways so how could I say 'No'.  She actually enjoyed it.  She said it was 'soporific' which was not a criticism as it meant that she was able to relax after what, for us, has been a busy time.


Finally, I do like the fact that it comes out in bits, as you have to keep going back to it.  If it was all there in one go I think I may not have (been able) to spend so much time looking at it.  As to releasing them on time, would it not be possible to program a Bot to do it, or would that just make more work and mean that someone would still have to be there to check that it has worked?


Thank you all again.

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3 minutes ago, ChrisN said:

would it not be possible to program a Bot to do it




We wish! Owing to the 'special' software we have that we are actually doing it all live and, as befits finescalers, we have to do it all in html too. No WYSIWYG for us!

Edited by AY Mod
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Personally I think the amount of content was a good thing. It allowed for a continual stream of updates throughout the day and the quality was very very good. 


Maybe if people are struggling to see everything the pages could remain available for upto a week afterwards. Then people could revisit videos they enjoyed and catch up on anything they have missed. With the amount of effort put into putting it all together then surely continued exposure is a good thing.


I saw you were doing a 'Show Guide' for continual access but you could still have that as it would still allow access to the content after the extended period is over.

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, AY Mod said:

We do think we maybe produced too much content as it was a constant deluge and I doubt anyone got to catch up with everything that was included

Maybe you did but remember the content is there for us all to consume after the event which does not happen in real life. Whilst I am still working through the layouts I think people are getting much better at the interviews and I have watched a fair number of them properly rather than flicking through.


As Jonny777 says, I am now starting to work through the layout features. Just got to try and remember to go and do some more work shortly.



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  • RMweb Gold

This was my first experience of a virtual show, I have nothing else to compare it with, so my comments are very much those of a novice. 


The first comment is that if this is the normal standard of production that your team can produce then all I can say is "More Please!" I particularly liked the fact that it was a series of items, rather than being all put on the site at once. Also that the items were left on the site so that they could be looked at after the inevitable breaks in viewing for brewing tea and what are euphemistically called 'comfort breaks'. 


The whole thing clearly took an awful lot of planning and work to put together and in me you have at least one very satisfied customer.


Lastly, the highlight for me was the interview with my fellow Cornishman at Kernow Models. He was in my good books anyway for producing a second production run of the D6XX Warships. For personal reasons I couldn't buy any of the first batch.

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  • RMweb Premium

Like many of the posters above I really enjoyed the event. My bacon ciabatta was absolutely superb. 

I’m yet to catch up with everything but I would have liked more layout video content like Retford and Little Bytham but I guess that wouldn’t be that simple. Both of these layouts are clearly housed in spacious premises where social distancing is easier to achieve. 

I was also wondering why Andy Y was brandishing his supervising others make up brush during interviews.  :)


Thanks to everyone for all the time and hard work put in for our pleasure. 

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  • RMweb Gold

An excellent show that filled up most of the weekend (although I didn't have the time to see everything—I have purchased the Show Guide though). Particularly appreciated the layout videos where these were present. Being a good modeller doesn't mean someone will be a good presenter, so it's surprising so many are—perhaps it's the "putting on a show" aspect of the hobby.


Liked @AY Mod's appropriate virtual background (although how was it done? I thought it was an old photograph of an appropriate station, but then noticed the figures were models) and also @Phil Parker's take on the infamous "Zoom bookcase"!

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4 minutes ago, D9020 Nimbus said:

I thought it was an old photograph of an appropriate station, but then noticed the figures were models




It's a photo of the inside of the loco shed on a 7mm scale layout, 82G, with a platform sign from the eighties which used to belong to Mr Parker photoshopped onto the wall.


Zoom Shed background.jpg


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  • RMweb Premium
6 hours ago, AY Mod said:

 - roughly the equivalent of a Warley-sized attendance with less moaning about car parking charges, backpacks and B.O. (if there was any that's your problem to sort).




What have done wrong now?? :D


Barry O aka BO aka Baz




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1 hour ago, D9020 Nimbus said:

also @Phil Parker's take on the infamous "Zoom bookcase"!


The highlight of the first show was when Tim Dunn immediately identified the loco at the top. Not easy...




It's important to pay attention to your background. In some videos, the Santa Tank sat where the Battlespace Turbo car is in the cabinet. Not really appropriate.

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  • RMweb Premium

Like many others I was very much looking forward to Virtual Exhibition 7th & 8th November 


Having watched the previous one in the spring and last weekend O Gauge Virtual Exhibition I was not disappointed.


I think the content was brilliant and I’ve probably watched over 90% of the content.


On a personal note it was great to see both Tackeroo & Trenegloss again as they both built by Stafford Members and I have had the opportunity to have operated Trengloss many times including it’s only visit abroad in France.


Virtual Exhibitions are for me are about the only positives that have come out of there being no exhibitions because of coronavirus and I feel we should continue with the concept of virtual exhibitions when hopefully we all return to the normal exhibitions.


Well done to all BRM team, Sponsors, Traders, Layout owners and operators and demonstrators.


Exhibition Team

Stafford Railway Circle 

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28 minutes ago, ELTEL said:

I feel we should continue with the concept of virtual exhibitions when hopefully we all return to the normal exhibitions.


I certainly want to see real shows back when the time is right but I think there will be place for the virtual form as it refines; maybe in a way that supports, adds to or extends the physical events to reach wider audiences or bring in additional content.

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  • RMweb Gold
8 hours ago, Tankerman said:

This was my first experience of a virtual show, I have nothing else to compare it with, so my comments are very much those of a novice. 


The first comment is that if this is the normal standard of production that your team can produce then all I can say is "More Please!" I particularly liked the fact that it was a series of items, rather than being all put on the site at once. Also that the items were left on the site so that they could be looked at after the inevitable breaks in viewing for brewing tea and what are euphemistically called 'comfort breaks'. 


The whole thing clearly took an awful lot of planning and work to put together and in me you have at least one very satisfied customer.


Lastly, the highlight for me was the interview with my fellow Cornishman at Kernow Models. He was in my good books anyway for producing a second production run of the D6XX Warships. For personal reasons I couldn't buy any of the first batch.


I forgot to mention how good it was to see Treneglos again. I first saw it at an exhibition some years ago, that many that I can't remember where. What I do remember is that I was convinced that it was an actual location.


When the operators, who were very friendly and chatty, told me that it was fictional I was quite surprised, I was even more surprised at their pronunciation of Treneglos :D and gave them the correct one. I doubt any of them remember this, but if they do thank you for creating a layout which truly captures the Southern west of Exeter, 

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To keep the Virtual Show in the spirit of a real one, once the doors are closed, we have to pack away. What this means is that on Friday, we'll be clearing all the content from the pages. So you have until the end of the week to catch up on anything you missed.


However, new for this show is an Exhibition Guide, on sale at £2.99 from Pocketmags - https://pocketmags.com/british-railway-modelling-magazine/world-of-railways-show-guide


This contains links to everything including longer versions of some of the interviews. Don't worry, all the announcements and really juicy chat went out during the show and is still available in the highlights, but we took the chance for longer discussions with some people. If you want to know how the UK and US modelling scenes compare, or how some of the trade feel shows will evolve when they return, then it's in these longer versions.


But, most importantly, if you want to see the best bits of the show, you have the rest of the week.


In the meantime, we are already thinking about the next one.

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