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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Didn't sleep that well, so feeling a bit off colour right now. Got up a few minutes ago but may try dozing off again on the sofa...


Can someone remind me of the name of the halt that was halfway between Teignmouth and Newton Abbot please?


For a moment there, I thought you'd written Downton Abbey!

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  • RMweb Gold

Its been raining here in Surrey but the sun is out at the moment.


Hopefully it iwll now remain dry so that I can get cracking on Dobris extension boards and detailing.


A little bit of work work this morning first unfortunately.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Weather report very variable, obviously the weather folk need a new set of seaweed!


Off to Kingston upon Hull shortly. Breakfast and a mug of TEA required....


Lots to do this week.


Have a great Sunday!

Pete your mate is very good. For Challenger 2 the accuracy was always stated as "being able to hit a football on your outstretched hand 2km away 99 times out of a 100". The other 1 is statistically a chance of a rogue round, so , with a hand gun the accuracy is fantastic!



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  • RMweb Gold

Pete your mate is very good. For Challenger 2 the accuracy was always stated as "being able to hit a football on your outstretched hand 2km away 99 times out of a 100". The other 1 is statistically a chance of a rogue round, so , with a hand gun the accuracy is fantastic!



The one that misses the football being the one that takes off your head!


D'oncha love APFSDS!  (It was merely APDS in my day)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Another warm - no, hot - day in prospect, so I was on the tractor at 9. In truth, the lawns haven't got much grass growth overall, but clover & a few weeds have done rather better! I had been concerned that the last cut left unsightly marks as if the cutting deck were not level - but then realized there was a sorry-looking rear tyre. I tend to use an aerosol tyre-repair canister for the tractor as it kills two birds. Better today.


Meanwhile Alison's doomy-gloomy farmer lover has a bigger problem as his baler has broken. I don't suppose an aerosol will sort that!


Nothing but sun for the next fortnight they say. Who needs Ibiza?


Hope Sunday is looking after you.

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Morning all


Another warm - no, hot - day in prospect, so I was on the tractor at 9. In truth, the lawns haven't got much grass growth overall, but clover & a few weeds have done rather better! I had been concerned that the last cut left unsightly marks as if the cutting deck were not level - but then realized there was a sorry-looking rear tyre. I tend to use an aerosol tyre-repair canister for the tractor as it kills two birds. Better today.


Meanwhile Alison's doomy-gloomy farmer lover has a bigger problem as his baler has broken. I don't suppose an aerosol will sort that!


Nothing but sun for the next fortnight they say. Who needs Ibiza?


Hope Sunday is looking after you.


....she ain't doing something right, if a lassie like that can't put a smile on his face.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all,

Liking the photos, Neil. The idea of sitting there having a pint whilst the trams go by....may have to add that railway to my bucket list.


For Vulcan fans check out this link: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=zJoGZd3-Qg5U.kr6xxU1U7Acg for today's flight route across the midlands and eastern counties. 

For people who thought I was alluding to Star Trek, click here


Was driving home down some country lanes yesterday evening and got "stuck" behind a large tractor towing a huge trailer. I say "stuck", but in fact the driver was going just as fast as I'd planned to. And when a car came in the opposite direction the tractor driver obligingly backed up a bit and pulled over. Very considerate. When he pulled into a nearby farm yard he turned round and waved - turned out to be the little Page Boy at my wedding some ten years ago has grown up a bit! 


A day of spreadsheets ahead of me. Project kick offs. Don't you just love them. 

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Bedworth weather update since 04:30; still raining but less so, brighter (still same cloud cover). Not much change forecast 'til 17:00.


More tea and and chocolate brioche brought to the invalid by SWMBO. :)

Edited by leopardml2341
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Morning all.


Nice day so far on the Surrey Riviera. Had a great day yesterday with the family and now off (in a bit) to the Carshalton MRC expo at Honeywood Lodge in Carshalton-sur-Mer. Julie is at Merton Abbey Mills today, so a pint may be had on the way home. Then a bit of Monty. Specifically, messing a Nellie about. They can't touch you for it, you know.


Have a good Sunday, and success in your diverse endeavours.

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Sadly did not see Vulcan over East Mids yesterday.


....we heard it in Newark, if that counts.....the photographers along the River Trent had been confident of a picture, alas it didn't happen.


A year or so back it actually flew over our house in The Moorlands...I had no prior knowledge and was test driving a real ale at the bottom of the garden at the time. It wasn't strong enough to mistake the wing shape or sound of a Vulcan though.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Premium

Bah.  Been Missing in Action for most of a week.


Congratulations, sincere best wishes and general greetings to all, as appropriate


Since last Tuesday I have been coughing fit to bust and suffered a loss of voice as a result.  Failed to reach work on Wednesday but struggled through Thursday and Friday very much against my own better judgement but there's fighting spirit in there yet.


Been in bed the entire weekend and now up to discover it's already 7.20pm Sunday and my once-in-three-weeks weekend off has come and gone.


Still coughing furiously despite medication.  But it's easing a little and I may have a new career lined up.


Anyone in need of a hoarse-whisperer? ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

....she ain't doing something right, if a lassie like that can't put a smile on his face.





Looking baleful, is he?


I'll get my coat...





That's the last straw.

Marvellous that my throw-away lines generate a lot of other lines that should also be thrown away! Dave (TG) is quite right. Alison is a "cracking bit of crumpet", as they don't say in France, and it is quite clear that when Francois is on-song they share the full fruits of an adult relationship, albeit in uncomfortable surroundings - barns and tractors come a poor second to a double bed! But they are each beset by problems of finance, and in his case a poor marriage to a wife who is also his business partner in the farm, while Alison is being pursued in legal terms by her jilted ex, and the strain of those factors may cause their love to founder. I really hope not, as my shoulder has had enough of being damp with her tears!

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Marvellous that my throw-away lines generate a lot of other lines that should also be thrown away! Dave (TG) is quite right. Alison is a "cracking bit of crumpet", as they don't say in France, and it is quite clear that when Francois is on-song they share the full fruits of an adult relationship, albeit in uncomfortable surroundings - barns and tractors come a poor second to a double bed! But they are each beset by problems of finance, and in his case a poor marriage to a wife who is also his business partner in the farm, while Alison is being pursued in legal terms by her jilted ex, and the strain of those factors may cause their love to founder. I really hope not, as my shoulder has had enough of being damp with her tears!


.....I'm sure that Renee in 'Allo Allo' was involved in this sketch, with the tasty waitress....we could always have a whipround and 'come to an arrangement'.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Somewhat later rising today after yesterday's efforts but no proper job breakfast as I had that yesterday evening!


Now to todays's mystery question from the south west.  As far as I can trace there never was a halt between Teignmouth and Newton Abbot - the residents of Shaldon petitioned for one at to be provided at Shaldon Bridge but it never was was and equally attempts to get one (much earlier at Bishopsteignton also came to naught although it is just possible that in early SDR days trains did drop off passengers for the archery club in the vicinity of Bishopsteignton although I seriously doubt it was ever shown in the timetable (and delving one out to check is too much of a task at this time of day to be honest - ploughing through an 1850s timetable is not the simplest of tasks).  There was also talk of a siding at Bishopsteignton but all it actually got was a signalbox.


Now to brighter things - the rain has yet to start but is promised which means attendance to the garden weeds might have to be deferred.


Have a  good day one & all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. As much as I enjoyed yesterdays outing I was completely cream crackered by the time I got home, hence the late start this morning. I woke up at 6, decided to roll over and didn't wake up again until 8.30. Rain and cloud predicted for this evening so I'd better get a few jobs out of the way first.

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