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Early Risers.


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Morning all. Feeling really relaxed this morning after a good nights sleep and I woke before the alarm clock disturbed me.


As mentioned before, I'm off out to see some friends this morning who I haven't seen for a few months. It could be quite entertaining.


Time for another coffee before I head off.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


If I were going to Wigan I would have had to rise a sight earlier than I did this morning!  There is a train from MK to Crewe just after 8 but after that the territory is distinctly uncharted and if I were to catch it I would need to be on the bus at MK city centre about now - which clearly I'm not.  My late friend Jim Middleton, a 7mm practitioner, used to speak very highly of it as a show and perhaps one year I will make the trip, raising an e-glass to him as I travel.


Today's entertainment will be rather closer to home, albeit 40 miles away.  The learned among us will know of the poet Les Barker.  This evening offers a chance to see and hear him read some of his clever and surreal verse.  Those who know them well still rock with mirth at the bizarre images he conjures.  The T shirt that I shall wear tonight proclaims "I can't find my camouflage net" and I do hope he reads that poem.  The location is Haddenham Village Hall, west of Aylesbury.  In the hall proper is a ceilidh with the lord of misrule himself, Gordon Potts, calling the dances.  What's not to like?


Tomorrow, I suspect, will be quieter.  Yesterday was unremarkable after the fodder run, save that I caught up with the first of the new BBC4 railway series and found it rather well done.  Drat, I suppose I should have made that comment in the thread devoted to that topic.  Hey, it's early in the day, but not early enough.


Best wishes to all travellers and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed



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Morning all from the boring borough. Working but via remote access vpn. Beats sitting in an office doing the same thing as the servers I'm working on are in a datacentre miles away. The only upside to this is no cockwombles about. The project manglement is "busy" so I am left alone to get on with things. Some of those things will involve cooking a rather nice looking roast on the bbq during some of the many wait periods of the day.


Not much else to say apart from enjoy the weekend.

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Yesterday we fixed down the EDPM on the new part of the flat roof. The EDPM is like a pond liner. To fix it you have to use a paint roller to coat the deck with water based glue ( latex based I think as it dries rubbery). You do it half at a time. Lay the EDPM out then fold one half back, roll on the adhesive, roll the EDPM back using a soft brush to remove any wrinkles and press the EDPM down. You then repeat for the other half. After that it was fixing the edges up the rafters on the two sides adjoining the pitched roof. I then needed to cover the rafters with roofing felt (actually a breather membrane) which lapped over the EDPM and fit sufficient laths to hold the felt.

As rain was promised it needed to be finished which was done by ten pm (using a torch at the end).

Great fun this DIY.



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Good morning all,

There seems to be some blue sky and a hint of sunshine. I hope it doesn't last and the forecast heavy and thundery rain appears because I'm not in the mood for shedding the felt. :no:

I would far rather be doing something railway related. We shall see. The Lady Boss has not made any plans for this weekend and no visitors are scheduled which is all rather unusual for GDB towers There are of course some rugby matches and some sort of car race to watch on the box so that's a bonus but I daresay she won't like that.     :nono:       I will.   :yes:

Have a good weekend,


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A game of ladies indoor cricket to be umpired later this morning then I may go to the pub....


Off to get my mug of tea drunk before breakfast

Have a great day/evening


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I once turned left in Luxembourg rather too early and found myself facing three across cars waiting patiently for their turn to go on green. It was actually difficult to extricate the car from  but everyone was sympathetic (as you would be with a lunatic) when they realized I was English.


Debs’ photo had no trains, only track.


Awaiting sleep at 3:00amish. Indigestion....


Best, Pete.

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Morning from a rather noisy quiet coach in a Pendolino on our way to Wigan.


The booking had split our reservations up bu luckily we have swapped seats with a group of fans off to a match somewhere. No colours so not sure who they support or where they are heading apart from on our train. All about my age so all well behaved so far.


Rain started aswell.

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Why hi!


Dull morning here, just off to Daisy's to say happy birthday (8) and grandson Henry will be round later.


Pete - I once managed to drive round Bath on the wrong side of the road. After 5 weeks in France I had to go to a conference at the university the morning after I came back. Early start, down the motorway, got there and started round a city I had never been to (by car) before. Suddenly I realised i was driving towards a BUS LANE with backwards text. After a moment's thought I worked out that it was me that was wrong by 180º and I was driving on the right...


I always thought that keeping overt trains off this thread was a good idea. Just ducked out of another thread where wars seem to be beginning. Don't want to see that here!


Have a nice day, all. Enjoy whatever it is you are doing.

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Morning.  Rain.  Darkness, getting darker.


LThis is because we are off on a walk with Manx National Heritage at lunchtime to the great walls of laxey.  There are dry stone walls that are about ten feet wide, no-one really knows why, although it has been suggested they were to keep the elephants in the fields.  Well, we have wild wallabies here, so elephants are a possibility? 


Even darker now, torrential rain on it's way I think!

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Sitting in the car in drizzle watching the dobbins eat the lawn. Across the field a man in a tractor is knocking 7 bells out of a thick hedge. I am concerned that when he gets to this side, where he is merely skimming bushes and tall weeds, the roar of his kit will make the girls panic and bust out of the temporary electric fence. It may be a long day. I was up just after 6, and to her considerable credit Alison appeared before 7.30 leaving Gerry in bed. We moved the dobbins and pulled out all the old electric fence, with further help from neighbour Richard. Hopefully before nightfall I can reinstate that and put the girls back in the field. Sigh.

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Morning all,


Hope Debs' trip to Wigan works out well and she doesn't fall off the pier or do anything equally silly (no talking remember).  There is a show on in Swansea today but like Wigan I'm not going there or I would have left by now and it's probably raining there too and it's a fair old walk from the station down to the Museum (just past the site of Victoria for those whose memories stretch back that far).  But not going anywhere today ought to store brownie points for a trip to the Farnham show next weekend and that might deliver something of interest if the expected boat aeroplane has come in by then.  Mrs Stationmaster has set off for 'community gardening' but I'm not sure where they're doing their digging today so it will be awkward if she calls for a lift when the rain restarts.


So have a good day whatever you're doing one & all

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Good morning everyone.


It's rather dull here at the moment, but at least it's dry. Evie has been fed and watered and I'm off to collect Ava shortly.


No 2 son and his fiancé are dropping in this afternoon and they will be stopping for tea, which this weekend is a takeaway and which he has said he is paying for (yippee).


I've not been to the Wigan show for a few years now, it's always a good one, for those who are going I hope it still is!


Back later, enjoy your day.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Getting a bit grey here this morning after some bright sunshine first thing. I am considering what to do with the shed once the builder has finished. It is only 1 X 2.2 metres with a 34 X 34cm brick pillar dividing it at the centre point, this cannot be removed without the house collapsing. I am considering making it a man cave if I can get an electricity supply and lighting sorted out, not too difficult as its only a few feet  away from the distribution board. Nice to hear from Debs again and I hope she makes it to Wigan without any problems. On the breakfast show this morning they reported that there is a hurricane brewing up in the western Atlantic, Hurricane Matthew. Its rated as a 5, the first hurricane with such a high rating for several years. Thats it for now, be back later.

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If I were going to Wigan 

I were, but no I were not!


Having risen at a sensible time and fired up the faithful beast, fed it with fire water and got as far as Eccleshall.


At this point it started making  rather rude loud f^rting noises which was symptomatic of a back exhaust box failure,


To emphasis the point, it fell off as I was pulling onto a driveway.


The PH is going to have a look to see if it is possible to weld it back together and save taking it to the local exhaust emporium (who are very good) for replacement.


However, our combined engineering knowledge knows that by the time these exhausts fail, in most cases replacement is the only option.


But it's not all doom and gloom as prior to our visit to the local hostelry last night, quite a bit of sorting and tidying of the larger machine tools and associated tooling was carried out with a view to installing them into their new home.


This will happen once the new bench is built, but this cannot happen until the boxes of bone china are removed from the storage cupboards in the workshop.  Until this happens, we cannot put the stuff that should be in the cupboards into the cupboards.  I will also have more space in the cupboards once the glut of 4 mm stuff is boxed and sold off. These original boxes being in another big box in the roof of the garage, which I cannot reach due to the PH loading a load of other boxes in front of the box I want!


The Obergrumpenfuhrer was lucky in that she went out to a GirlguidingUK adult training session prior to my foray north.


Hurricane Matthew. Its rated as a 5, the first hurricane with such a high rating for several years. 

Currently Dangling around Dingle if earlier reports from ERs are correct!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Afternoon all. Hope everyone is well? if not, speedy recovery, etc.


It is rather wet and miserable here in Nuneaton (at Richard's until Wednesday). Glad I'm not planning to go out anywhere for a few days!


I had planned to get some modelling work done last night, but my back put paid to that idea, ending up going to bed early with a combination of morphine and diazepam knocking me out. Now to start the day afresh with a cuppa and more painkillers.


Am really getting fed up with how my back is, no signs of it showing any improvement, but GP won't do anything until it has been at least 6 weeks. So painkillers and rest until late October is my future for now.


I do finally have a hearing test booked however for week after next, that should hopefully please my friend who keeps moaning about my not hearing what she says (though I have my doubts and suspect it is more an inability to process noise rather than actual hearing).


Now, more tea needed!

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I had planned to get some modelling work done last night, but my back put paid to that idea, ending up going to bed early with a combination of morphine and diazepam knocking me out. Now to start the day afresh with a cuppa and more painkillers.


Am really getting fed up with how my back is, no signs of it showing any improvement, but GP won't do anything until it has been at least 6 weeks. So painkillers and rest until late October is my future for now.


I do finally have a hearing test booked however for week after next, that should hopefully please my friend who keeps moaning about my not hearing what she says (though I have my doubts and suspect it is more an inability to process noise rather than actual hearing).



I wonder if your health professionals are considering your problems as a whole or trying to deal with isolated symptoms?

These days the GP consultations are about 10 minutes I understand which doesn't give much time to investigate a whole body approach.

Good luck with it all.

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I wonder if your health professionals are considering your problems as a whole or trying to deal with isolated symptoms?

These days the GP consultations are about 10 minutes I understand which doesn't give much time to investigate a whole body approach.

Good luck with it all.


I'm not sure really, but some of it might be my diagnosis of Fibromyalgia hampering things as it is difficult to tell which is causing what sometimes. Presently the one is making the other worse. But GP said they wouldn't send for scans etc unless it'd been like it for 6 weeks as they felt it was just a soft tissue injury. They couldn't really give me any stronger painkillers as I'm already on morphine for the fibromyalgia, so all they could really do was give 3 days worth of diazepam and put me back on a medication i'd previously been on for the fibromyalgia.


Unfortuately, with fibromyalgia, there is no cure, there is not even an understanding of what causes it, so it often is a case of 'heres pills, go away' in effect as they can't really do a great deal more for it.


At my practice, most appointments are 5 minutes, unless you ask for a 10 minute appointment when booking.

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