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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Just wondering as I browse this Early Risers topic at 11.38 am I to late !



It is always early somewhere on the planet.  Come on in and have a cuppa.


Another day with no word from Jock.  Concerned here.  Entirely unrelated news has consisted of a friend's father being hurt in a car crash in which the other driver passed away, and of another friend just diagnosed with breast cancer and facing all the rigours that will impose on her life - including taking a year's break from her university degree.  


Sunday has been somewhat busy.  Neighbours (father and son) departed to Holland to catch up with previously-departed daughter leaving mother here but about to fly to Greece (for some voluntary work) then on to Holland herself.  I have become the neighbourhood travel advisor and co-ordinator which duty included enabling online check-in and seat selection direct with the airline which they had thought wasn't possible with an agency booking.  It is.  


Planted numerous green things.  Tidied up the verandah and driveway ahead of next Saturday's house concert.  Pressed uniforms for the next nine days which will start at 04.15 tomorrow morning.  


Smile at the world.  Have the rest of a good weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Ian having dealt with tax inspectors for most of my working life the idea of one of them writing erotic literature tickled me. My prefered reading is crime thrillers and those authors who write with tongue in cheek I like even more. My current reading is quite serious however but is pretty good so I don't think much else but reading will get done today.

And, of course, as a relatively newly-wed, I certainly don't need erotic anything....... Cue hollow laughter when Sherry reads that!


I meant to mention that as part of my stewarding duty last night I got a seat for the play, issued at the last minute, so at the end of a row. And the lady next to me was introduced by Jackie as being mother to the guy who we expect to convert Sherry's bathroom this Summer. Apparently she acts, and has had roles in Corrie, Emmerdale, The Bill etc, yet was as effusive as anyone about the acting she saw on stage last night. Hard not to enjoy company like that.

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Afternoon all,

A nice sunny day here. 

Did some tidying and throwing away in the garage today. 

Somehow it may look like I've just been re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, however. 


Mention of Crossrail reminds me of some consultancy I did on the project for one of the large engineering companies involved, about 2 decades ago now.

Good grief, how long do we take to do stuff in this country! 

Anyway, as part of the work i got to visit a mock up of some of the station areas and passenger walkways. Quite surreal, really as it was on an old industrial estate in west London. 


Anyway, have a nice day everyone. Andy

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon/Evening All


Sorry that I'm now about 8 pages behind with little time to read and catch up, or to rate anybody's posts.  Put it down to the vast areas of 45156 towers which need to have the application of a paint roller/brush, which is a job which seems to be expanding to consume all of the hours that I have spare at the mo.  So generic greetings are offered to all ERs.


I'll try to do better once the paint cans are consigned to the bins....


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

You certainly took the bait on that one :)


Edit: No disrespect to CJ, but I seriously doubt that his observations had the slightest impact on post-war railway architecture. He was simply describing what was already happening.


My post was intended to be obviously idiotic, but I seem to have hit a nerve. Sorry about that.


No problem Andy.


I have long championed the cause for removing the description of all layouts portraying the post end of steam era as "Modern Image" or even "modern image". (The capitalisation is seized upon by some)

 After all, steam has been absent from the mainline (apart from railtours/specials) for getting on towards 50 years! Nothing modern about 1970s diesel (and electric) modelling.


CJF is one of my model railway "heroes" if you can ever have such a thing. I spent hours and hours looking at his plans books for inspiration.

If I ever get round to having about a 30 feet square space for a permanent layout, the plan will be based upon one of his. IIRC, the plan is actually in the same magazine in which he writes his "modern image" article!




Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Gold

Converted into a railway room perhaps?

Sadly rather more prosaic. Sherry currently has a nice bathroom, created in 2006 when the flats were converted, but it has a shower over the bath. Since she hopes to have a hip replacement this year, she will be unable to step into the bath for many weeks post-op. A walk-in shower is required instead.

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  • RMweb Gold

I often had a good chat with CJF at shows when he was in better health. The first time was in Barrow when I took Appledore to their show and being loosely based Seaton we had a long chat together.

Now relaxing in the bath after doing some gardening. The last of the fence panels is behind some roses so I now have quite a few cuts.

Will be back in the conservatory later continuing to install more LEDs into N scale rolling stock with Rochelle Web cam on the big screen.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon everyone, very late on parade today I'm afraid. We had a bit of a lie in this morning, following our breakfast in bed. Very decadent I know, but who cares, certainly not Sheila or I.


Anyway, after getting up late, a little more packing away of stuff from the living room was done. Making ready for the decorating that will take place next month, nothing like getting prepared, even if it is leaving things to the eleventh hour.


It seems that I am not alone with this decorating thing that's going on then!

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  • RMweb Premium


It seems that I am not alone with this decorating thing that's going on then!


There will be some decorating tasks (wallpapering) at wife's work in the next couple of days as they facelift one of the restaurant rooms for a new look next weekend as they introduce "steak on the stone" to the menu.


Off down there very shortly to do some painting for the same project.


Maybe some modelling will be done later.




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Sadly rather more prosaic. Sherry currently has a nice bathroom, created in 2006 when the flats were converted, but it has a shower over the bath. Since she hopes to have a hip replacement this year, she will be unable to step into the bath for many weeks post-op. A walk-in shower is required instead.



From my current experience, I had a hip op just 5 weeks ago, it was only three weeks before I could lift my leg to use an over the bath shower. I know everyone's rate if recovery is different, but you may be pleasantly surprised.


Good luck Sherry. :)

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Evening all...


My mother has a walk in/wet room shower, but insists on mopping the whole place dry before leaving.  We've tried to explain the wet room concept, but she won't have it.


For those of you who love thrillers and have Sky Atlantic, give The Tunnel - Sabotage a go.  I loved the first series, so started watching this second series and found Sky had given you the option of downloading all eight episodes.  Big mistake...


Having watched the first one, we then watched five in a row on Friday and two last night.  Who said couch potatoes were a dying breed....


Great edge of the seat stuff.


Golf this morning was rubbish, so sat and watched Leicester save a point and then Arsenal this evening.  They were poor and seem to have lost their way completely...

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Evening all...


My mother has a walk in/wet room shower, but insists on mopping the whole place dry before leaving.  We've tried to explain the wet room concept, but she won't have it.


For those of you who love thrillers and have Sky Atlantic, give The Tunnel - Sabotage a go.  I loved the first series, so started watching this second series and found Sky had given you the option of downloading all eight episodes.  Big mistake...


Having watched the first one, we then watched five in a row on Friday and two last night.  Who said couch potatoes were a dying breed....


Great edge of the seat stuff.


Golf this morning was rubbish, so sat and watched Leicester save a point and then Arsenal this evening.  They were poor and seem to have lost their way completely...


They sell walk-in bath tubs here although I think they are a bit spendy. I imagine they are available in the UK too.


I have no experience with them, but I wonder how good the seal is, and what happens if it suddenly fails. Would it be a bit like the scene at the end of Towering Inferno? :)

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For those of you who love thrillers and have Sky Atlantic, give The Tunnel - Sabotage a go.  I loved the first series, so started watching this second series and found Sky had given you the option of downloading all eight episodes.


We "binge watched" Fortitude recently. Slightly reminiscent of the original Quatermass.
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Andyleopard.......... you seem to have changed your tune a bit since your pre-op pessimism!  Not a criticism, more a positive observation. It's amazing really, modern orthopaedic surgery, I also have a lot to thank them for.



Yup Neil, that is so very true. I think I didn't really realise just how insidious the thing had become, although I wasn't in continuous pain. It was quite scary being given the news that I needed the op so quickly and in no uncertain terms, but if things continue to progress apace I'll be a new man by the Summer!


Just been out for another walk with doggy and SWMBO riding shotgun, I guess about a mile and a half, slowed down a bit towards the end and a bit sore now, but it'll be worth it I'm sure.


I have a cuppa, courtesy of SWMBO, there may just be a pre-supper nap in the offing. :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone. The reason for our long lie in this morning was the fact that today marks the 4th anniversary of my cancer diagnosis. We spent quite a long time discussing our feelings about that day 4 years ago, what we imagined it might hold for us, and what has actually happened since then. The main outcome of that discussion was that thankfully, I'm still here and with a lust for life, with a huge desire to live. The treatment of cancer has come a long way over recent years and it no longer means a death sentence that it once did. I count myself very lucky to still be here, as many don't get a second chance.


Like lots of people my age (60 in a few months) I don't consider myself old, but yet to many I'm ancient. So here's to the future, long may it last.

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  • RMweb Premium

So here's to the future, long may it last.

Second that entirely, Brian!


Evening all. Took things slow today and will see to revisiting the ENT doc tomorrow to expedite recovery. It seems the bug has migrated from the throat to the sinuses over the weekend, which hopefully means it'll get out easier eventually.


Best wishes to anyone who might need them! :yes:

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  • RMweb Premium

Yup Neil, that is so very true. I think I didn't really realise just how insidious the thing had become, although I wasn't in continuous pain. It was quite scary being given the news that I needed the op so quickly and in no uncertain terms, but if things continue to progress apace I'll be a new man by the Summer!


Just been out for another walk with doggy and SWMBO riding shotgun, I guess about a mile and a half, slowed down a bit towards the end and a bit sore now, but it'll be worth it I'm sure.


I have a cuppa, courtesy of SWMBO, there may just be a pre-supper nap in the offing. :)


A mile and a half! Wow!  You're doing great, that is really good news.  Yeah, there is a price to pay after exercise, but it gets better.  Just keep doing the physio, they know what they're doing.

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So today:

  • Got up at 8, breakfast and coffee. 
  • Finished up some teaching material for this week, which was quicker because of a brainwave.
  • Walked dogs
  • SWMBO washed one dog because of excess of mud - I videoed it but there was excessive camera shake because I was laughing so much.
  • Lunch
  • Made scones for Sandy's aunt's cream tea.
  • Visited said aunt
  • Visited FIL who fell over on Fridya because of diabetic hypo. He's OK
  • Came home, cooked meal

Not done today

  • Lawns
  • Clearing up outside
  • Modelling
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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


Quite a busy day here too.

Up at 6. Read some of paper.

Spoons breakfast for no particular reason other than I fancied an F.E.B.

Visited and spent some time with 'me mam' on her 85th birthday.

Went to watch Newcastle Falcons virtually ensure premiership rugby next season.


Now enjoying a glass of red and reading the rest of the paper.


Today has been a good day. Hope yours has too.

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Got some gardening done today.  One less vicious red leaved spiky stemmed plant to inflict injury in the garden.  The red leaves looked lovely but the vicious spikes won't be missed.

Well an exciting weekend has almost finished.  Earlier in the week I had to call 999 for my wife's chest pains and she was given the all clear from anything heart related.  

Friday she went to bed about 20.00 feeling likely to vomit.  

Tonight as I write she is still there 49.5 hours later.  No food and only water to drink.  I wont comment on the colour of bile she has passed since taking to the bed. 

Only a few weeks ago she spent 4 days in bed not, eating or drinking, with D&V and I finally had to encourage the on call GP to leave his haven.  Am wondering whether she will shake this off or if it will continue in this vein.

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A relaxing day with a couple of very mundane tasks completed. I've spent most of the rest of the day watching Tony Wright's excellent YouTube Locomotive Kit Building Guide. Inspiration has arrived in a form that a kit I bought last year will be started on this coming week.


Thinking of those with illnesses, recovering or missing. Could also do with news of Jock.


Night all

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