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Ed - Best Regards to you and your family at this difficult time.


Update with Junior NB (although it is trivial when compared with others). Thanks for the best wishes.


Mrs NB arrived in Colchester about 2.45 am having spent about 30 minutes in and around the Rugby/Lutterworth area as the M6-A14 access was closed and alternate route signposting was non-existant and we didn't find out until she passed Birmingham. There were a few phone calls back to me at base with access to Google Maps.......Eventually she regained the M1 at Lutterworth with a view to accessing the A14 from there, but that too was closed, so she travelled via the M25 and A12. Not a journey that would probably be advisable during normal daylight hours, but at "silly o'clock am", it was quite easy.


They returned home at 4pm today with 5 "comfort" stops on the way back for Junior. She's already feeling a bit better and the cure is some rest and some food to flush out the bugs. Hopefully she'll return south on Sunday to resume her uni course. Although some course work is due tomorrow, it was mostly complete and has been finished this evening and submitted online.

Junior has had an incentive to get better - as you know, we both like watching ice hockey together and our team are away at Dumfries on Saturday evening. it's a two hour drive, but I've only promised to take her if we don't need to make any unnecessary stops on the way!


Quiet-ish day tomorrow, as I'm only working about five hours - hoping to get out on the mountain bike tomorrow night.


Have a good HUMP day folks.




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Evening/Morning all,

Just had to play catch up as, like Phil, I got hooked on TV for a couple of hours or more. I loved 'Coast' and they re-ran the episode where the team visited Norway and it took in many different points of interest, including the 1941 Commando raid which recaptured the Lofoten Islands from the German garrison. This was followed by 'Stargazing Live' with Dara Ó Briain and Brian Cox, supported by a team of boffins. Absolutely fascinating for anyone remotely interested in our Universe, and followed by another programme tomorrow! The interview with Tim Peake was amazing - he is so happy to be up there that he was grinning from ear to ear the whole time. They also roped in comedian John Bishop to try his hand at astronaut training, and he did better than even he expected. As a matter of interest Phil, I'm also on the look out for a programme on the archaeological discovery at Must Farm - we could find out more about Bronze Age living from finds on the site!

Pete(pH), thanks for the link to the broken suspended bridge. From the eyewitness report, if it's accurate, a strong upward gust of wind caused it so it could easily be a simple error in the calculation of the lifting moment created by such a gust. I must say that I like the idea for an innovative temporary fix!

Robert,well said post on the passing of Ed 'Stewpot' Stewart who was a likeable, friendly and funny DJ and presenter. Being fairly uncontroversial, he seemed to stay below the "celebrity" radar, happier on the golf course or working for charity, rather than chasing publicity like some of his peers, when he wasn't working. It's a sad society that almost dismisses someone for the crime of being mundane! He suffered a stroke apparently, RIP Ed.

John(DMJ), sorry to read that you've joined the growing list of our ailing digital friends. I hope the outcome of your tests show it to be something easy to treat.

Geoff(Ohmisterporter), I have a similar problem here as Joanna now wants to sell and downsize this year, and I've got approaching four and a half thousand books, several full years of Autosport, to name but two of the things I need to get rid of! Very difficult, especially as I've been poorly lately.

Dave(r-a-r), 'Toxic Kangaroo Babies'? Who thought that name up? No wonder the house quaked!!

Mal, good to read that you have returned safely. I'm glad you discovered some useful items amidst the carp as it makes your presence there worthwhile. Who knows what upstairs and the loft will hold - when I think of my own loft, it makes me shudder. When is your next treatment due? I re-start my chemo on the 14th, having paused to promote healing of the wound from my recent operation. I then have a consultation with the oncologist on the 21st. to check if I can continue the treatment for a further month as well as discuss the results of my recent scan. I hope they can pinpoint the source of the intense pain in my pelvis which at the moment requires an increased morphine intake!

Haven't heard from Mick(NB) as to whether the two women in his life had returned home safely! (Probably find a post from him when I post this!).

We've just started to climb the hump so I'll wish all our ailing members a swift recovery. Best wishes one and all for the rest of the week.

Kind regards,


G'night Pete! G'night Owls!

PS Mick, glad my educated guess was correct - pleased they made it safely. Get well soon to Junior! J.

Edited by Jock67B
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Evening all. A quick check in tonight. Today has been one of those days. We've all had them at times. It started by treading in the cat's water bowl whilst stumbling around in the dark. Then on way to work I drove round a corner on a dark country road to be confronted by a plastic sack full of, what looked like, garden rubbish on my side of the road. With a car coming the other way and no room to swerve round the bag I had no choice but to drive through it. Then, a little further down the road I was confronted with another. Someone had already run over this one though. However with another car approaching I decided to try to drive over it with the wheels either side. I think part of the bag got caught under the car as I could hear something flapping about. Nothing present when I got to work other than a rather unpleasant smell coming from somewhere. This smell does not seem to have gone since, appearing once the car gets warm. I rather hope there is no lasting damage.

Work was pretty hard work too. The children have been on a "go slow" all day.

Probably got some 'bin bag' stuck to the catalytic converter which gets very hot indeed when in use!

Good luck with that, and a better day tomorrow,

Kind regards,


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Late today. It's turning cold. 


Martyn did the final module of his IT course (ECDL) today and has achieved Distinction+ for the whole course, equivalent to GCSE A*, so I'm pleased about that as it means he only needs 3 Cs now to get on the Computer Science course.


I had to do some navigating by phone earlier as Mrs mole was going to a gig out in the country and missed the venue. I'd just got in and the PC wasn't on but she seemed to think I was on Google maps. Fortunately I had the local AA Street by Street atlas to hand and was able to work out what had gone wrong, though not where she actually was. However the instruction to turn and go back the way she'd come was sufficient and she found the turning she'd missed, a private road. Fortunately there was a small sign advertising the gig. 


Goodnight all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Off to the Palace of Attendance in 5 minutes.  It's getting hot.


Check this screenshot from just now.  Note how the temperature jumps as the sun gets going and how the relative humidity falls sharply.  That goes as low as 3% at times.  The wind isn't too bad but is forecast to get up to 50kmh later and usually gusting up to 75-80 with that.  


No wonder they call it "fire weather" as most stuff which grows is tinder-dry and is having the remaining moisture ripped out of it in the wind.  Including me ;)  Still forecast to reach 42C by the time I arrive.





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Off to the Palace of Attendance in 5 minutes.  It's getting hot.


Check this screenshot from just now.  Note how the temperature jumps as the sun gets going and how the relative humidity falls sharply.  That goes as low as 3% at times.  The wind isn't too bad but is forecast to get up to 50kmh later and usually gusting up to 75-80 with that.  


No wonder they call it "fire weather" as most stuff which grows is tinder-dry and is having the remaining moisture ripped out of it in the wind.  Including me ;)  Still forecast to reach 42C by the time I arrive.


attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2016-01-13 at 12.17.15.png


Yes, but as we used to say in Arizona "it's a dry heat"   :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Currently on sentry duty.


The Obergrumpenfuhrer woke me up rather abruptly at about 0400 yelling that there was  a snoring beast in the room.


I've looked everywhere.  Under the bed, in the cupboards, even under the bath mat in the ensuite.


Absolutely nothing.


So I decided it was best to stay up and check out the rest of the house.


Still nothing,


But if there is one around, I'm going to catch it and give it a damn good thrashing.

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Morning All,


It is a rather blustery morning here, with rain.  More the sort of  weather that you would associate with autumn.  Having said that, it seems that we are going to end up with some colder weather next week.  Temperatures down to -7°C have been forecast.


Oh well - I wonder what today will bring?


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all, ailing and otherwise


Yesterday there was A Sign that I should take more exercise.  After the fodder run - which I managed on the bus with the aid of my backpack to take the goods that would not fit in the commodious shopping bag - I headed off to town to buy the magazine that I forgot to get earlier.  I picked a day when the buses were playing leapfrog.  How naive of me to expect a bus to appear within 12 minutes as advertised!  25 minutes was nearer the mark when two turned up at once.  It would have been quicker to walk - and better for me, of course.


I am supposed to be visiting Poorly Pal today.  A phone call last night suggests that he is in at least two minds as to whether I should come.  His poorly-ness appears to be somewhere between clinical depression and a nervous breakdown.  Prior to the call I had prepared food to cook for us both.  After reflection and advice from a mutual friend I decided to ring back and tell him that I will see him as arranged, but later, and bring a couple of books that he will enjoy.  Despite having been diagnosed with depression myself over 10 years ago (and it never really goes away, does it?) I do not know what to do for the best.  It is, I suppose, a reminder that there are others in trouble a lot worse than us.



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Currently on sentry duty.


The Obergrumpenfuhrer woke me up rather abruptly at about 0400 yelling that there was  a snoring beast in the room.


I've looked everywhere.  Under the bed, in the cupboards, even under the bath mat in the ensuite.


Absolutely nothing.


So I decided it was best to stay up and check out the rest of the house.


Still nothing,


But if there is one around, I'm going to catch it and give it a damn good thrashing.


Did you check the fridge? The light will be on if it's been in there.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Went to bed early last night due to throbbing maxillary sinus aches, which aren't quite gone this morning but at least a bit better. I figure I'll just pop out for buying some food and stay warm otherwise.


Continued best wishes to anyone under the weather…

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Morning all!


Recovered from the vampire visit yesterday; just awaiting the results - no urgent 'phone calls yet!


ChrisF: Depression can be seen as a wake-up call for all of us - with current health issues, I'm thinking I might be back to the shrink after 8 year's off! Strangely, not a problem over the recent mutual break! Curiously, also, my digestive problems also seemed to be on a separate holiday during that period!


Time to shuffle off to the station for the 5 minute ride to 'work'; wishing all a good day!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a very cool and breezy Surrey. I say cool as the cold isn't any thing like some other places mentioned here yesterday.


Roadworks congestion on our bus route seems to have eased as no doubt many motorists are finding alternative routes after Monday.


Three of our local MPs had a parliamentary debate with the transport minister yesterday but it sounds as if she's just shrugged it all off.



Las night we were round Mums. Swapped cars . However the one we were bringing home had a problem with the sat new radio. It had frozen and wouldn't switch off nor properly on and with the manual at home we had to go online to find out which fuse to pull. Luckily that was easily found and the sat nav radio rebooted.


This morning Okehampton had its chassis westhered. Just needs al title more work for this weekends show.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a clear but cool village.  It looks as if it might be a good day which is good as I have some timber to cut out on the drive.    For some reason as Beth is still away I don't seem to have done anything wrong for the past 46 hours, I wonder how long I can keep this winning streak going.  The answer is probably about another 48 hours.  On her return I will no doubt have several sins of commission and omission pointed out to me between her getting out of the car and getting into the house.   The kids often ask me what the score is in these circumstances. Par is three.


Anyway various little chores need attending to and then some more modelling will beckon. I might even get to the clubrooms to make some walls and do some ballasting this evening.


I hope that everyone else's day goes well. Richard, I wish you luck in your search for the snoring monster. I am told that one visits this house occasionally but I've never found any trace.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Chilly start but at least it is a dry start. The world feels full of gloom and doom at the moment. Maybe a bit of better weather would help to change the mood. Bring on the spring. 


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Good morning from West Borsetshire


Leah and I woke with bad stomachs yesterday. By process of elimination it was the can of sardines we had for lunch.


We attended the cremation of Mrs 28xx's grandmother yesterday in Banbury. She caught up with a number of old friends and relations, the mood was moderately jolly.


We got home around 7:00 pm, to find a message from Dad to say Mum was sinking fast, not eating or drinking. Arranged to take dad to visit her today and so to bed.


Woken at 11:00pm by the phone. You can imagine my immediate thoughts, but it was Social Services out-of-hours team wanting to place two Iranian stowaway boys, 11 & 13 years, with us for one night only. We declined, under the circumstances, but felt guilty.


Very little restorative sleep was had thereafter.

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Mrs NB arrived in Colchester about 2.45 am having spent about 30 minutes in and around the Rugby/Lutterworth area as the M6-A14 access was closed and alternate route signposting was non-existant and we didn't find out until she passed Birmingham. There were a few phone calls back to me at base with access to Google Maps.......Eventually she regained the M1 at Lutterworth with a view to accessing the A14 from there, but that too was closed, so she travelled via the M25 and A12. Not a journey that would probably be advisable during normal daylight hours, but at "silly o'clock am", it was quite easy.


That Rugby M1/M6 junction with the A14 is total anarchy.

It completely de-railed us on Christmas Eve - right as our intermediate destination @ Rugby was literally in sight. No signs, no warning it was screwed. The alternative is so easy - to leave at that next Daventry vast tin box in-land port southwards. 

With no diversion signs and in the failing light we ploughed along some tiny waterlogged roads and visited exotic spots like Husbands Bosworth - added an extra hour well after the end of Festival of 9 carols and lessons from Kings College Cantab.

Eventually got to Oxford far later than expected. Good thing we have mobiles these days.


Back in middle son's band days, they were playing somewhere like Keele students union and got my van back home to Tyneside worryingly late - like well after 4 or 5 in the morning. Eventually it came out that TKB's journey back had included the length of the M62 nearly twice as "Hard men don't use Road Maps".

Can't imagine David Bowie saying that :jester:




Good Grief the window cleaner is here... in the frost !

Edit: Poor lad told me it's the first day he's worked since November - 'cos of rain.

Edited by runs as required
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