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Early Risers.


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Morning All,


We have a rather grey morning here, but it isn't raining at the moment and the forecast says sunshine later.


I have a day of testing ahead of me once again.  Plus a stack of paperwork to get through.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all, rather earlier than usual, from a rather grey and slightly damp village.   The management have various appointments this morning starting with helping with a Weightwatchers class in the centre of Leeds, then off to Bradford to see a hip surgeon.  Hopefully he will be able to offer some sort of relief from the pain that she has in one hip.  I've been recruited as driver for the morning and will take my laptop and do some CAD work whilst waiting at the fat club.   Then more Christian Aid collecting and a Church Meeting.  This was meant to be retirement.  I'll hope to fit some modelling in somewhere in between things.


Hope that all of you have a good day whatever your circumstances.


Jim, hope that your Mum gets good and quick treatment for whatever ails her and hope that there are no repercussions from you encounter with the cyclist.    I was only telling No 1 son the other day about how dangerous it is wearing headphones when cycling and the need to be able to hear things that are happening.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from Chipstead station.


Strike Day on Southern


The plan was to catch a bus to Coulsdon Town but no buses appearing on the online departure board. Other option was Caterham station but National Rail shows them terminating at Purley all day. This could be wrong but if true then that would mean getting on an already packed train. So a 15 minute drive to Chipstead station and my other half taking the car back home as she can work at home today.


She isn't looking forward to the single track roads though.




Haven't been to this station in about twenty years. Train filling up already.


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It's raining.

I umpired 23 over 60s cricketers yesterday ...well 22 players plus an umpire. Yorkshire beat Lancashire by 9 wickets. It was a delight to umpire.

Today I should be umpiring Leeds uni 2nds at Ilkley CC but...it's raining.


On Sunday I am either umpiring a ladies match at Vernon Carus or scoring at Collegiate orwatching the rain fall from home. The weather forecast looks like option 3 will be a winner.


After not being paid since December eldest Herbert has now got a contract and will get his back pay this month. Academe seem to be unable to grapple with mundane items like paying people.


Have a great day and wishing everyone with ailments or who have friends and family with ailments well. For everyone else have a nice day!



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Hello Muddah, hello Fadduh,
Here I am at Camp Grenada
Camp is very entertaining
and they say we'll have some fun if it stops raining.


Chap coming to have a look at the bedroom window in about half an hour if he turns up. Thing is open wider down the hinge side than the opening. Hinges fubar I expect. Can't be bothered to investigte TBH. Like I said to the management, my days putting plastic windows in werre a long time ago. They were cr@p then and they're cr@p now, but what do I know?


As the above mentioned management is doing a fair impersonation ot the cartoon Tazmanian Devil (on speed) I am going to have to abandon my cuurent hiding place and head out to the shop. I shall use the pretense of fetching mik and dawdle all the way there and all the way back. I'll try to be back in time for the start of cricket on the radio, just in case it every stops raining.


Condolences to Richard and family, thought to all sick, injured and missing in action.



Just walking in the rain, getting soaking wet ...

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Good morning everyone.


A grey and damp start to the day, but at least it's not raining, although it has rained during the night. Today I'm working in and around the Kendal area, with my last trip ending just north of Lancaster. Again they are all easy jobs and barring heavy traffic on the roads shouldn't be too much hassle.


Jim. I hope all goes well with your Mums tests.


Whatever you are doing today, have a good one.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Overcast here, not raining.

My personal weather forecaster suggests that thunder and rain is likely later.

Parcels are expected, two definitely out for delivery and another was sent by Royal Mail first class yesterday.

One of the parcels isn't for me!


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather dull here and rain expected has arrived while I'm typing. There may be some sunny spells later.

I have nothing planned at the moment but will have to go and collect The Boss from work shortly. She may well have plans (for me) and I will probably have to give her a driving lesson on the new tumble dryer as it has a programme knob, several buttons and blinking lights which is a lot more than the old one. The dear girl gets confused with technological stuff like our 3 gang light switch in the hall so I may be some time.

Have a good one,


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Do you still have butties waiting for you at Dalegarth. George and I always did when Betty Sim was in charge.Jamie

Sadly not! Volunteers get a red token which is exchanged in either of the cafes for a bite and a drink, so mine is usually a bacon butty and a latte at Ravenglass between turns.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Rain hasn't arrived here yet but as its reached Sutton it can't be that far away. Not a lot doing today except some shopping. Bye for now, be back later.

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Morning all, not posted for a while been a bit miserable but coming round a bit. The sunny weather helped even though it meant gardening had to be done lawns mowed then edged stuff tidied to the tip, rabbits and guinea pig moved to their summer quarters etc. Really sad to hear your news Dave I think you are doing a great job sorry I can't express that better.


Today will be spent filing papers for a long time then a trip out in the rain....    I swiped this from ChrisF as I think it fits,   Best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, missing, depressive and grieving. This includes Big Jim.

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Morning all, it's grey here and a few spits and spots of rain have been observed.


I was absent on a conference yesterday and had bloods this morning. The NHS is finally heaving itself towards getting me the appointment that the eye specialist requested 18 months ago. I suspect it will take so long to arrive that I'll need the bloods all over again, as apparently they need to have been within 6 weeks.


Sorry to hear about Jim's day yesterday and the sad news from the Hippodrome. A good wallow may be in order. Although not in self pity. That feeling can be addictive and is best avoided in my experience!


The in laws leave today. The FiL's consumption of red wine means, I suspect, that he has trouble controlling his bag. Most of the specks on the downstairs bathroom wall came off but not all.


And with that pleasant thought going round your head I bid you a good day.

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Morning all, 


Raining here, and the youngest is off on a school trip to a farm. I look forward with eager anticipation to him returning covered in mud in a few hours time.

When he was looking at our layout the other day I asked if there was anything he particularly wanted it to have.

"Sheep! The old layout was much better as it had sheep that I could look after."  


Have a nice, albeit wet, day. 



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Morning all




.  So I've been looking out for a Class 159 in SWT colours, and one popped up on ebay, with sound. It seemed a good price, all things considered, and I am not disappointed - but the sound is dire. Probably a better speaker would help. I do know a bit about sound, as I must have 40 or more HO and On30 locos with it, more than half installed by me. I have resisted the temptation to put sound in my UK and European models due to cost. I think this 159 will remain unique in that respect.





Ian, A looky on the Model Railroad Hobbyist site will garner you info about adapting/fitting IPhone5 speakers, which are available on Ebay for very cheap, and are alleged to be the beezneez for sound. There are around 8 pages here  http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/15636

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Good evening everyone.


Another good day at work today, 5 jobs in and around Lancaster have been completed; Slyne, Caton,  I even managed to have lunch alfresco as the weather was so nice.



Should have given me a shot, I would have joined you for a cuppa - Caton is only a short walk from chez 45156.

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Quite. From the same theme as "Even a black hole can't eat three Shredded Wheat!"

I hear that Donald Trump has 3 shredded wheat for breakfast. He only eats two however, the third he wears on his head.

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